Homeless Shelter Business Plan-11-01-2015

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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{name withheld}

Nonprofit Corporation


UPDATEDNovember 1, 2015

Table of Contents


Executive Summary

Mission & Vision Statement, Plan Highlights

Agency Background & Service Area description

Agency Organization and Services

Organization and Management

Board of Directors


Future Strategic Partnerships

Marketing and Communications

Potential Funding Sources



Program Logic Model

Financial Pro Forma & in-kind Contributions

Board Members

Organizational Chart & Staff Schedule

Duties of Staff and Leadership

Intake & Process for Homeless Shelter

Morning Outtake Process for Homeless Shelter

Employee Handbook

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 1

Executive Summary

Mr. {name withheld} is the President of {name withheld} Transitional Housing, Incorporated ({NAME WITHHELD}). {NAME WITHHELD} is a non-profit corporation in good standing, headquartered at {name withheld}, St Louis, Missouri. Mr. {name withheld}, a Veteran, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of {NAME WITHHELD}.

Mr. {name withheld}, Director of {NAME WITHHELD}, has managed the operation of the Men’s Overnight Shelter the previous two years. Last year was a particularly challenging year with higher-than-average participation and a wider variety of clientele given the extreme weather. Mr. {name withheld} successfully managed the shelter even with doubling the number of homeless individuals seeking the overflow shelter and the increased number of nights due to the severe weather.

{NAME WITHHELD} responsibilities include directing staff in the preparation of the designated areas that will be used to temporarily lodge homeless individuals. Cots and blankets will be prearranged by staff. The City of St. Louis and {NAME WITHHELD} will coordinate with supporting agencies and volunteers assisting with providing meals, donations, and supportive services to the homeless.

Many homeless and near homeless individuals struggle to access health care and ongoing health needs and instead forgo addressing those needs, thus increasing the potential risk to the larger community.

Since 2007, Mr. {name withheld} and {NAME WITHHELD} staff has addressed these issues in the lives of their homeless clientele and surrounding communities:

Advocacy Work 1- working with Vets to fill the gap in case service provision

Advocacy Work 2 – expanding to 2nd Veterans assistance home

Advocacy Work 3- expand to City winter overflow shelter

These activities have grown beyond the scope of a small initiative of {NAME WITHHELD} into helping the larger community. As a result, {NAME WITHHELD} incorporated as their own 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation in January 2012.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 2

Mission Statement

{NAME WITHHELD} Non-Profit Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or scientific purposes, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Without limiting the generality of the immediately preceding sentence, the corporation is organized to provide a shelter and safe-haven, as well as support services, for the homeless, including veterans who are transitioning into civilian life, and work with local government and other agencies to provide emergency and/or overflow shelter and supportive services to the homeless, including veterans.

Vision Statement

• To have all our actions and the actions of our clients reflect respect (for ourselves and those in our community) and hope (for a better tomorrow)

• To be part of the solution of homelessness in the St. Louis region• To ensure homeless receive one-on-one case management counseling• To help transition chronically homeless males to stable housing• To help transition chronically homeless to stable employment

Plan Highlights

{NAME WITHHELD} proposes the following services and resources:

A safe and secure sleeping environment where case management and data collection can take place

Educating homeless clients on the importance of being a good neighbor in surrounding communities

Hiring and training staff according to Employee Handbook standards Having established procedures for homeless for set-up, intake, explanation of rules,

breaks, meals, etc. Maintaining ongoing partnerships with other homeless agencies, case management

providers and HMIS providers Maintaining involvement in the Continuum of Care committee Seeking financial sustainability through matching grants

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 3

Agency Background

{NAME WITHHELD} has been involved with homeless individuals since 2007. {NAME WITHHELD} started by assisting male Veterans who fell through service gaps and worked to determine eligibility and thereby moving Veterans into VA, state and local programs. In 2012-2013, {NAME WITHHELD} responded to St. Louis City’s need for someone to manage and staff the Winter Overflow Shelter.

