Homeless Prevention - programs that work

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Homelessness Prevention Programs

Programs That Work

Homelessness Prevention:

Programs that Work

Matt White, Abt Associates (Bethesda, MD)Tina Patterson, The Other Place (Dayton, OH)

COHHIO ConferenceApril 20, 2010

General/Universal Components of Homelessness Prevention

Most programs usually provide… Early intervention Financial assistance Intensive services

But how should programs organize these interventions? What’s the right mix of $$ and services? When to provide the intervention? Who to provide the intervention to?

Homelessness Prevention Context…

A national scan of model programs and best practices reveals a core group of commonalities among successful prevention programs: Focus on Housing Stability, not Emergency Shelter Crisis Resolution Targeting Client Choice Manage for Efficiency and Effectiveness Maximize Community Resources

Goal: Provide the right resources to the right people at the right point in time for the right amount of time.


PreventionEmployment Assistance

Rapid Re-housing

Housing & Support Services

MH/SA Services

Current CoC Model Emerging CoC Model



Employment Assistance


Support Services

MH/SA Services

Turning the Continuum of Care Inside – Out

Prevention Principles: Crisis Resolution

Identify the crisisRapid assessment and triage

Focus on personal safety Is the household in immediate danger?Can the client stay in existing housing?

Stabilize householdDoes client have a support network?Are other community-based services


Prevention Principles: Targeting

Determine target group(s) and eligibility criteria For example… formerly homeless Veterans,

persons leaving jail, etc. Limit to or prioritize persons who are at imminent

risk of literal homelessness Other eligibility criteria may be determined by

funding source

Determine client eligibility through screening and eligibility assessment. Funders may dictate eligibility.

Targeting (continued)

Factors impacting possible target groups:(Who will you serve?) Funding source Evictions vs. doubled up Legal issues vs. mediation Individuals vs. families Disabilities (SMD, AOD) Intensity and timing of the crisis Analyze HMIS data for homeless predictors Geographic considerations

Targeting (continued)

How can you predict who will become homeless? Homeless Risk Factors (possible predictors):

Eviction notice Homeless history Youth Domestic violence Young families Loss of job Loss of income

Targeting (continued)Barriers Assessment

Will the prevention intervention work for a particular client?

Income and housing affordability Criminal history Credit history Behavioral health issues Housing history

Previous eviction Previous non-renewal of lease Landlord references

Targeting (continued)

Clients most likely to be successful have…IncomeSocial connectionsLess significant financial needs

This is also the population for whom homelessness is most difficult to predict.

Prevention Principles: Client Choice

People in crisis are most successful when they feel empowered.

Assist client to regain controlReview client’s goals, choices,

preferencesStrengths based approachClients can’t be protected from all the

natural consequences of their actions

Prevention Principles:Effectiveness and Efficiency

Will the prevention intervention avert homelessness?

Will the prevention intervention cost less than a possible stay in emergency shelter and/or transitional housing?

Will the prevention intervention work to provide a greater degree of housing stability for the client?

Program Design Considerations

Design needs to be matched with the intensity and scope of prevention services you provide.

Who will you serve and how will you serve them? …Targeting

How will you identify clients? …Referral How will prevention services be integrated/

coordinated with other community resources? …Linkage

What are the administrative and staffing considerations? …Operations

Linkage – Coordination with Community-Based and Mainstream Services

Make existing services more accessible and effective—avoid duplication

Establish strong relationships Public assistance agenciesLocal housing authorityLocal landlords, landlord networksVA service coordinators Other veterans’ service organizationsOther homelessness prevention providers

Homelessness Prevention Best Practices

Hinge on level of coordination and collaboration between providers

Focus should be on integrating with existing local providers

Collaborative approach depends on the type of provider and the target client group

