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CAU 1020 07/01

H o m e o w n e r s




CAU 1020 07/01

Throughout this policy, the words “you” and “your” refer to the named insured shown in the “Declarations.”“We,” “Us” and “Our” refer to the company providing this insurance.

Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to XXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTION.©Copyright 2001 by Community Association Underwriters of America, Inc.

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, QBE Insurance Corporation has caused this policy to be executed and attested, but this policyshall not be valid unless countersigned by a duly authorized representative of QBE Insurance Corporation.

Secretary President

Signature Page

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Table of Contents


PROPERTY COVERAGE PARTI. PROPERTY DIRECT COVERAGES SECTION................................................................................1II. PROPERTY CONSEQUENTIAL COVERAGES SECTION .......................................................... 4III. PROPERTY CAUSES OF LOSS, EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS SECTION .................... 6IV. PROPERTY ADDITIONAL COVERED CAUSES OF LOSS SECTION......................................10V. PROPERTY SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS SECTION ............................................................11VI. PROPERTY CONDITIONS SECTION ............................................................................................11

LIABILITY COVERAGE PARTGENERAL LIABILITYVII. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGES SECTION ..........................................................................20VIII. GENERAL LIABILITY GARAGE AND PARKING AREA LEGAL LIABILITY SECTION ....21IX. GENERAL LIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTS SECTION..........................................................21X. GENERAL LIABILITY DEFENSE OF CLAIM OR “SUIT” SECTION ......................................21XI. GENERAL LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS SECTION..........................................................................21XII. GENERAL LIABILITY WHO IS AN INSURED SECTION..........................................................27XIII. GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS SECTION ........................................................................29

EXCESS LIABILITYXIV. EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE SECTION ................................................................................31XV. EXCESS LIABILITY DEFENSE OF CLAIM OR “SUIT” SECTION............................................31XVI. EXCESS LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS SECTION ..............................................................................32XVII. EXCESS LIABILITY WHO IS AN INSURED SECTION ..............................................................34XVIII. EXCESS LIABILITY CONDITIONS SECTION..............................................................................34

GENERAL LIABILITY AND EXCESS LIABILITYXIX. LIABILITY LIMITS OF INSURANCE SECTION ..........................................................................36XX. LIABILITY CONDITIONS SECTION..............................................................................................37


COMMON POLICY CONDITIONSXXVII. COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS SECTION ............................................................................46

DEFINITIONSXXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTION ..................................................................................................................48

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Property Coverage Part

Throughout this policy the words “you” and “your” refer to the Named Insured shown in the“Declarations.” “We,” “us” and “our” refer to the company providing this insurance. Other words andphrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to XXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTION.

I. PROPERTY DIRECT COVERAGES SECTIONWe will pay for direct physical loss of or damage to“covered property” caused by or resulting from anyCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS under III.A. COVEREDCAUSES OF LOSS. Coverage is provided only when alimit of insurance is shown in the “Declarations.”

Unless otherwise specified, “covered property” mustbe located within the “coverage territory.”

Unless otherwise specified in this section, allEXCLUSIONS under III.B. EXCLUSIONS apply.

Coverage is also provided for “covered property”which is not damaged but which must be removedand replaced in order to repair “covered property”which is damaged by a COVERED CAUSE OF LOSSunder III.A. COVERED CAUSES OF LOSS.

A. GENERAL COMMUNITY PROPERTYUnless otherwise specified, coverage isprovided for the following property if it is on orwithin 1,000 feet of the “premises.” However,the following property does not include anyproperty which is covered, or would be coveredexcept for the exhaustion of the applicable limitsof insurance, under I.B. SPECIALCOMMUNITY PROPERTY.


Coverage is provided for:

a. Residential BUILDINGS

Buildings that are described in the“Declarations” and used in whole or inpart as:


b. Other Buildings

Buildings that are described in the“Declarations” and used in whole or inpart as:

clubhouses, meeting centers, boat houses,garages, sewage treatment facilities, andbuildings which house heating and airconditioning plants.


Structures not described in the“Declarations” and used in whole as:

cabanas, courts for hand ball, courts forracquet sports, pool houses, gate houses,storage sheds, shelters, mailboxes,gazebos, pump houses, fences, walkways,roadways, other paved surfaces, recreationfixtures, outdoor fixtures, outdoor“swimming pools,” flagpoles, light poles,fountains, outside statues andfreestanding walls, other than retainingwalls.

Buildings and structures not specified in a.,b. and c. above are covered only whenspecifically described in the “Declarations.”

Buildings and structures include: pipes,wires, conduits, ducts, chutes, flues, andutilities; heating, ventilating and coolingsystems; sprinkler, fire protection andsecurity systems; permanently installedbuilding machinery and equipment andother mechanical elements, all whetherabove or below ground; balconies; indoor orrooftop “swimming pools”; porches; decks;patios; and other property not within“units.”

Coverage includes the following propertynot within “units”: additions, alterations andstructural repairs, whether or not complete;finishes, coatings and coverings of walls,floors and ceilings; and permanentlyinstalled appliances and fixtures.

2. “UNITS”

“Units” are covered only when a limit ofinsurance is shown in the “Declarations” foreither one or both of the following:


Any property included in “units” whichwas initially installed in accordance withyour homeowners association’s originalplans and specifications or a replacementof like kind and quality of such property.


Improvements and betterments made to“units.” This coverage is in addition to thecoverage provided in I.A.2.a. ORIGINALSPECIFICATIONS, above.

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Coverage is provided for property whichsatisfies all of the following:

a. Owned by you or leased by you forwhich you have a contractualresponsibility to insure.

b. Used in connection with the “premises.”

c. Not permanently attached to or installedin any building or structure.

d. Comprised of:

(1) Tools; construction materials; buildingsupplies; indoor and outdoorfurnishings; decorations; fixtures;equipment; appliances; machinery;window treatments; and othercommunity personal property.

(2) Materials, equipment, supplies andtemporary structures used for makingadditions, alterations or structuralrepairs to any building or structure.

(3) Your interest in the labor, materials orservices furnished or arranged by youon personal property of others.

(4) Temporary or seasonal structures.

B. SPECIAL COMMUNITY PROPERTYUnless specified otherwise, coverage isprovided for the following property if it is on orwithin 1,000 feet of the “premises.”


Coverage is provided for structural glass andsigns and the following expenses of:

a. Temporary repairs necessary to avoidfurther loss or damage covered by thisinsurance;

b. Removal of obstructions as necessary tomake repairs and returning them to theiroriginal positions;

c. Repair or replacement of frames,encasements or housings, posts or poles,including weatherproofing, when suchproperty is damaged in the same loss;

d. Repair or replacement of lettering, artwork, coatings, tints, films, stickers,decals, ornamentation and protectivesafeguards on the glass or sign.

Only exclusions 1.c., 1.d., 1.e., 2.a.(1), 2.b. and 2.c.of III.B. EXCLUSIONS apply to this coverage.


Coverage is provided for your bridges,bulkheads, docks, piers, retaining walls andwharves.


Coverage is provided for your outdoor:

satellite dishes, radio, television and otherantennas, including wiring, masts, footings,foundations, moorings and towers.


Coverage is provided for your live trees,plants, shrubs and lawns.

Coverage is specifically limited to only thefollowing Causes of Loss:

a. Fire;b. Lightning;c. Explosion;d. Vehicle;e. Aircraft;f. Riot;g. Civil commotion;h. Vandalism; andi. “Theft.”


Your Newly Acquired or ConstructedProperty is covered for up to 90 days duringthe reporting period specified inVI.M. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.Coverage is provided as follows:a. NEWLY ACQUIRED BUILDINGSAND STRUCTURES

Buildings and structures you acquire atlocations other than the “premises.” Thesebuildings and structures must be used forpurposes similar to those described in the“Declarations.”


Your separate, new buildings andstructures while being built on the“premises.”


Your newly acquired community personalproperty while at locations owned, leasedor operated by you other than the“premises.”

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Coverage is provided for your “money” and“securities” only when it is at any of thefollowing locations:

a. On the “premises.”

b. At a “banking premises.”

c. Within the living quarters of anauthorized representative.

Coverage is provided for your “money” and“securities” in the custody of an authorizedrepresentative while enroute between any ofthe above locations.

Only exclusions 1.c., 1.d., 1.e., 2.c.(2), 2.c.(3),2.c.(4), 3.c. and 3.e. of III.B. EXCLUSIONSapply to this coverage.


Coverage is provided for your computerequipment, “media” and supplies. Coverageis also provided for computer equipment,“media” and supplies for which you arelegally liable.

The coverage for “media” shall not exceedthe cost of blank “media” or duplicates oflike kind and quality, such as prepackagedsoftware programs, if duplicate material isavailable on the current retail market.

Exclusions 1.b. and 1.f. of III.B.EXCLUSIONS do not apply to this coverage.