Service Area: Greater St. Louis Area.

The most recent Point-in-Time count for St. Louis City estimated that there are approximately 1,200 individuals in St. Louis City who are homeless at any given time. The individuals who will be served are any and all of those who are identified as being homeless, though the level of need of these individuals will vary on a case-by-case basis. Based on data collection conducted by St. Patrick Center and The Bridge using the VI-SPDAT with existing clients, the Collaboration estimates that approximately 25% of the client population will need very little or no assistance; approximately 55% will need assistance with housing and support services for three to six months (rapid re-housing); and approximately 20% will need long-term housing and support services (permanent supportive housing).

The client population will consist of “homeless” men as defined by HUD (24 CFR section 576). Clients will either self-certify that they are eligible to be an overnight guest or agency partners will have identified and determined eligibility. The most recent Point-in-Time count for St. Louis City estimated that there are approximately 1,200 individuals in St. Louis City who are homeless at any given time.

The Emergency Shelter is currently located at {name withheld} with immediate plans to relocate to a more functional space. Homeless individuals will either be transported to {NAME WITHHELD}’s location or come on foot between 6:30pm-11pm. They will go through an intake process, security screening and then directed to case management and services through collaboration with other designated agencies to identify beyond and address needs for rapid re-housing or permanent supportive housing.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 4

Agency Organization and Services

{name withheld} Transitional Housing was involved in providing shelter and advocacy services for veterans before becoming their own 501(c)(3) as a nonprofit corporation. Over the last two years, they have expanded their work into the Winter Overflow Shelter and now the year-round Men’s Overnight Shelter. Over the last three years, {NAME WITHHELD} has expanded transitional casework to two homes plus the City winter overflow shelter. This led to a year round men’s overnight shelter being established and managed by {NAME WITHHELD}.

{NAME WITHHELD} Corporation will require resources to achieve their ongoing success. To successfully grow in their shelter and advocacy work for all those identified as homeless, {NAME WITHHELD} and staff will need space, temporary sleeping cots, access to personal vehicles and ongoing general administrative tools such as a cell phone and computers to organize the daily work of the agency, perform administrative duties and hold board of director meetings. {NAME WITHHELD} relies heavily on outside sources such as Catholic Legal Aid Ministry (CLAM) and Saint Louis University (SLU) legal clinics as well as paid outside work such as accounting and payroll services. Additional financial resources such as renting the physical space will be the responsibility of the City of St. Louis as well as client bedding, meals and bedding cleaning. With a body of members and collaborating partners bringing a wide variety of experience and expertise, {NAME WITHHELD} will eventually expand programs and achieve positive development within their client base of homeless and veterans.

The members of {NAME WITHHELD} Administrative team plan to create stability in their organization as well as grow their programs and create partnerships for collaboration. The members will develop the capacity of the Men’s Overnight Shelter, as well as partner with outside agencies on case management and homeless data collection. Key participants include paid nightly staff, {NAME WITHHELD} executive committee, {NAME WITHHELD} governing board, volunteers, and other community agencies. {NAME WITHHELD} participants and collaborating partners will work as equals to achieve the short term, intermediate, and long terms goals of the organization.

{NAME WITHHELD} has short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals to accomplish within the first five years as a 501(c)(3) corporation. The short-term goals for the organization include securing funding partners as outlined in request for proposals, establishing community agency partners to create and maintain the shelter work, being vigilant in educating homeless clients on being a good neighbor in the community and increasing the accessibility to emergency shelters, rapid re-housing and long-term permanent housing. Intermediate goals, reached in three to five years, include maintaining reputation as premier shelter provider in St. Louis area, increasing recognition of our quality processes and reduce the number of homeless clients as repeat clients rather than more permanent placement.

