Home Page | California State Water Resources Control Board · 2016. 9. 12. · Tisdale Irrigation &...

Post on 21-Jan-2021

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U. S. Department of -_nte-ior - Bureau cf Reclamation

Cent-al Valley Ope-etions Office

Monthly Deliveries in AF

Oater Users

A.-Gerscin Cottcnwood ID

.;'.-creotti, Arthur, et al

Bez5er, ~ack,. et

Carter MIAC

Conaway Preservation Group, LLC

Eastside MWC

Forry, Laurie

Furlan -oint Ve-ture (Area #1"

Furlan oint Venture (Area #2)Glenn-Cclusa ID

Green Valley Corp.




Prater, TIC

~e-le '-:amily Limited Partnershi

~,iatt ~amily T-.st

Hiatt ~ariily T--st/IIIerich Farn

Howald Farms, I-c

Knaggs 'OeInut Ranches Co,

Lowo Ccid Storage/] '.'iiz:heli

M&T Inc.

Maxwell !D

MCM Preperties, -_rlc

Meridan Farms OC

"atornas Central MWC

O'Brien, lanice

Oji Brcs. Farms Inc

Oji, Family PTH

Pelger .'mi_tual '0C

Pleasant Grove-Verona MUC

Princetcn.-Codcre-Glenr ID

Provident Irrigation District

Re-f, Abc-1


p; Tehmina

Reclai'ation Dist #1a94

Rezlai-ation Dist #188

Reynen, 3ohn, et al

Richter 3rothers, Et All

River Carcen Farms

Roberts Ditch Irrigation Co

Sacramento River Ranch, LLC

Slitter "llitual LOC

Sycamore Family Trust

Tarke, Stephen

Tisdale Irrigation &am

p; Drain

Knights Landing Investors, LLC

Otterscin, Mike

Wilson Ranch Partnership

Windswept Land


p; Livestock Co.


Table 28

Sacramento River

Ain ul A.Lig Sep Oct Nov Dec Total3an Feb Mar Apr May

D 0 0 6,299 17,614 16,645 17,919 18,632 16,813 6,037 a 0 100,809

0 0 0 0 4C3 55S C45 607 269 0 a 0 2,542

a 0 0 0 819 516 C56 229 37 75 D 0 2,332

a 0 0 0 340 917 716 592 128 153 0 0 2,846

a 0 0 513 7,6D4 9,C14 7,2~7 4,604 1,619 1,858 a 0 33'a39

a 0 0 0 422 336 4Zs3 490 1 0 D 0 1,737

0 0 0 0 56 439 426 322 199 0 0 0 1,442

0 0 0 0 0 150 IZ2 135 3 0 a 0 471~

a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0



0 0 0 18,D17135,137137,804171,824139,193 37,355 24,019 0 0 663,349

a 0 0 0 is 66 IZ6 162 59 0 a 0 491

a 0 0 0 36 403 796 606 222 0 a 0 2,868

a 0 0 0 0 130 513 43 0 0 D 0 231

a 0 0 0 89 135 149 150 71 0 a 0 594

0 0 0 0 133 135 136 16 0 0 a 0 425

(3 0 0 104 415 445 405 2S9 100 (3 a 0 1,758

a 0 0 0 2a 139 0 0 0 0 a 0 162

a 0 0 0 92S 1,406 157 78 265 0 0 0 2,834

0 0 0 0 1,311 931 1,163 1,149 (3 409 0 (3 4,963

0 0 0 227 767 0 0 0 0 2JI248 D 0 3,242

0 0 0 0 0 101 169 IS4 42 0 a 0 49C

a 0 0 119 5,957 6,268 6,895 5,717 1,969 117 0 0 27,@42

0 0 0 0 7,166 9,333 13,752 113,355 4,495 955 D 0 46,856

0 0 0 99 175 194 14Z 0 0 0 0 0 61C

0 0 0 0 28L 555 765 353 63 0 0 0 2,024

0 0 0 0 367 603 614 342 0 0 0 0 1,926

a 0 0 0 949 1,173 765 853 379 0 a 0 4,119

E) 0 0 0 3,023 4,1a7 4,.C55 4,251 1,D88 319 0 0 17,523

0 0 0 2,960 13,210 12,81~s 14,016 11,205 2,937 3,051 0 0 59,297

0 0 0 2,690 8,6D9 8,7Z3 18,9Z6 6,979 la2 6JI727 D 0 43,106

a 0 0 0 160 36~s 570 457 140 0 a 0 1,695

0 0 0 1,1D3 la,289 11,627 15,347 9,71Z 2,546 8,838 a 0 59,468

0 0 0 72.6 38,D5Z 37,462 48,75S 27,4Z7 6,327 1,559 0 0 144,377

a 0 0 0 1,231 2,23a 2,336 1,571 709 1,028 D 0 9,158

0 0 0 2S 2DO 4,SS 430 170 (3 (3 a 0 1,316

0 0 0 0 3,731 3,694 3,772 3,173 1,998 0 D 0 15,468

0 0 0 0 545 1,037 1,263 647 319 40 0 0 a,851

0 0 0 0 392 439 606 215 21B 20 0 (3 1'891~

D 0 0 2,888 40,936 44,861 55,099 48,G38 8,e89 0 D 0 2,00,511

0 0 0 50 3,883 3,735 3,729 3,747 351 23 0 0 15,518

0 0 0 0 22 15S 1.32 192 129 35 D 0 718

a 0 0 0 1,1341 1,269 1,634 1,342 370 0 a 0 5,706

a 0 0 0 374 25S 80z 398 6 0 a 0 1,84-4

a 0 0 0 163 187 55 62 34 0 a 0 501

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



a 0 0 9 139 293 154 175 103 4 0 (3 877

0 0 0 35,83?-?-99.,D8S322,89S381,841304,67S 87,7Z5 57,515 0 01,4S9,637

*Delivery date is based on District turn-out -eacings and may include water in adoition to water service ccntract deliveries.