Coverage is provided for your “valuablepapers and records” and records of accountsreceivable. We will pay the cost ofunexposed or blank material forreproducing the papers or records, if theycannot be replaced with existing duplicatematerial of like kind and quality.

Coverage is provided for your “valuablepapers and records” and records of accountsreceivable only when it is at any of thefollowing locations:

a. On the “premises.”

b. At the premises of your real estatemanager.

c. Within the living quarters of anauthorized representative.

Coverage is provided for your “valuablepapers and records” and records of accounts

receivable in the custody of an authorizedrepresentative while enroute between any ofthe above locations.

Exclusions 1.b. and 1.f. of III.B.EXCLUSIONS do not apply to this coverage.


Coverage is provided for your “fine arts.”10.”PERSONAL EFFECTS”

Coverage is provided for “personal effects”owned by your directors, officers, or“employees” while acting in the scope oftheir duties as such.


Coverage is provided for personal propertyof others in your care, custody or control.

Limitation 3. of III.C. LIMITATIONS doesnot apply to this coverage.


Coverage is provided for personal propertyof others in your care, custody or control fordamage caused by collision of the elevator,or any property inside, with the elevator orany other objects.

C. SPECIFIED PROPERTY OFF “PREMISES”AND IN TRANSITCoverage under A. GENERAL COMMUNITYPROPERTY, B. SPECIAL COMMUNITYPROPERTY, other than “valuable papers andrecords” and “money” and “securities,” isextended to losses occurring while not on orwithin 1,000 feet of the “premises” as follows:1. OFF “PREMISES”

Coverage is provided while the property istemporarily at other locations within the“coverage territory.”


Coverage is provided while the property ison conveyances being operated betweenpoints in the “coverage territory.”

Exclusions 1.b. and 1.f. of III.B. EXCLUSIONS donot apply to these coverages.

D. PROPERTY NOT COVERED“Covered property” does not include:

1. Animals.

2. Contraband or property in the course ofillegal transportation or trade.

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3. Land, including land on which property islocated, and growing crops.

4. Water.

5. Self-propelled vehicles and machines,including aircraft and watercraft, that satisfyany of the following:

a. Are licensed or registered for use onpublic roads.

b. Are operated principally away from the“premises.”

c. Are held for sale.

Except rowboats or canoes out of water atthe “premises.”

6. Dams.

7. Tunnels.


Unless specified otherwise, coverages apply as aconsequence of direct physical loss or damage to“covered property” caused by or resulting from aCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS for which a limit ofinsurance is shown for such “covered property” in the“Declarations.” The coverages in this section are onlyprovided when limits of insurance are shown in the“Declarations.”

A. MAINTENANCE FEES ANDASSESSMENTSWe will pay for all maintenance fees andassessments due you from homeowners whichyou have been unable to collect during the“period of restoration.”

B. COMMUNITY INCOMEWe will pay for the loss of community income,including loss of rent or loss of lease payments,due to the suspension of your operations duringthe “period of restoration.” Community incomedoes not include maintenance fees andassessments.

C. EXTRA EXPENSEWe will pay for the extra expense, specifiedbelow, you incur to continue normalcommunity operations during the “period ofrestoration.”

Extra Expense includes:

1. Any extra expense to avoid or minimize the

suspension of business and to continuenormal community operations:

a. At the “premises”; or

b. At replacement premises or at temporarylocations, including:

(1) Relocation expenses; and

(2) Costs to equip and operate thereplacement or temporary locations.

2. All reasonable expenses for transportationand storage with regard toII.H.2. PROPERTY REMOVAL.

3. Reasonable costs to repair or replace anyproperty to the extent it reduces the amountof loss that would have been payable underII.C. EXTRA EXPENSE.

This coverage does not apply to any additionalexpenses of individual homeowners and costsincluded in II.D. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE,EXPENSES, II.E. “MEDIA” COSTS andII.F. “VALUABLE PAPERS AND RECORDS”COSTS.

D. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE EXPENSESWe will pay the following costs for lost ordamaged accounts receivable:

1. All amounts due you, that you are unable tocollect;

2. Interest charges on any loan required tooffset amounts you are unable to collectpending our payment of these amounts;

3. Collection expenses in excess of your normalcollection expenses that are made necessaryby the loss or damage; and

4. Other reasonable expenses that you incur toreestablish your records of accountsreceivable.

E. “MEDIA” COSTSWe will pay for the cost to research and restorethe information on lost or damaged “media” forwhich duplicates do not exist.

F. “VALUABLE PAPERS AND RECORDS”COSTSWe will pay for the cost to research and restorethe information on lost or damaged “valuablepapers and records.”

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G. ORDINANCE OR LAW COVERAGEWith respect to property described under I.A.1.BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES and I.A.2.“UNITS” that has sustained covered directphysical damage, coverage is provided for thefollowing:


We will pay for the loss in value of theundamaged portions of the same building asa consequence of enforcement of anordinance or law that requires demolition ofundamaged parts of the same building.


We will pay the cost to demolish and clearthe site of undamaged parts of the samebuilding as a consequence of enforcement ofan ordinance or law that requires demolitionof such undamaged building.


We will pay the increased cost to:

a. Repair or reconstruct damaged portionsof the same building; and/or

b. Reconstruct or remodel undamagedportions of the same building whether ornot demolition is required;


When coverage provided by 1., 2. or 3. aboveapplies, we will extend the coverageprovided under II.A. MAINTENANCE FEESAND ASSESSMENTS, II.B. COMMUNITYINCOME and II.C. EXTRA EXPENSE toinclude the amount of actual and necessaryloss you sustain during the increased periodof restoration of normal communityoperations.

These coverages are only provided if theordinance or law:

1. Regulates the demolition, construction orrepair of buildings or structures, orestablishes zoning or land use requirementsat the described “premises”; and

2. Is in force at the time of loss.

These coverages will apply only in response tothe minimum requirements of the ordinance orlaw. Losses or costs incurred in complying withrecommended actions or standards that exceedactual requirements are not covered.


We will pay your expenses to remove debrisexcept for expenses to extract “pollutants”from land or water; or remove, restore orreplace polluted land or water.


If it is necessary to temporarily move“covered property” from any site to preserveit from a COVERED CAUSE OF LOSS, wewill pay for any direct physical loss ordamage to that property:

a. While it is being moved or whiletemporarily stored at any other site orlocation; but

b. Only if the loss or damage to the removedproperty occurs within 30 days after it isfirst moved.


We will pay the reasonable expense youincur removing any fallen tree from your“premises,” provided that, in falling, the treedamaged “covered property” and providedfurther:

a. That the tree is not “covered property,”but the cause of its falling was aCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS, except“collapse”; or else

b. That the tree is “covered property,” butthe cause of its falling was a COVEREDCAUSE OF LOSS other than fire,lightning, explosion, vehicle, aircraft, riot,civil commotion, “collapse,” vandalism,and “theft.”

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A. COVERED CAUSES OF LOSSCovered Causes of Loss includesIV. ADDITIONAL COVERED CAUSES OFLOSS SECTION and means immediate anddirect physical loss or damage to “coveredproperty” unless the loss is excluded underIII.B. EXCLUSIONS.

B. EXCLUSIONS1. Except as otherwise specified, we will not

pay for loss or damage which would nothave occurred in the absence of one or moreof the following excluded events regardlessof: (a) the cause of the excluded event; (b)other causes of the loss; or (c) whether othercauses acted concurrently or in any sequencewith the excluded event to produce the loss:


The enforcement of any ordinance or lawwhich:

(1) Regulates the construction, use orrepair of any property; or

(2) Requires the tearing down of anyproperty, including the cost ofremoving its debris.

Except as provided underII.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE.


(1) Earthquake, including any earthsinking, rising or shifting related tosuch event;

(2) Landslide, including any earth sinking,rising or shifting related to such event;

(3) Mine subsidence, meaning subsidenceof a man-made mine, whether or notmining activity has ceased;

(4) Earth sinking (other than “sinkholecollapse,”) rising or shifting includingsoil conditions which cause settling,cracking or other disarrangement offoundations or other parts of realty.Soil conditions include contraction,expansion, freezing, thawing, erosion,improperly compacted soil and theaction of water under the groundsurface.

(5) “Volcanic eruption.” However, if“volcanic eruption” results in fire,building glass breakage or “volcanicaction”, we will pay for the loss ordamage caused by that fire, buildingglass breakage or “volcanic action.” All“volcanic eruptions” that occur withinany 168 hour period will constitute asingle occurrence.

However, if earth movement, as describedin b.(1) through b.(4) above, results in fireor explosion, we will pay for the loss ordamage caused by that fire or explosion.


Seizure or destruction of property byorder of governmental authority.

However, we will pay for acts ofdestruction ordered by governmentalauthority and taken at the time of a fire toprevent its spread, if the fire wouldotherwise be covered.