This group {name withheld} in capacity and stability will provide opportunities for {NAME WITHHELD} to achieve their long-term goals. These include maintaining the stabilization of the Men’s Overnight Shelter, providing shelter and advocacy work for veterans and establishing a broader level of leadership in the organization, so that {NAME WITHHELD} will be perceived as equal partners with other agencies and a voice for the misplaced. Finally, {NAME WITHHELD}

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 5

will endeavor to unify the neighborhood by demonstrating an ability to educate clientele and maintain a calm setting.

Organization and ManagementBoard of Directors{NAME WITHHELD} is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The Board plans to recruit members of the community in the future, including previously homeless, professional people from collaborative agencies and civic leaders. In its early development, the {NAME WITHHELD} Board will provide oversight on program development, finance, client safety, communications, and support of any staff. (See Appendix for a list of current Board members of {NAME WITHHELD}.)

The Board has crafted By-laws and the Business Plan

StaffAs a small nonprofit corporation, {NAME WITHHELD} will rely on one FTE executive director responsible for daily shelter management and client work. {NAME WITHHELD} will rely on the director to handle administrative duties and coordinate with outside contractors including CPA and payroll services. We will establish safety and comfort standards by maintaining a ratio of 25 clients for each staff member plus Lead staff responsible for specified areas.

Future Strategic Partnerships

In addition to the City of St. Louis Human Services department, {NAME WITHHELD} will partner with several other agencies and stakeholders in the community:

St. Louis City Police National Park Service Rangers St. Louis Crisis Nursery St. Patrick’s Center Catholic Charities The Bridge Outreach Affinia Health Care Systems Affordable Housing Commission Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) HOPE Recovery Center in VAMC Catholic Legal Assistance Ministry (CLAM) St. Louis University Law School Legal Clinic

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 6

Marketing and Communications The most effective method of informing the community about {NAME WITHHELD} activities has been word of mouth. {NAME WITHHELD} has gained a reputation in the community as a safe, stable form of emergency housing and a positive element in the surrounding community. As new homeless clientele assimilate into the {NAME WITHHELD} Emergency Shelter, they find quickly acclimate to a calm atmosphere in which little to no physical altercations have occurred. The City of St. Louis will be responsible for any marketing or information beyond that.

Potential Funding SourcesThe {NAME WITHHELD} Board and executive leadership will initially pursue matching funds from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Grant. Potential future funding sources will be considered as programs expand and grow.


Anticipated Deadline



Provide shelter and advocacy services to veterans as LLC (2007)


Incorporate with the State of Missouri & receive tax-exempt status (2012)


Successfully maintain the Winter Overflow Shelter system (2012)


Successfully maintain Men’s Overnight Shelter beyond the initial Winter Overflow Shelter system (starting in 4-12-2015)


Apply for City of St Louis RFP Grant (9-30-2015)


Create updated business plan (11-1-2015)


Apply for Affordable Housing Trust Fund Grant (11-6-2015)


Expand services to homeless, at risk through the Men’s Overnight Shelter

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 7


Appendix A: Program Logic Models

Appendix B: Financial Pro Forma & in-kind contributions

Appendix C: Current Board Members

Appendix D: Organizational Chart & Staff Schedule

Appendix E: Duties of Staff and Leadership

Appendix F: Intake and process for homeless shelter

Appendix G: Morning outtake process for homeless shelter

Appendix H: Employee Handbook

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 22Inputs Target


Activities ParticipationWhat we do Activities Quantified

Short Term

Outcomes – Impact

Medium Term Long Term Results

1 nightly Director

Nightly staff

Nightly volunteers

HMIS database nightly lists

Physical materials (cots, blankets, etc.)

