Post on 04-Oct-2021

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Grade 8

What is Home Economics?

❖ The five modules that make up the Intermediate curriculum represent the major subject areas and the underlying concepts of home economics.

❖ At the intermediate level, students will not undertake a great depth of study in any particular module, but concentrate on 2 or 3 modules where time allows.

5 Modules of Home Economics:❖Human Development❖Foods & Nutrition❖Clothing & Textiles❖Financial Management❖Housing & Shelter

When Home Economics is semesterized, students will only cover parts of 2 to 3 modules for that term.

Assignments & Projects◦Since Home Economics is semesterized, there are only about 26 classes in total.

◦The program is designed to be project based, with the majority of work to be completed IN CLASS.

◦ If a students choses to waste their time and NOT complete the assigned tasks during class, then they will be given one opportunity to make up the missed work at lunchtime. Otherwise the mark will be recorded as is.

◦There will be ONE at-home project, which is a cross-curricular project with Social Studies.

◦If a student misses a class, it is essential that they make up the missed work.

◦All presentations, worksheets and projects will be uploaded to my webpage.

Food & Nutrition❖ There will be at least 2 cooking labs throughout the term.

Each lab consists of 3 parts:• Overview of recipe/ safety procedures• The preparing/ cooking of food• A written piece connected to cooking lab

❖ Other topics covered include:• Portion sizes• Making healthy food choices• Reading Nutritional labels• Becoming a smart consumer

Clothing & Textiles

◦Hand Sewing project: A small felt ornament (4 classes)◦Clothing care / Laundry labels/ Stain removal

◦How to manage money (Becoming aware of the cost of living – housing, bills, transportation etc..)


Financial Management

Evaluation❖ Evaluation will check students' abilities to demonstrate and

apply ideas, as well as verify their knowledge and understanding of information studied. (Observations, checklists, activity sheets)

❖ Grades are primarily based on effort and willingness to complete each project / assignment in accordance to the particular guidelines of the project.

❖ Students will always be informed of how an assignment/ project will be graded at the beginning of the project. (Rubrics will always be provided for projects).