Nuclear reaction or radiation orradioactive contamination, howevercaused.

However, if loss or damage by fire results,we will pay for that resulting loss ordamage.


(1) “War”;

(2) Warlike action by a military force,including action in hindering ordefending against an actual orexpected attack, by any governmentsovereign or other authority usingmilitary personnel or other agents; or

(3) Insurrection, rebellion revolution,usurped power, or action taken bygovernmental authority in hinderingor defending against any of these.


(1) “Flood” and surface water comprisedof any of the following:

(a) “Flood”;

(b)Waves, wave wash, spray, tides,tidal waves or tsunamis;

(c) Surface water or any body or othercollection of water, regardless of its

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However, with respect to (3), (4) and (5)above, if a COVERED CAUSE OF LOSSresults, we will pay for any loss ordamage it causes which would otherwisebe covered.

2. We will not pay for loss or damage causedby or resulting from any of the following:


(1) The following causes of loss topersonal property, structural glass andsigns caused by:

(a) Dampness or dryness of theatmosphere;

(b)Changes in or extremes oftemperature; or

(c) Marring or scratching, unlesscaused by the application ofchemicals to glass.

However, if loss or damage by the“Specified Causes of Loss” or structuralglass breakage results, we will pay forthat resulting loss or damage.

(2) Smog;

(3) Nesting or infestation, or discharge orrelease of waste products or secretions,by insects, birds, rodents or otheranimals;

(4) Falling objects, rain, snow, ice or sleetto personal property in the open;

(5) Smoke, vapor or gas from agriculturalsmudging or industrial operations.

(6)Weather conditions. Except that thisexclusion applies only if weatherconditions contribute in any way witha cause or event excluded in III.B.1. toproduce loss or damage. However, ifa COVERED CAUSE OF LOSSresults, we will pay for the loss ordamage caused by that COVEREDCAUSE OF LOSS.


(1) Wear and tear;

(2) Rust, corrosion, decay, contaminationor deterioration.

(3) Latent defect, innate or inherent vice orany quality in the property that causesit to damage or destroy itself.

source, and the overflow, whetheror not wind driven, of any suchwater. This exclusion appliesregardless of whether any suchwater or its overflow is:

(i) A natural or otherwise occurringphenomenon; and

(ii) A temporary or permanentphenomenon; or


(2)Water under the surface of the groundwhether or not it is pressing on orflowing or seeping through:

(a) Foundations, basements, walls, orfloors;

(b)Any paved surfaces;

(c) Doors, windows; or

(d)Sump pumps, sump wells andother openings in (a) and (b) aboveother than sewers and drains insidebuildings.

(3) Continuous or repeated seepage orleakage of water that occurs over aperiod of time.

(4) Overflow, leakage or seepage of water,other liquids, gases, powder or moltenmaterial from any source except fireprotective systems, unless reasonablemaintenance operations have beenpracticed.

(5) Water, other liquids, powder or moltenmaterial that leaks or flows fromplumbing, heating, air conditioning orother equipment, except fire protectivesystems, caused by or resulting fromfreezing, unless due diligence has beenexercised to:

(a) Maintain heat in the building,structure and “unit”; or

(b)Drain all the equipment and shutoff the supply if the heat is notmaintained.

However, with respect to (1) and (2)above, if loss or damage, by fire,explosion, sprinkler leakage, pressure,mechanical or electrical results, we willpay for that resulting loss or damage.

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(4) Settling, cracking, bulging, shrinkingor expanding.

(5) Based upon or arising out of theexistence of, exposure to or requiredremoval or abatement of rot, mold, ormildew or other fungi, regardless ofwhether such rot, mold, or mildew orother fungi ensues from any cause orcondition including, but not limited to,any such cause or condition involvingthe presence, discharge or infiltrationof moisture, vapor, water or any otherliquid or any damage related thereto.

However, if loss or damage to coveredpressure, mechanical or electricalequipment results, we will pay for thatresulting loss or damage to suchequipment.


(1) “Theft” of property from the inside ofan unattended vehicle or trailer unless:

(a) Contained in a securely lockedbody or compartment of thevehicle; and

(b) There are visible marks of forcedentry.

(2) Forgery, or counterfeiting of “money,”“securities” or “fine arts.”

Except as provided underIV.B. WORLD WIDE CRIMECOVERAGES.

(3) Dishonest or criminal act by you, anyof your employees, directors, trustees,authorized representatives or anyoneto whom you entrust the property forany purpose:

(a) Acting alone or in collusion withothers; or

(b) Whether or not occurring duringthe hours of employment.

This exclusion does not apply to actsof destruction by your employees.However, “theft” by employees is notcovered.

Except as provided underIV.B. WORLD WIDE CRIMECOVERAGES.

(4) Property contained in any moneyoperated device unless the amount ofmoney deposited in it is recorded by acontinuous recording instrument in thedevice.

(5) Property that has been voluntaryparted with by you or by anyone elseto whom you have entrusted theproperty if induced to do so by anyfraudulent scheme, trick, device, orfalse pretense. This includes wrongfulconversion.



However, if loss or damage by anotherCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS results atthe “premises,” we will pay for theresulting loss or damage.

Except as provided under IV.A.“COLLAPSE” COVERAGE.


Discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration,release or escape of “pollutants” unlessthe discharge, dispersal, seepage,migration, release or escape is itselfcaused by any of the “Specified Causes ofLoss.”

However, if loss or damage by “SpecifiedCauses of Loss” results, we will pay forthe resulting damage caused by“Specified Causes of Loss.”


Caused by, based on, attributable to,related to or in any manner and at anytime arising out of:

(1) The use, installation, storage,withdrawal, removal, encapsulation,destruction, containment, testing,distribution, exposure, ownership, saleor disposal of asbestos, asbestos fibers,asbestos dust or material containingasbestos.

(2) Any error or omission in supervision,instructions, recommendations,notices, warnings or advice given, orwhich should have been given, inconnection with asbestos, asbestosdust, asbestos fibers or materialcontaining asbestos.

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We will not pay for loss or damage causedby or resulting from any of the following:

a. Acts, decisions, errors or omissions,including the failure to act or decide, ofany person, group, organization orgovernmental body;

b. Faulty, inadequate, defective, or negligent:

(1) Planning, zoning, development,surveying, siting;

(2) Design, testing, specifications,workmanship, repair, construction,renovation, remodeling, grading, earthcompaction;

(3) Materials used in repair, construction,renovation or remodeling; or

(4) Maintenance. However, if loss ordamage to covered pressure,mechanical or electrical equipmentresults, we will pay for that resultingloss or damage to covered pressure,mechanical or electrical equipment.

c. Giving or surrendering of property in anyexchange or purchase for which the onlyproof of which, as to its existence oramount, is an inventory computation; or aprofit and loss computation.

d. Programming, coding, data entry or datamanipulation errors including accidentalerasure; or

e. Accounting or arithmetical errors oromissions.

However, if a COVERED CAUSE OF LOSSresults, we will pay for the loss or damagecaused by that COVERED CAUSE OF LOSS.

C. LIMITATIONSWe will not pay for loss of or damage toproperty, as described and limited below. Inaddition, we will not pay for any loss that is aconsequence of loss or damage as described andlimited below.

1. To a “unit” caused by or resulting fromvandalism committed by a tenant, other thanyours.

2. To the interior of any building or structurecaused by or resulting from ice, rain, snow,sleet, water, sand or dust, all whether winddriven or not, unless:

a. The loss or damage is caused by or resultsfrom thawing or melting of snow, sleet orice on the building or structure; or

b. The building or structure first sustainsdamage by a COVERED CAUSE OFLOSS to an exterior surface throughwhich the ice, rain, snow, sleet, water, ice,sand or dust enters.

3. Property that is missing, where the onlyevidence of the loss or damage is a shortagedisclosed on taking inventory, or otherinstances where there is no physical evidenceto show what happened to the property.

4. Property that has been transferred to aperson or to a place outside the premises onthe basis of unauthorized instructions.

5. Breakage of fragile articles such as “finearts,” glassware, statuary, marbles,chinaware and porcelains unless caused by“Specified Causes of Loss.”

This limitation does not apply to:

a. Coverage provided underI.B.1. STRUCTURAL GLASS ANDSIGNS; or

b. Containers of property held for sale; or

c. Photographic or scientific instrumentlenses.

6. To all delinquent and prospectivemaintenance fees and assessments owed byany person or organization whose paymentsof such amounts are not current as of thedate of loss. This limitation applies to allsuch fees and assessments, whether they aredue as of or after the date the “period ofrestoration” commences.