Rental space with multiple rooms, lockable closets & rolling bins for storage

Posters with rules explained

Intake process

Dinner meal

Ongoing security

Partners such as local hospital (for public health/safety)

Other partners involved as needed such as police dept., park rangers & other social service agencies & health care providers

HMIS registered Homeless

HMIS registered & Chronically homeless

Non-HMIS-registered homeless

Assess client including personal health & hygiene, having contraband material, registered in HMIS

New clients not on the HMIS system are referred for processing & educated to rules and processes

All clients fully processed & assigned a night bed

All clients allowed outside for Smoke break

All clients given a meal

When available: All clients given option of a shower

11pm: Lights out

5am: Lights on & onto designated transportation

Male clients will be assessed from intake process to bed assignment for the night

Client will understand the rules& expectations of the shelter

Client will relinquish any contraband into a plastic bag with his name on the bag

Clients will keep the outer grounds of the complex clean of trash bags, cigarette butts and other trash at all times

Clients will respect shelter rules to not move beyond designated spaces

Clients will respect each other’s’ person and property

Clients will be processed by 11pm

The number of homeless men sleeping on the streets in the St Louis area will be greatly reduced

Homeless men will be able to sleep in a safe environment away from seasonal elements

Homeless men will be involved in a registered system where they are more likely to participate in a continuum of care

Homeless men will learn established community rules and how to participate in a community environment

Client will have their basic survival needs met & therefore be able to address more long-term, higher needs

Greater awareness in St Louis area region of the number of homeless population

Clients will recognize efforts are being made to care for them & connect them to long-term supports

Because of long-term HMIS tracking, greater St Louis community will have a better understanding about concerns & issues confronting the homeless population

Clients have support needed to make long-term changes in housing and other areas

Because clients’ basic needs are met on a long-term basis, there will be a reduced need to aggressively clamor for scarce resources in the greater St Louis area

Some clients as identified by staff will become leaders in the community as their needs are met

Will create greater awareness in the Greater St. Louis area of the current effectiveness of this response plan as well as the need for consistent processes & programs focused on reintegrating the homeless into the larger community

Greater St Louis area has the resources, processes and commitment in place to move the homeless population into permanent housing, productive lives and reintegrating into the larger community.

Reduce the overall cost to the community for emergency response to the homeless population

St. Louis will be seen in the nation as a community that meets the needs of the homeless which will improve the cleanliness of our city as well as help tourists feel more comfortable and excited to explore and experience our great city.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 22


Financial Pro Forma

Expense 2015Site Manager (salary and benefits - 1 FTE)Supervisor (salary - 1 FTE)Program Aid (salary – 12 PTE)Kitchen Aid (salary – 2 FTE)Printing Costs


IncomePledged FundingCity of St Louis Request for ProposalSUBTOTAL

Anticipated/Potential FundingAffordable Housing Trust Fund GrantSUBTOTAL


To be updated by {NAME WITHHELD}

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 23

Appendix B

In-Kind Contributions


Community Volunteers (2-4 persons for 4-6 hrs per night) $87,600.00

Payroll, tax filings and record keeping (Start-up plus and monthly) $10,000.00

{NAME WITHHELD}, Inc. Board Salaries

Exec Dir (Outreach, Oversight, Training) $20,000.00

Dir (Scheduling & Paperwork and filing) $ 8,000.00

Secretary (Corp record keeping and filings) $ 2,000.00

St. Louis University Law Clinic (Corp-retainer & client representation) $20,000.00

Cath Charities Vets Advocacy Project (Retainer and representation) $15,000.00

Prof Outreach volunteers (Crisis Nursery, Univ & Prof Orgs) $30,000.00

Education and Training for Staff (12-14 staff members) $ 6,000.00

Coordination of furniture and house supplies for transitioning guests $ 5,000.00


Hygiene donations $12,000.00

Food donations (St. Louis Bread Co. etc) $10,400.00

Office Space and Storage (Employment Connection & 3832) $ 3,600.00

Vehicle Expense ({NAME WITHHELD} Truck) $ 8,000.00

Furniture/Appliance/Goods Donation for transitioning guests $24,000.00(Monthly donations of dresser, beds, mattresses, appliances, linen and bedding, TVs, etc)

$ 58,000.00

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 24

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 25


Current Board Members

Member Since Position{name withheld}* 2012 {NAME WITHHELD} President Chair{name withheld} Secretary{name withheld} Treasurer{name withheld}* Vice President

