Home Care Marketing Online: 2 Moves You Should Make NOW to Increase Home Care Leads and Visibility

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Copyright 2012 LTC Expert Publications

Home Care Marketing Online: 2 Moves You Should Make NOW

to Increase Online Visibility and Leads

Valerie VanBooven RN BSNLTC Expert Publicationswww.ltcsocialmark.com

Copyright 2012 LTC Expert Publications

Agenda• Get your online marketing house in

order.• Website• Tracking of Leads• Calculating ROI

• 1st Move You Should Make NOW for Increased Visibility and Leads

• 2nd Move You Should Make NOW for Increased Visibility and Leads

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Get your online marketing house in order.

•Website•Tracking of Leads•Calculating ROI

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Return On Investment

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Return On Investment

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#1 Move You Should Make Now

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What is Pinterest?• Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.• Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful

things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

• Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.

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Can You Use Pinterest for Business?


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Pin your Content.

• Create Boards

• Blog Posts must have photos.

• Pictures of Staff

• Stock Photos

• Logos

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Valerie’s Pinterest Account

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Add a Link Back to Your Blog Post or Website

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10 Tips for Better Pinterest

SEOby Sage Lewis


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Be sure to upload your own images at least some of the time. Re-pinning other people's images is a good idea but will not have as much value as contributing your own images.

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Make sure the file name of your image contains your targeted key phrase. "Feb2012_20120204_0015.jpg" is not going to rank as well as “home_care_media_pa.jpg."

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Pin from a variety of different sources as opposed to one specific site. Variety of images will make your overall Pinterest account more compelling. Without a doubt, re-pinning, liking, and commenting is going to play a role in where your images appear.

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After you upload an image, you can edit your

pin to change your description and add a link.

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Pinterest descriptions can be 500 characters. Use them all. Your description should be a keyword-rich explanation or

commentary on the image you posted. You can edit the

descriptions of anything you have pinned or re-pinned.

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Play around on Pinterest to see what catches your eye and what compels you to engage with an image. Make a mental note of these kinds of images so that

you can upload similar types of content.

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Don't forget that this is social media. It is not your advertising platform. Comment, like, and re-pin other

people's images. As with any social media platform, people with more

followers will have more power. It's very likely that in the near future, part of a

search algorithm will include how engaging your Pinterest profile is.

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Create a variety of different boards and make sure the names of the boards are

keyword-rich. "Places I love" is not going to serve you as well as “Senior Care Media PA."

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Add the "Follow" button and the "Pin It" button for

websites. The key to social media is to give people what they want. Right now people want Pinterest, so give it to


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Don't be "that guy." I see it already. People are posting nothing but

infographics and superficial images that assuredly will never offend

anyone. These are the worst kinds of profiles. Just be yourself. Like

what you like. And be kind to other people.

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Bonus tip: URLs that you add to images when you edit your pin are

"nofollow." So these links should not be given any weight according to standard nofollow rules. However, you can put

URLs in your descriptions. Those currently are followed, meaning that Google should follow these and give

the URL weight.

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2nd Move You Should Make NOW for

Increased Visibility and Leads

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YUK!No one ENJOYS asking for

testimonials and reviews…..BUT it’s an absolute

necessity in this market.


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We all rely on other people’s opinions to make our at least some of our choices, especially in choosing goods and services.


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Combined Insurance Company of America founder, W. Clement Stone, very successfully sold life insurance, an intangible product, to his customers by using this simple technique:

He sent his salesmen out to speak to potential customers with only a binder of over 200 testimonials from previous satisfied customers. Salesmen would flip through the binder, read a few testimonials, and attempt to close the sale. If a customer was not sold, the salesman would flip through a few more testimonials, and attempt to close the sale once more.

The rate at which customers signed up for his insurance was astounding! Usually before 25 testimonials, a sale was made.

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In the internet world, where online marketing techniques are highly questionable, consumers often refer to forums, blogs, reviews and networking sites to find out whether a product or service is worth spending money on.

Placed strategically, a testimonial within web copy or as a headline can help sell a product or service

faster than a marketer selling his own product.

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Send clients or customers a brief request with a few short questions and ask them to complete this

at their earliest convenience. These should be specific, such as “Our aging loved one was much

happier after hiring ABC Home Care. Our caregiver Jane was the best!” or “I was able to sleep at night for the first time in months”, etc

Never underestimate the power of social proof, acceptance and


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Next Steps:• Websites, Leads, Internet Marketing-

Contact LTCEP at:

• Phone: 888-404-1513

• www.LTCSocialMark.com

• www.HomeCareDaily.com

• George@ltcep.com

• Valerie@ltcep.com Q/A