7. With regard to II.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE, we will not pay for the costsassociated with the enforcement of anyordinance or law which:

a. Requires any insured or others to test for,monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat,detoxify or neutralize or in any wayrespond to or assess the effects of“pollutants.”

b. Relates in any way to asbestos or lead orany product or material containingasbestos or lead. This includes the use,installation, storage, withdrawal, removal,encapsulation, destruction, containment,

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or disposal of any such product ormaterial.

c. Is based upon or arising out of theexistence, exposure to, required removalor abatement of rot, mold, or mildew orother fungi, regardless of whether suchrot, mold, or mildew or other fungiensues from any cause or conditionincluding, but not limited to, any suchcause or condition involving the presence,discharge or infiltration of moisture,vapor, water or any other liquid or anydamage related thereto.


A. “COLLAPSE” COVERAGE1. We will pay for direct physical loss or

damage to “covered property” if the“collapse” is caused by one or more of thefollowing:

a. The “Specified Causes of Loss” orbreakage of structural glass, all only asinsured against in this Property CoveragePart;

b. Decay that is hidden from view, unlessthe presence of such decay is known toanyone acting on your behalf prior tocollapse;

c. Insect or vermin damage that is hiddenfrom view, unless the presence of suchdecay is known to anyone acting on yourbehalf prior to collapse;

d. Weight of people or personal property;

e. Weight of rain that collects on a roof;

f. Use of defective material or methods inconstruction, remodeling or renovation ifthe “collapse” occurs during the course ofthe construction, remodeling orrenovation. However, if the “collapse”occurs after construction, remodeling orrenovation is complete and is caused inpart by a cause of loss listed in A.1.a.through A.1.e. above, we will pay for theloss or damage even if use of defectivematerial or methods in construction,remodeling or renovation contributes tothe collapse.

The criteria set forth in the definition of“collapse” does not limit the coverage otherwiseprovided under paragraph III.A. COVEREDCAUSES OF LOSS for the causes of loss listedin 1.a., 1.d., and 1.e. above.


a. The following types of property are notcovered:

(1) Outdoor: satellite dishes, radio,television and other antennas,including wiring;

(2) Masts or towers;

(3) Awnings;

(4) Gutters and downspouts;

(5) Yard fixtures;

(6) Outdoor “swimming pools”;

(7) Fences;

(8) Piers, wharves or docks;

(9) Beach or diving platforms orappurtenances;

(10) Retaining walls; or

(11) Walks, roadways or other pavedsurfaces.

b. Unless the loss or damage is:

(1) Caused by “Specified Causes of Loss”;or

(2) A direct result of the “collapse” of abuilding or structure caused by aCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS.

3. If personal property abruptly falls down orcaves in and such event is not the result of“collapse” of a building or structure, we willpay for loss or damage to “coveredproperty” caused by such falling down orcaving in of personal property only if thefalling down or caving in:

a. Was caused by a cause of loss listed inA.1.a. through A.1.f.;

b. Is of personal property inside a buildingor structure; and

c. Is of property not of a kind listed in A.2.regardless of whether that kind ofproperty is considered to be personalproperty or real property.

The coverage stated in this paragraph 3. doesnot apply to personal property if marring

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and scratching, or both, is the only damageto that personal property caused by thefalling down or caving in.

B. WORLD WIDE CRIME COVERAGESCoverage is provided only when a limit ofinsurance is shown in the “Declarations.”


We will cover “Employee Dishonesty” thatdirectly results in loss of, and loss fromdamage to all tangible property and “money”and “securities” anywhere in the world.


We will cover “Computer Fraud” thatdirectly results in loss of, and loss fromdamage to all tangible property and“money” and “securities” anywhere in theworld.


We will cover “Depositors Forgery” coveragethat directly results in loss of any “coveredinstrument” anywhere in the world.


Coverage is provided only when a limit of insurance isshown in the “Declarations.”


A reward for “new information” leading to aconviction in connection with a COVEREDCAUSE OF LOSS resulting from arson,vandalism and deliberate and malicious acts.


We will pay for your liability for fire departmentservice charges, when the fire department iscalled to save or protect “covered property”from a COVERED CAUSE OF LOSS if:

1. Assumed by contract prior to a loss; or

2. Required by local ordinance.


The cost to recharge fire extinguishers used incombating an actual or suspected COVEREDCAUSE OF LOSS.


We will pay your expense to extract“pollutants” from land or water at the“premises” if the discharge, dispersal, seepage,

migration, release or escape of the “pollutants”is caused by or results from a COVEREDCAUSE OF LOSS that occurs during the policyperiod.

This coverage does not apply to costs to test for,monitor or assess the existence, concentration oreffects of “pollutants.” However, we will payfor testing which is performed in the course ofextracting the “pollutants” from the land orwater.

VI. PROPERTY CONDITIONS SECTIONThe Property Coverage Part is subject to the followingconditions.


This Property Coverage Part is void in any caseof fraud by you as it relates to this PropertyCoverage Part at any time. Also, this PropertyCoverage Part is void if you, or any otherinsured, at any time, intentionally conceal ormisrepresent a material fact concerning:

1. The Property Coverage Part;

2. The “covered property”;

3. Your interest in the “covered property”; or

4. A claim under this Property Coverage Part

Under this condition you also means any officer,director, or trustee when acting on your behalf.


Any act or neglect of any person other than youbeyond your direction or control will not affectthis insurance.


The breach of any condition of this PropertyCoverage Part at any one or more locations willnot affect coverage at any location where, at thetime of loss, the breach of condition does notexist.


No one may bring a legal action against usunder this Property Coverage Part unless:

1. There has been full compliance with all ofthe terms of this Property Coverage Part;and

2. The action is brought within two years afterthe date on which the direct physical loss ordamage occurred.

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No person or organization, other than you,having custody of “covered property” willbenefit from this insurance.


1. This insurance is primary with regard to anyother insurance in the name of any unitowner which covers the same property.

2. You may have other insurance subject to thesame plan, terms, conditions and provisionsas the insurance under this PropertyCoverage Part. If you do, we will pay ourshare of the covered loss or damage. Ourshare is the proportion that the applicablelimit of insurance under this PropertyCoverage Part bears to the sum of the limitsof all insurance covering on the same basis;and

3. If there is other insurance covering the sameloss or damage, other than described in 1. or2. above, we will pay only for the amount ofcovered loss or damage in excess of theamount due from that other insurance,whether you can collect on it or not. But wewill not pay more than the applicable limitof insurance.

However, with respect to any propertydescribed in provision I.B.5. NEWLYACQUIRED OR CONSTRUCTED PROPERTY,if loss or damage is also covered by insuranceavailable to the developer, contractor or builderwhich is performing or which has performedconstruction or renovation to any such property,this insurance does not apply at all.

4. With respect to property in the care andcustody of an armored motor vehiclecompany, we will pay only for the amountof loss that you cannot recover:

a. Under your contract with the armoredmotor vehicle company; and

b. From any insurance or indemnity carriedby, or for the benefit of customers of, thearmored motor vehicle company.


1. If any person or organization to or forwhom we make payment under thisProperty Coverage Part has rights to recoverdamages from another, those rights are

transferred to us to the extent of ourpayment. That person or organization mustdo everything necessary to secure our rightsand must do nothing after loss to impairthem.

2. Other than the builder, developer orsponsor, for acts or omissions performed asthe builder, developer or sponsor, you maywaive your rights against another party inwriting:

a. Prior to a covered loss; or

b. After a covered loss, only if, at the time ofthe loss, that party is one of the following:

(1)An insured on this policy; or

(2)A tenant of yours.

Unless the payment is a result of anyuncollected amounts for maintenance feesand assessments underII.A. MAINTENANCE FEES ANDASSESSMENTS; accounts receivable underII.D. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE EXPENSES;or any dishonest or criminal act coveredunder IV.B. WORLD WIDE CRIMECOVERAGES.

3. Unless the payment is a result of anyuncollected amounts for maintenance feesand assessments underII.A. MAINTENANCE FEES ANDASSESSMENTS; accounts receivable underII.D. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE EXPENSES;or any dishonest or criminal act coveredunder IV.B. WORLD WIDE CRIMECOVERAGES, we waive any rights whichthis condition may give us against all of thefollowing:

a. You.

b. Members of the board of directors for actsor omissions within the scope of theirduties for you.

c. Any unit owner and residing householdmembers.

We reserve our right, however, to recoveragainst the builder, developer or sponsor foracts or omissions that the builder, developeror sponsor may be liable for in the capacityas a builder, developer or sponsor.

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1. The term mortgage holder includes trustee.

2. If the homeowners association is terminated,we will pay for covered loss of, or damageto, buildings or structures to each mortgageholder shown on the “Declarations” inorder of their precedence, as interests mayappear.

In all other respects, we will pay for loss tobuildings or structures to you or thedesignated insurance trustee in accordancewith VI.O. LOSS PAYMENT.

3. The mortgage holder has the right to receiveloss payment even if the mortgage holderhas started foreclosure or similar action onthe building or structure.