* Founding member

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 26

Appendix D

Staff Organizational Chart

{name withheld}Executive Director

{name withheld}Director

Kitchen staff

{name withheld}Asst. Manager



{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 27

Appendix D

Weekly Staffing




Sunday Monday

Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday













1ST shift staff = 6 hours M-F 2nd shift staff = 6 hours M-F

Kitchen Staff = 4 hours M-S Weekend staff – 6 or 12 hours * = 12 hours


{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 28

Appendix E

Duties of Staff and Leadership

A. Kitchen Staff:

1. Monitor food distribution, ensuring that individual meals and drinks are delivered to the correct recipients, and follow any special diet restrictions, if any.

2. Place food servings on plates/disposable containers and trays according to orders or instructions.

3. Load trays with accessories such as eating utensils, napkins, and condiments.4. Examine trays to ensure that they contain required items.5. Ensure kitchen area remains clean. 6. Ensure hygiene and sanitation rules, safety protocols, and procedures are followed.

B. Shelter Monitors:

1. Stay awake and provide overnight supervision to up to 75 adult homeless males, guests, overnight.

2. Monitor the activities and mediate any conflicts that may arise amongst guests to ensure a safe environment overnight.

3. Report conflicts to shift supervisor, and complete necessary documentation.4. Coordinate cleaning as needed and ensure bathrooms supplies do not run out.5. Facilitate check in and search of guests and belongings as directed. 6. Complete distribution of cots and bedding as directed.7. Complete break-down of cots, gathering of bedding, and cleaning of room in the morning as

directed.8. Ensure all safety protocols, rules and procedures are followed and follow the directions of

the shift supervisor.


C. Shift Supervisor:

Shift Supervisor is responsible for the management of staff and resources during the assigned shift. The position ensures compliance with safety standards and regulatory requirements, and is responsible for the safety of the entire shift (to include staff and guests). The supervisor responds to all crisis situations in the overnight shelter, and {name withheld} Apartments.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 29

Staff Supervision Responsibilities:

1. Train, schedule & supervise Monitors and Kitchen Staff assigned to shift. 2. Conduct performance reviews with staff as required.3. Promote ongoing training and support, and ensure attendance at all mandatory trainings for

site employees.4. Communicate effectively with staff, setting clear and specific expectations.5. Review and address workplace safety issues.6. Mediate and resolve disputes consistent with agency corrective action policy.7. Commit to, model and assure zero tolerance for discriminatory behavior.8. Develop and ensure the safekeeping of a workplace that values and supports a culturally

and ethnically diverse work environment.

Shelter Responsibilities

1. Respond to crises and provide support to staff and make decisions regarding appropriate outcomes (i.e., referral to MHP’s, 911, Ban, etc.). Document decisions IAW procedures.

2. Oversee and provide behavioral management by helping staff and guests resolve conflicts and make pro-social choices.

3. Review and approve Ban Reports written by staff and ensure that they are written timely, appropriate to the situation, factual, and behaviorally descriptive.

4. Coordinate as needed with Case Managers (rehousing, behavioral, etc.) and Volunteer Services.

5. Ensure that any assigned reports are completed and submitted on a timely basis.6. Communicate any necessary recommendations for revision to security practices to {NAME

WITHHELD} and or supervisors as needed to promote a safe environment and to support program and agency goals.

7. Work collaboratively with other Shelter supervisors to provide coordinated services to guests and to coordinate the assignment and supervision of on-call staff.

8. Ensure that staff monitor and respond appropriately to loitering, drug activity or other behaviors within the surrounding neighborhood.

9. Ensure that appropriate safety and sanitation procedures are being followed by regularly inspecting the facility for cleanliness and safety.

10. Participates in {NAME WITHHELD} supervisor meetings.11. Other duties as assigned.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 30

Appendix E

Intake Process

6pm Doors open. Wave 1 Registered men.

