Home - Faith for the Familyother believers. The Word of God exhorts, “Not forsaking the assembling...

Post on 28-Sep-2020

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I The Enemy Wants Both of Us ............................ 11

II Ask the Lord ...........................................................25

III He Strengthened His Hand in God ................ 39

IV A Messenger Came...............................................53

V Chasing Fleas ...................................................... 67

VI When God’s Man Is Gone ................................ 83

VII Our Day of Death ................................................ 99

VIII The Sadness of Unbelief .................................... 113

IX The Lord Would Not Answer ....................... 125

X The Path of Disobedience ..................................141

XI They Remembered David’s Song .......................151

XII The Road to JerusalemLeads Through Ziklag .......................................161

XIII Stripping the Slain ............................................... 177


The Enemy Wants Both of Us The Life of David, Volume 2


everyone else standing with that Christian. If we are ever going to defeat him, we need to be free from the law of sin and death, we need to be forgiven and cleansed, and we need to be faithful in our fellowship with other believers in the local church.

To defeat the Devil, we must have forgiveness and cleansing on a daily basis. If you let something go, the Devil will say, “That is all I need.” There are many places, many breaches, many breaks where the Devil attempts to enter in.

We Must Be Faithful in Our Fellowship

With Other BelieversIt is wonderful to worship God in spirit and in truth with

other believers. The Word of God exhorts, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

We are strengthened in the inner man through our worship and fellowship with God’s people.

David’s heart was broken, but he said, “Abiathar, don’t worry about it. You join up with us. Saul has been looking for me like a man chases after an animal to kill it. The truth is, he has his hand on his spear now just thinking about how good it would feel to drive it through my heart. He has a spear in his hand and murder in his heart.”

Beloved, we have a real enemy. He desires to devour us. Let us stand together in the strength of the Lord. Our vision of God is greater when He delivers us from all our foes. Satan is a roaring lion, but he is a defeated foe. Christ lives and we have victory in Him!

There is a Devil who is a roaring lion, who walks about seeking whom he may devour. He wants God and all of His creation. He wants you and all of your family. He wants every Christian and