4. If we deny your claim because of your actsor because you have failed to comply withthe terms of this policy, the mortgage holderwill still have the right to receive losspayment if the mortgage holder:

a. Pays any premium due under this policyat our request if you have failed to do so;

b. Submits a signed sworn statement of losswithin 60 days after receiving notice fromus of your failure to do so; and

c. Has notified us of any change inownership, occupancy or substantialchange in risk known to the mortgageholder.

All of the terms of this policy will thenapply directly to the mortgage holder.

5. If we pay the mortgage holder for any lossor damage and deny payment to youbecause of your acts or because you havefailed to comply with the terms of thispolicy:

a. The mortgage holder’s rights under themortgage will be transferred to us to theextent of the amount we pay; and

b. The mortgage holder’s right to recoverthe full amount of the mortgage holder’sclaim will not be impaired.

At our option, we may pay to the mortgageholder the whole principal of the mortgageplus any accrued interest. In this event, yourmortgage and note will be transferred to usand you will pay your remaining mortgagedebt to us.

6. If we cancel this policy, we will give writtennotice to the mortgage holder at least 30days before the effective date of cancellation.

7. If we elect not to renew this policy, we willgive written notice to the mortgage holder atleast 30 days before the expiration date ofthis policy.


Failure to perform these duties will impair yourrights under this Property Coverage Part orcould result in denial of coverage.

1. Notify us in writing of any clean up orremoval expenses for debris and“pollutants” within 180 days of the earlier ofthe following:

a. The date of the direct physical loss ordamage which creates the debris orpollution; or

b. The expiration date of this policy.

2. With regard to unpaid maintenance fees andassessments, community income andaccounts receivable underII.A. MAINTENANCE FEES ANDASSESSMENTS, II.B. COMMUNITYINCOME and II.D. ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE EXPENSES you must:

a. Make a reasonable effort to collect them;

b. Not waive your right to collect them; and

c. Cooperate with us in taking action tocollect any such amounts you have beenunable to collect after reasonable effort.The taking of any such action shall be atour sole election.

3. Notify the police if a law may have beenbroken.

4. Give us prompt notice of the loss or damageand include a description of the propertyinvolved.

5. With regard to “money” and “securities,”you must keep adequate records of thecovered property to substantiate the amountof your claim.

6. With regard to the “depositors forgery” ofany “covered instrument,” you must includewith your proof of loss any instrumentinvolved in that loss, or, if that is notpossible, an affidavit setting forth the

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amount and cause of loss.

7. As soon as possible, give us a description ofhow, when and where the loss or damageoccurred.

8. Take all reasonable steps to protect the“covered property” from further damage. Iffeasible, set the damaged property aside andin the best possible order for examination.

9. At our request, give us complete inventoriesof the damaged and undamaged property.Include quantities, costs, values and amountof loss claimed.

10.As often as may reasonably be required,permit us to inspect the property andrecords proving the loss or damage. Alsopermit us to take samples of damaged andundamaged property for inspection, testingand analysis. Permit us to make copies fromyour books and records.

11.Permit us to question you under oath atsuch times as may be reasonably requiredabout any matter relating to this insuranceor your claim, including your books andrecords. In such event, your answers mustbe signed.

12. Send us a signed, sworn statement of losscontaining the information we request toinvestigate or settle the claim. You must dothis within 60 days.

13. Cooperate with us in the investigation orsettlement of the claim.


1. Regardless of the number of years thisinsurance remains in force or the number ofpremiums paid, no limit of insuranceaccumulates from policy term to policyterm.

2. Unless otherwise specified, the most we willpay for loss or damage is the applicablelimit of insurance shown in the“Declarations.” With regard to property yourent or lease from others, we shall pay theamount any lease or rental agreementspecifies as the least you owe if that amountis greater than the property’s replacementcost. However, we will not pay the ownersmore than their financial interest in the“covered property.”

3. Unless otherwise specified, in the“Declarations,” the applicable limits ofinsurance apply on a per occurrence basis.

4. With regard to IV.B. WORLD WIDE CRIMECOVERAGES provided under this policy,loss is covered only if:

a. Discovered not later than one year fromthe termination of this coverage; and

b. Subject to 5. blow, the loss is sustainedduring the effective period of thiscoverage.

5. With regard to IV.B.1. “EMPLOYEEDISHONESTY” coverage provided underthis policy:

a. If you or your predecessor in interestsustained loss during the period of anyprior insurance for which you or yourpredecessor in interest could haverecovered under such prior insurance butfor the failure of you or your predecessorin interest to discover such loss within thetime period allowed by such priorinsurance, we will pay such loss underthis insurance, provided:

(1) This insurance became effective at thetime of cancellation or termination ofthe prior insurance; and

(2) The loss would have been covered bythis insurance had it been in effectwhen the acts or events causing theloss were committed or occurred.

b. The most we will pay is the larger of theamount recoverable under this insuranceor prior insurance for any loss covered:

(1) Partly by this insurance; and

(2) Partly by any prior canceled orterminated insurance that we or anyaffiliate had issued to you or anypredecessor in interest.



We will not pay for loss, damage or expensein any one occurrence until the amount ofloss, damage or expense exceeds thedeductible shown in the “Declarations.” Wewill then pay the amount of loss, damage orexpense in excess of such deductible up tothe applicable limit of insurance. Except for

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2. below, when any occurrence is subject tomore than one deductible, we will applyonly the highest deductible.


With regard to loss or damage toI.A.2. “UNITS” as provided underIII.C. LIMITATIONS, 2. we will apply thedeductible shown in the “Declarations”separately to each “unit” that actuallysustains resulting water damage. Anyresulting deductible or deductibles willapply in addition to the deductible whichmay result from 1. above.


The value of all property will be determined atthe time of loss, unless otherwise specified inthis section.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on a replacement costbasis, we will pay no more than the least ofthe following:

a. The cost to repair or replace the propertyat the same site, regardless if repaired orreplaced at the same site or another,without deduction for depreciation:

(1) With comparable material;

(2) With property of the same height,floor area and style; and

(3) With property intended for the samepurpose;

b. The amount actually and necessarilyexpended in repairing or replacing theproperty at the same site; or,

c. The limit of insurance.

However, we will not pay more than:

a. Actual cash value of the damage until therepair or replacement is completed. Afterthe actual cash value of the damage hasbeen paid, you may still make a claim ona replacement cost basis if you notify usthat repair or replacement hascommenced within 200 days after the lossor damage.

b. Local builder’s grade costs under I.A.2.a.ORIGINAL SPECIFICATIONS if the

original plans and specifications cannotbe documented or determined.

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When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on an increasedreplacement cost basis, we will pay:

a. If the building is repaired or replaced atthe same “premises,” or if you elect torebuild at another premises, the least ofthe following:

(1) The increased cost of construction atthe same “premises”; or

(2) The limit of insurance.

b. If the ordinance or law requires relocationto another premises, the least of thefollowing:

(1) The increased cost of construction atthe new “premises”; or

(2) The limit of insurance.

We will not pay:

a. Unless and until the property is actuallyrepaired or replaced;

b. Unless the repairs or replacement aremade as soon as reasonably possible, butwithin two years of the loss or damage.We may extend this period in writingduring the two year period: and,

c. Unless the restored or remolded propertyis intended for similar occupancy as thecurrent property except when suchoccupancy is not permitted by zoning orland use ordinance or law.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on a guaranteedreplacement cost basis, subject toVI.M. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, wewill waive condition c. underVI.L.1. REPLACEMENT COST, above.All other conditions ofVI.L.1. REPLACEMENT COST apply.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on an actual cash valuebasis, we will pay no more than the least ofthe following:

a. The replacement cost less the depreciationof the property at the time of the loss; or

b. The limit of insurance.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on an actual cost basis,we will pay no more than the least of thefollowing:

a. Amount you actually and necessarilyspend; or

b. The limit of insurance.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on an actual losssustained basis, we will pay no more thanactual dollar amount of your loss.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on a face value basis,we will pay no more than the nominalamount of any currency or any “coveredinstrument” up to the least of the following:

a. In its U.S. currency equivalent determinedby the rate of exchange as of the date theloss is discovered;

b. In the “money” of the country in whichthe loss occurred; or

c. The limit of insurance.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on a market valuebasis, we will pay no more than the least ofthe following:

a. The value of the “securities” at the closeof the last business day preceding thediscovery of the loss;

b. The cost to replace them in kind, in whichevent you must assign to us all yourrights, title and interest in and to those“securities”;

c. The cost of any Lost Securities Bondrequired in connection with issuingduplicates of the “securities.”

However, we will be liable only for thepayment of the cost of the bond as wouldbe charged for a bond having a penaltynot exceeding the lesser of the:

(1)Value of the “securities” at the close ofbusiness on the day the loss wasdiscovered; or

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(2) Limit of insurance.