Wave 1 enters: homeless men who either walked to {name withheld} or are transported from The Bridge or St. Patrick’s Center are waiting in line with their belongings. Identified men with disabilities are processed first. They must have identifying paperwork as disabled.

Bags Checked. Men already on the St. Patrick’s Master List or Bridge Master List have their belongings checked for drugs, alcohol or weapons (including disposable razor blades). Unauthorized items are marked with the individual’s initials and put in a plastic bin with a lid and kept with a staff member at all times.

Classroom Sign-In. Men whose belongings are screened go into the Classroom to wait quietly for the next step in the process. The Shelter Rules of Conduct are posted on the wall (see attachment below). A staff member walks from individual to individual, looking at their ID or getting their name, looking them up on the Master List and getting signatures to stay accountable. Staff members do a cursory visual examination for any public health risks (such as bedbugs, lice, etc.); other clients also report any such public health risks and homeless clients often self-report during the intake process.

Gym & Cots. Wave 1 pre-registered now move into the gym where cots are being set up.

Wave 1 Non-Registered or New. Men not registered on either Master List are told to sit quietly in chairs along the wall,

away from the processing of registered homeless. If there is space, non-registered men sit with an empty chair between them. They wait until all registered men are fully processed.

The process begins by asking for a referral. They should have been referred by St. Patrick’s Center even though they may not be on the list at that time.

The process is similar to Wave 1 described above: their bags are checked, they are asked for their ID, their information is written down, they are given New Client information packet (correct??) explaining the rules of conduct and other safety procedures

Wake-Up Call List Once all men have been processed and put their belongings on/near/under their cot,

they are allowed to find the staff member processing other clients and ask if their name can be put on the Wake Up list.

They are told by staff members to make sure 2-3 other staff members are reminded they need to be woken up and what time they need their wake-up call to be.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 31

Smoking Break ** Once Wave 1 has been processed and they have found their assigned cots, the entire

group is released outside the building for a smoking break. They are told to stay close to the entrance to the shelter and not go around to the back of the building for safety and accountability.

11pm Wave 2. Doors open until 11pm to register men

If there are still cots available, the {NAME WITHHELD} Emergency Shelter will remain open until 11pm and homeless men are allowed to enter and be processed.

At promptly 11pm, doors will be closed and intakes will cease. At 10:30pm, quiet hours begin.

Shelter cots are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Men are urged to sleep in the same area each night.

** Shower facilities are offered 1-2 days per week as available with soap and bath linens provided for individuals in the shelter. Shower facilities will be used in shifts on a first-come-first-served basis in an orderly fashion.

Any individual with public health related skin conditions (bedbugs, lice) will be pre-screened at intake. If the individual is deemed a public health concern, the following protocols will be immediately activated while homeless client is separated from the larger group:

Anything the individual may have inadvertently touched as well as their personal belongings will be set aside & put into an enclosed bag designated to be sanitized.

The individual will either be directed to Affinia for treatment or in extreme cases the 911/Emergency Services will be called to transport the individual to a local medical facility for treatment.

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 32

Appendix F

Morning Outtake Process

5am Doors open. Wake up & Loading *

General population wake up begins at 5am Each individual is responsible to gather their belongings, put their laundry in the cart.*

Staff will gather linens, count lines Staff will separate, spray and bag laundry for pick up Bagged Items Returned. Men who had their belongings checked for drugs, alcohol or

weapons (including disposable razor blades) will have those items returned. Gym & Cots.

6am First Bus Pick Up First bus pick up at 6am to deliver individuals to The Bridge or other designated

location Next wave of individuals prepare to load the bus

6:30am Second Bus Pick Up

The remaining individuals will load the bus to The Bridge or other designated location The Overnight Shelter staff will finish cleaning up, putting away cots, bagging linens and

hand off possession of the rented space to the owner/lessee.

* Wake up calls prior to 5am are provided upon written request only

{NAME WITHHELD} Business Plan 33

Appendix H

Employee Handbook

Separate document to be created by SLU Law clinic and attached later