Ohio Family Homelessness Prevention Pilot

Key Design Elements… Limited financial assistance (~$1,000 per

household) Intensive home-based case

management Evolving targeting strategies

Ohio Family Homelessness Prevention Pilot

Provides limited rental assistance and intensive, home-based case management to households facing literal homelessness

3-year program (Jan ’08 through Dec ’10) Funded by State of Ohio through TANF, Ohio

Trust Fund and HPRP Administered by five nonprofit organizations

serving different communities throughout Ohio (Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Rural Counties (2), Toledo)

Ohio Pilot Eligible Activities

Direct Client Assistance

Rent Utilities Other non-housing

related expenses

Intensive Case Management

Home visits Design individualized

case management plan Connect households to

mainstream resources Skill building

Ohio Pilot Enrollment Process

Step 1: household assessment to ensure prevention assistance is needed

Step 2: enrollment and assignment of case manager who identifies needs and develops housing plan

Step 3: direct client assistance to alleviate immediate pressures related to household expenses

Ohio Household Assessment and Eligibility

Must have one or more dependent children

Must have income at or below 200% of federal poverty level and be TANF eligible

Must live in or need subsidized housingMust be at “imminent risk of

homelessness” as defined by community provider

Ohio Challenges faced by Participating Households

Lack of employmentLack of incomeReceipt of eviction noticeExperienced a medical emergencyLive in substandard housing

Similar to families that enter emergency shelters

Ohio Pilot Results



Rural Counties 739 254 152 125 27

Columbus774 489 408 348 60

Toledo545 470 202 164 38

Cincinnati727 727 165 143 22

Dayton493 164 133 118 15

TOTAL3,278 2,104 1,060 898 162

*Activity from 1/1/2008 through 12/31/2009 (2 years)

Ohio PilotEfficiency and Effectiveness

EfficiencyTime from initial referral to provision of

DCA is approximately 46 days* Referral to assessment: 14 days Assessment to enrollment: 10 days Enrollment to DCA: 22 days

*Note – Promise of future assistance often enough to stave off crisis

Ohio PilotEfficiency and Effectiveness

Effectiveness929 (89%) of the 1,044 families that have

exited the Pilot have remained in or obtained permanent housing or have retain stable housing with family/friends*

*Return to family/friends is not always a “positive outcome”. For FHPP a family must have an exit reason = “success” in order for housing with family/friends to be considered a positive outcome.

Ohio Lessons Learned

Development of working relationship with landlords and housing authorities is critical to program success

Case management plans are achievable only when families are responsible for setting their own goals

Money management is key to maintaining housing stability

The Other Place

Community Coordinated CollaborativeLong time Prevention ProviderOversight from Homeless Solutions

Policy BoardCoordination between Rapid Rehousing

and Prevention

The Other Place

Elements of a successful homelessness prevention strategy:

Centralized front door Coordinated assessment and triage Flexible approach to service provision

(amount, duration, intensity, etc.) Use of HMIS for referral, tracking, and


The Other Place

Centralized “Front Door” to emergency services and shelterGateway shelterTriageDiversionHousing Opportunities AssessmentBarriers Scoring/Targeting21 day target exit

The Other Place

Coordinated assessment and triage “Virtual” front doorGeographically defined entry pointsStandardize assessmentScoring/Targeting “But for” assistanceCommunity resources

The Other Place

Service DesignHPRP screeningFlexibilityAmount determinationDuration of assistanceDischarge planningCase ManagementRecertification

The Other Place

Role of HMIS and/or data collection/trackingProgram EligibilityData qualityEntry/ExitReportingService TransactionsOutcomes

The Other Place

Unique characteristics:Utilized AmeriCorp Initiated furniture bank and deliveryPartnering with Rapid Rehousing

Demo/HPRPHTF ResourcesTargeted for truly “at risk”Legal Aid and Mediation CenterLandlord Relationships

Questions & Wrap-Up

Matt White

Abt Associates


301 634-1827

Tina Patterson

The Other PlaceTinaP@theotherplace.org

937 293-1945 34