However, we do not have to furnish anybonds; or

d. The limit of insurance.


When the “Declarations” indicate thatcoverage is provided on an appraised valuebasis, we will pay no more than the least ofthe following:

a. Value determined by a competentappraiser; or

b. The limit of insurance.



Insurance under I.B.5. NEWLY ACQUIREDOR CONSTRUCTED PROPERTY willterminate when any of the following firstoccurs:

a. This policy ends;

b. 90 days expire after you acquire or beginto construct the property; or

c. You request coverage on such property.

We will charge you additional premium forvalues reported from the date constructionbegins or you acquire the property.


When VI.L.3. GUARANTEEDREPLACEMENT COST coverage is providedyou must report to us within 30 days thefollowing:

a. Any addition, improvement or alterationto property covered under I.A.1.BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES andI.A.2. “UNITS” which increases the valueby $25,000 or more.

b. Any addition, improvement, alteration oracquisition to property covered underI.A.3. COMMUNITY PERSONALPROPERTY which increases the value by$25,000 or more.

Your failure to comply with this conditionwill void any recovery underVI.L.3. GUARANTEED REPLACEMENTCOST for additions, improvements,alterations or acquisitions to propertydescribed in a. and b. above. We will chargeyou additional premium for values reported

from the date construction begins or youacquire the property.


1. If you and we disagree on the amount ofloss or value of property, either may makewritten demand for an appraisal of the loss.In this event, each party will do thefollowing:

a. Select its own appraiser. You and we mustnotify the other of the appraiser selectedwithin 20 days of the written demand forappraisal.

(1)The appraisers will state separatelyand independently the amount of theloss or damage.

(2) If the two appraisers fail to agree theywill select an umpire. If the appraisersdo not agree on the selection of anumpire within 15 days, they mustrequest selection of an umpire by ajudge of a court having jurisdiction.

(3) An agreement by any two will bebinding as to the amount of the loss.

b. Pay the costs of its own appraiser.

c. Pay its share of any other costs of theappraisal as follows:

(1) If the amount agreed upon in N.1.a.(3)above is higher than either party’sappraisal in N.1.a.(1), above, the partysubmitting the lower appraisal willpay all such costs.

(2) If the amount agreed upon in N.1.a.(3)above is lower than either party’sappraisal in N.1.a.(1), above, the partysubmitting the higher appraisal willpay all such costs.

(3) Otherwise, each party’s share of suchother costs is determined using thefollowing steps:

Step 1:

Determine, by subtraction, the differencebetween that party’s appraisal in N.1.a.(1)above and the amount agreed upon inN.1.a.(3) above.Step 2:

Divide the result of Step 1 by thedifference between each party’s appraisalin N.1.a.(1) above.

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Step 3:

Multiply the result of Step 2 by the totalof such other costs to determine thatparty’s share.

2. If we submit to an appraisal, we will stillretain our right to deny the claim.


1. In accordance with VI.L. VALUATION, inthe event of loss or damage covered by thisProperty Coverage Part, at our option, wewill either:

a. Pay the value of lost or damagedproperty;

b. Pay the cost of repairing or replacing thelost or damaged property;

c. Take all or any part of the property at anagreed or appraised value; or

d. Repair, rebuild or replace the propertywith other property of comparablequality.

Except for coverage provided underII.G. ORDINANCE OR LAW COVERAGE.

2. With regard to II.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE provided under this policy,coverage is subject to the qualificationsshown below. The property must sustain:

a. Direct physical damage that is coveredunder this policy and such damageresults in enforcement of the ordinance orlaw; or

b. Both direct physical damage that iscovered under this policy; and directphysical damage that is not coveredunder this policy, and the buildingdamage in its entirety results inenforcement of the ordinance or law.

In this situation, we will not pay the fullamount of loss otherwise payable underII.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE. Instead, we will pay aproportion of such loss; meaning theproportion that the covered directphysical damage bears to the total directphysical damage.

However, if the covered direct physicaldamage, alone, would have resulted inthe enforcement of the ordinance or law,then we will pay the amount of loss

otherwise payable under the terms ofII.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE.

However, if the property sustains directphysical damage that is not covered underthis policy, and such damage is the subject othe ordinance or law, then no coverageunder II.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE will be provided even if theproperty has also sustained direct physicaldamage.

3. We will notify you of our intentions within30 days after we receive the sworn statementof loss.

4. We will not pay for more than your financialinterest in the “covered property.”

5. We may adjust losses with the owners of lostor damaged property if other than you. Ifwe pay the owners, such payments willsatisfy your claims against us for theowners’ property. We will not pay theowners more than their financial interest inthe “covered property.”

6. We may elect to defend you against suitsarising from claims of owners of property.We will do this at our expense.

7. We will pay within 30 days after we receivethe sworn statement of loss, if you havecomplied with all of the terms of thisProperty Coverage Part and:

a. We have reached agreement with you onthe amount of loss; or

b. An appraisal award has been made.

8. If an insurance trustee is shown in the“Declarations,” we will adjust losses withyou, but we will pay the insurance trustee. Ifwe pay the trustee, the payments will satisfyyour claims against us.


If you or we recover any property after losssettlement, that party must give the otherprompt notice. At your option, the property willbe returned to you. You must then return to usthe amount we paid to you for the property.

1. Except with regard to “Money” and“Securities,” “Employee Dishonesty,”“Computer Fraud” and “Depositors Forgery”if you elect to keep the property or have usreturn it to you, you must return to us theamount we paid you for it.

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We will pay recovery expenses and theexpenses to repair the recovered property,subject to the amount we paid you.


a. Any recoveries, less the cost of obtainingthem, made after settlement of losscovered by this insurance will bedistributed as follows:

(1) To you, until you are reimbursed forany loss that you sustain that exceedsthe limit of insurance and theDeductible Amount, if any;

(2) Then to us, until we are reimbursed forthe settlement made;

(3) Then to you, until you are reimbursedfor that part of the loss equal to theDeductible Amount, if any.

b. Recoveries do not include any recovery:

(1) From insurance, suretyship,reinsurance, security or indemnitytaken for our benefit; or

(2) Of original “securities” after duplicatesof them have been issued.


You cannot abandon any property to us.


In the event we pay you more than you areentitled to under the provisions of this contract,you must reimburse us in the amount of anysuch overpayment.


No act or omission by any homeowner willvoid the policy or be a condition to recoveryunder this policy. However, this does not applyto homeowners acting within the scope of theirauthority on behalf of your Association.


Upon discovery of a dangerous condition withrespect to any boiler, fired or unfired pressurevessel, refrigerating or air conditioning system,piping and its accessory equipment and anymechanical or electrical machine or apparatusused for the generation, transmission orutilization of mechanical or electrical power,any of our representatives may immediately

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suspend the insurance with respect to loss ordamage to said object by written notice mailedor delivered to you at your address, or at thelocation of the object, as specified for it in the“Declarations.” Insurance so suspended may bereinstated by us, but only by an endorsementissued to form a part hereof. You shall beallowed the unearned portion of the premiumpaid for such suspended insurance, pro rata, forthe period of suspension.


Under this Property Coverage Part we providecoverage for loss or damage during the “policyperiod.”

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GENERAL LIABILITYThe word insured means any person or organizationqualifying as such under XII. GENERAL LIABILITYWHO IS AN INSURED SECTION.

VII. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGES SECTIONWe will pay those sums that the insured becomes legallyobligated to pay as damages because of “bodily injury,”“property damage,” “personal injury,” or “advertisinginjury” to which this insurance applies. We will have theright and duty to defend the insured against any “suit”seeking those damages. We will have no duty to defendthe insured against any “suit” seeking damages for“bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personal injury”and “advertising injury” to which this insurance doesnot apply.

With respect to “bodily injury” or “property damage,”this insurance applies only to “bodily injury” or“property damage” caused by an “occurrence” whichtakes place during the “policy period” in the “coverageterritory.” With respect to “personal injury” or“advertising injury,” this insurance applies only to“personal injury” or “advertising injury” caused by an“offense” which was committed during the “policyperiod” in the “coverage territory.”

No other obligation or liability to pay sums or performacts or services is covered unless explicitly provided forunder IX. GENERAL LIABILITY MEDICALPAYMENTS SECTION or X. GENERAL LIABILITYDEFENSE OF CLAIM OR “SUIT” SECTION.

Below are specific descriptions of coverage and specificapplicable exclusions, designated by capitalized letter,from XI. GENERAL LIABILITY EXCLUSIONSSECTION.

This insurance applies only to:


“Bodily injury” caused by an “occurrence.”

Only exclusions A., B., C., D., E., F., G., H., I.,J., K., L., M., N., O. and S. apply to “bodilyinjury.”


“Property damage” caused by an“occurrence.”

Only exclusions A., B., C., D., E., F., G., H., I.,J., K., L., M., N., P., Q., R. and S. apply to“property damage.”


“Personal injury” caused by an “offense”arising out of your business, excludingadvertising, publishing, broadcasting ortelecasting done by or for you.

Only exclusions A., B., C., G., H., I., N., T. andU. apply to “personal injury.”


“Advertising injury” caused by an “offense”committed in the course of advertising yourgoods, products or services.

Only exclusions A., B., C., G., H., I., T. and V.apply to “advertising injury.”


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” causedby an “occurrence” arising out of themaintenance or use of a “hired auto” by you,your directors or “officers,” or your“employees” in the course of your operations.


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” causedby an “occurrence” arising out of the use ofany “nonowned auto” in your operations byany person other than you.

Only exclusions B., D., E., G., H., I., M., N., O.,X. and Y. apply to “hired auto” and “nonownedauto.”

Throughout this policy the words “you” and “your” refer to the Named Insured shown in the “Declarations.”“We,” “us” and “our” refer to the company providing this insurance. Other words and phrases that appear inquotation marks have special meaning. Refer to XXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTION.


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D. PROPERTY DAMAGE LEGAL LIABILITY -REAL PROPERTY“Property damage,” caused by an “occurrence,”to real property of others, includingpermanently attached fixtures, rented to oroccupied by you. This insurance applies only ifsuch “property damage” is caused by aCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS described in III.A.COVERED CAUSE OF LOSS.

Only exclusions A., D., E., G., H., I., M., N. andQ. apply to this coverage.


Exclusions under the XI. GENERAL LIABILITYEXCLUSIONS SECTION applicable to garage andparking area legal liability payments coverage aredesignated by letter in this section.

We will pay all sums the insured legally must pay asdamages for “property damage,” which is direct andaccidental, to an “auto,” “auto equipment” or “mobileequipment” left in the insured’s care while the insuredis attending, servicing, repairing, parking or storing itin your “garage operations” provided that the loss iscovered by either A. or B. below:

A. COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGEFrom any cause except:

1. The “auto’s” collision with another object; or

2. The “auto’s” overturn.


1. The “auto’s” collision with another object; or

2. The “auto’s” overturn.

Only exclusions E., G., H., I. and W. apply to thiscoverage.


Exclusions under the XI. GENERAL LIABILITYEXCLUSIONS SECTION applicable to medicalpayments coverage are designated by letter in thissection.

We will pay reasonable “medical expenses” for “bodilyinjury,” without regard to fault, caused by an accidentoccurring: on premises you own or rent; on waysadjoining premises you own or rent; or because of youroperations. We will pay provided that:

A. The accident takes place in the “coverageterritory” and during the “policy period”;

B. The expenses are incurred and reported to uswithin one year of the date of the accident; and

C. The injured person submits to examination, atour expense, by physicians of our choice, asoften as we reasonably require.

Only exclusions A., B., C., D., E., F., G., H., I., J., K.,L., M., N., O. and Z. apply to this coverage.


We will have the right and duty to defend the insuredagainst any claim or “suit” seeking damages payableunder VII. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGESSECTION. We may, at our discretion, investigate any“occurrence” or “offense,” and settle any claim or “suit”that may result. Our right and duty to defend end whenwe have used up the applicable limit of insurance in thepayment of judgments or settlements underVII. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGES SECTION orIX. GENERAL LIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTSSECTION. We will pay “defense costs,” with respect toany claim or “suit” we defend, in addition to the limit ofinsurance. We will have no duty to defend the insuredagainst any “suit” seeking damages for “bodily injury,”“property damage,” “personal injury,” or “advertisinginjury” to which this insurance does not apply.




“Bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personalinjury,” or “advertising injury” arising out of therendering or failure to render “professionalservice.”

This exclusion does not apply to “bodily injury”arising from “incidental medical malpractice”provided for under VII.A.1.”BODILY INJURY.”


Any obligation of the insured under a workerscompensation, disability benefits orunemployment compensation law or any similarlaw.

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“Bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personalinjury,” or “advertising injury” sustained by anyperson or organization arising out of or if anyway related to any:

1. Refusal to employ;

2. Termination of employment;

3. Coercion, demotion, evaluation,reassignment, discipline, defamation,harassment, humiliation, discrimination orother employment related practices, policies,acts or omissions; or

4. Consequential “bodily injury,” “propertydamage,” “personal injury,” or “advertisinginjury” as a result of subparagraphs 1., 2. and3. above.

This exclusion applies whether the insured maybe liable as an employer or in any other capacity,and to any obligation to share damages with orrepay someone else who must pay damagesbecause of the injury.


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” for whichthe insured is obligated to pay damages byreason of the assumption of liability in a contractor agreement. This exclusion does not apply toliability for damages:

1. That the insured would have in the absenceof the contract or agreement; or

2. Assumed in a contract or agreement that isan “insured contract” provided the “bodilyinjury” or “property damage” occurssubsequent to the execution of the contract oragreement. Solely for the purposes of liabilityassumed in an “insured contract,” reasonableattorney fees and necessary litigationexpenses incurred by or for a party otherthan an insured are deemed to be damagesbecause of “bodily injury” or “propertydamage,” provided:

a. Liability to such party for, or for the cost of,that party’s defense has also been assumedin the same “insured contract”; and

b. Such attorney fees and litigation expensesare for defense of that party against a civilor alternative dispute resolutionproceeding in which damages to whichthis insurance applies are alleged.


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” expectedor intended from the standpoint of the insured.This exclusion does not apply to “bodily injury”resulting from the use of reasonable force toprotect persons or property.


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” for whichany insured may be held liable by reason of:1. Causing or contributing to the intoxication of

any person;2. The furnishing of alcoholic beverages to a

person under the legal drinking age or underthe influence of alcohol; or

3. Any statute, ordinance or regulation relatingto the sale, gift, distribution or use ofalcoholic beverages.

This exclusion applies only if you are in thebusiness of manufacturing, distributing, selling,serving or furnishing alcoholic beverages.


1. “Bodily injury,” “property damage,”“personal injury,” or “advertising injury”arising out of the actual, alleged orthreatened discharge, dispersal, seepage,migration, release or escape of “pollutants”:a. At or from any “premises,” site or location

which is or was at any time owned oroccupied by, or rented or loaned to, anyinsured. However, this subparagraph doesnot apply to:(1) “Bodily injury” if sustained within a

building and caused by smoke, fumes,vapor or soot from equipment used toheat that building:

(2) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”for which you may be held liable, ifyou are a contractor and the owner orlessee of such “premises,” site orlocation has been added to your policyas an additional insured with respect toyour ongoing operations performed forthe additional insured at that“premises,” site or location.

(3) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”arising out of heat, smoke or fumesfrom a “hostile fire”;

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b. At or from any “premises,” site or locationwhich is or was at any time used by or forany insured or others for the handling,storage, disposal, processing or treatmentof waste;

c. Which are or were at any timetransported, handled, stored, treated,disposed of, or processed as waste by orfor any insured or any person ororganization for whom you may be legallyresponsible; or

d. At or from any “premises,” site or locationon which any insured or any contractorsor subcontractors working directly orindirectly on any insured’s behalf areperforming operations if the “pollutants”are brought on or to the “premises,” site orlocation in connection with suchoperations by such insured, contractor orsubcontractor. However, thissubparagraph does not apply to:(1) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”

arising out of the escape of fuels,lubricants or other operating fluidswhich are needed to perform thenormal electrical, hydraulic ormechanical functions necessary for theoperation of “mobile equipment” or itsparts, if such fuels, lubricants or otheroperating fluids escape from a vehiclepart designed to hold, store or receivethem. This exception does not apply ifthe “bodily injury” or “propertydamage” arises out of the intentionaldischarge, dispersal or release of fuels,lubricants or other operating fluids, orif such fuels, lubricants or otheroperating fluids are brought on or tothe “premises,” site or location with theintent that they be discharged,dispersed or released as part of theoperations being performed by suchinsured, contractor or subcontractor;

(2) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”sustained within a building andcaused by the release of gases, fumesor vapors from materials brought intothat building in connection withoperations being performed by you oron your behalf by a contractor orsubcontractor; or

(3) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”

arising out of heat, smoke or fumesfrom a “hostile fire.”

e. At or from any “premises,” site or locationon which any insured or any contractorsor subcontractors working directly orindirectly on any insured’s behalf areperforming operations if the operationsare to test for, monitor, clean up, remove,contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or inany way respond to, assess the effects of,“pollutants.”

2. Any loss, cost or expense arising out of any:

a. Request, demand, order or statutory orregulatory requirement that any insuredor others test for, monitor, clean up,remove, contain, treat, detoxify orneutralize, or in any way respond to, orassess the effects of “pollutants”; or

b. Claim or “suit” by or on behalf of agovernmental authority for damagesbecause of testing for, monitoring,cleaning up, removing, containing,treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or inany way responding to, or assessing theeffects of “pollutants.”

However, this paragraph 2. does not apply toliability for damages because of “propertydamage” that the insured would have in theabsence of such request, demand, order orstatutory or regulatory requirement, or suchclaim or “suit” by or on behalf of agovernmental authority.


“Bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personalinjury” or “advertising injury” of any naturewhatsoever, based on, caused by, attributable to,related to, or in any manner and at any timearising out of:

1. The use, installation, storage, withdrawal,removal, encapsulation, destruction,containment, testing, distribution, ownership,sale or disposal of asbestos, asbestos dust,asbestos fibers or material containingasbestos;

2. Exposure to asbestos, asbestos dust, asbestosfibers or material containing asbestos; or

3. Any error or omission in supervision,instructions, recommendations, notices,warnings or advice given, or which shouldhave been given, in connection with asbestos,

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asbestos dust, asbestos fibers or materialcontaining asbestos.


“Bodily injury,” “property damage, “ “personalinjury” or “advertising injury” based upon orarising out of the exposure to, required removalor abatement of rot, mold, or mildew, or otherfungi, regardless of whether such rot, mold, ormildew, or other fungi, ensues from any cause orcondition or, at, under or emanating from or tothe “premises,” including but not limited to anysuch cause or condition involving the presence,discharge or infiltration of moisture, vapor,water or any other liquid, or any damage relatedto any of these.


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” arisingout of the ownership, maintenance, use orentrustment to others of any “auto” owned, oroperated by, or rented or loaned to any insured.Use includes operation and “loading orunloading.”

This exclusion does not apply to:

1. Parking an “auto” on, or on the ways next to,property you own or rent, provided the“auto” is not owned by or rented or loaned toyou or the insured; or

2. “Bodily injury” or “property damage” arisingout of the operation of “mobile equipment.”


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” arisingout of the ownership, maintenance, use orentrustment to others of any aircraft orwatercraft owned, chartered or operated by, orrented or loaned to any insured. Use includesoperation and “loading or unloading.”

This exclusion does not apply to:

1. Any watercraft while ashore on premisesyou own or rent;

2. A watercraft you do not own that is:

a. Less than 50 feet long; and

b. Not being used to carry persons orproperty for a charge;

3. Liability assumed under any “insuredcontract” for the ownership, maintenanceor use of aircraft or watercraft.


“Bodily injury” or “property damage” arisingout of:

1. The transportation of “mobile equipment”by an “auto” owned or operated by orrented or loaned to any insured; or

2. The use of “mobile equipment” in, orwhile in practice for or while beingprepared for, any prearranged racing,speed, demolition contest or stuntingactivity.

M. “WAR”

“Bodily injury” or “property damage” due to“war” or any act or condition incident to “war.”

This exclusion applies only to liability assumedunder a contract or agreement.


Under any Liability Coverage, “bodily injury,”“property damage” or “personal injury”:

1. With respect to which an insured underthe policy is also an insured under anuclear energy liability policy issued byNuclear Energy Liability InsuranceAssociation, Mutual Atomic EnergyLiability Underwriters, Nuclear EnergyInsurance Association of Canada or any oftheir successors, or would be an insuredunder any such policy but for itstermination upon exhaustion of its limit ofliability; or

2. Resulting from the “hazardous properties”of “nuclear material” and with respect towhich:

a. Any person or organization is requiredto maintain financial protectionpursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of1954, or any law that amends it; or

b. The insured is, or had this policy notbeen issued would be, entitled toindemnity from the United States ofAmerica or any of its agencies, underany agreement entered into by theUnited States of America, or any of itsagencies, with any person ororganization.

3. Resulting from the “hazardous properties”

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of “nuclear material” if:

a. The “nuclear material” is at any“nuclear facility” owned by, oroperated by or on behalf of an insuredor has been discharged or dispersedtherefrom;

b. The “nuclear material” is contained in“spent fuel” or “waste” at any timepossessed, handled, used, processed,stored, transported or disposed of by oron behalf of an insured; or

c. The loss, including all forms ofradioactive contamination of property,arises out of “bodily injury” or“property damage” arises out of thefurnishing by an insured of services,materials, parts or equipment inconnection with the planning,construction, maintenance, operation oruse of any “nuclear facility,” but if suchfacility is located within the UnitedStates of America, its territories orpossessions or Canada, this exclusion c.applies only to “property damage” tosuch “nuclear facility” and anyproperty threat.


“Bodily injury” to:

1. An “employee” of the insured arising outof and in the course of:

a. Employment by the insured; or

b. Performing duties related to theconduct of the insured’s business; or

2. The spouse, child, parent, brother, or sisterof that “employee” as a consequence ofsubparagraph 1. above.

This exclusion applies:

1. Whether the insured may be liable as anemployer or in any other capacity; and

2. To any obligation to share damages withor repay someone else who must paydamages because of the injury.

This exclusion does not apply to liabilityassumed by the insured under an “insuredcontract.”


1. “Property damage” to:

a. Property you own, rent or occupy orwhich is owned, rented or occupied byanother but which you are legallyresponsible to monitor or maintain;

b. Premises you sell, give away or abandon,if the “property damage” arises out of anypart of those premises;

c. Property loaned to you;

d. Personal property in the care, custody, orcontrol of the insured;

e. That particular part of real property onwhich you or any contractors orsubcontractors working directly orindirectly on your behalf are performingoperations, if the “property damage”arises out of those operations; or

f. That particular part of any property thatmust be restored, repaired or replacedbecause “your work” was incorrectlyperformed on it.

2. Paragraph 1.b. of this exclusion does notapply if the premises are “your work” andwere never occupied, rented, or held forrental by you.

3. Paragraphs 1.c., 1.d., 1.e., and 1.f. of thisexclusion do not apply to liability assumedunder a “sidetrack agreement.”

4. Paragraph 1.f. of this exclusion does notapply to “property damage” included in the“products-completed operations hazard.”


1. “Property damage” to “your product” arisingout of it or any part of it.

2. “Property damage” to “your work” arisingout of it or any part of it and included in the“products-completed operations hazard.”

This exclusion does not apply if the damagedwork or the work out of which the damage ariseswas performed on your behalf by asubcontractor.


1. “Property damage” to “impaired property”or property that has not been physicallyinjured, arising out of:

a. A defect, deficiency, inadequacy or25 of 59CAU 1020 07/01

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dangerous condition in “your product” or“your work”; or

b. A delay or failure by you or anyone actingon your behalf to perform a contract oragreement in accordance with its terms.

This exclusion does not apply to the loss ofuse of other property arising out of suddenand accidental physical injury to “yourproduct” or “your work” after it has been putto its intended use.


Damages claimed for any loss, cost or expenseincurred by you or others for the loss of use,withdrawal, recall, inspection, repair,replacement, adjustment, removal or disposal of:

1. “Your product”;

2. “Your work”; or

3. “Impaired property”;

If such product, work or property is withdrawnor recalled from the market or from use by anyperson or organization because of a known orsuspected defect, deficiency, inadequacy ordangerous condition in it.


“Personal injury” or “advertising injury”:

1. Arising out of oral or written publication ofmaterial, if done by or at the direction of theinsured with knowledge of its falsity;

2. Arising out of oral or written publication ofmaterial whose first publication took placebefore the beginning of the “policy period”;

3. Arising out of the willful violation of a penalstatute or ordinance committed by or withthe consent of the insured;

4. For which the insured has assumed liabilityin a contract or agreement. This exclusiondoes not apply to liability for damages thatthe insured would have in absence of thecontract or agreement; or

5. Arising out of discrimination that first tookplace before the beginning of the “policyperiod.”


“Personal injury” arising out of:1. Any advertising, publishing, broadcasting or

telecasting done by or for you;2. Humiliation or discrimination when arising

out of the willful violation of any civil rightslaw whether federal, state, or local ordinance.This includes but is not limited todiscrimination on account of race, religion,sex, age, familial status or handicap; or

3. Humiliation or discrimination whencommitted by or with knowledge or consentof the insured.


“Advertising injury” arising out of:1. Breach of contract, other than

misappropriation of advertising ideas underan implied contract;

2. The failure of goods, products or services toconform with advertised quality orperformance;

3. The wrong description of the price of goods,products or services; or

4. An “offense” committed by an insuredwhose business is advertising, broadcasting,publishing or telecasting.


1. “Property damage” arising out of:a. Liability resulting from any agreement by

which the insured accepts responsibilityfor “property damage”;

b. Theft or conversion caused in any way bythe insured;

c. Defective parts or materials; ord. Faulty work you performed. This includes

work someone performed for you.2. “Property damage” to any of the following:

a. “Auto equipment” which is notpermanently installed in the:(1) “Auto” by the manufacturer of the

“auto” or by an authorizedrepresentative of the manufacturer; or

(2) Dash or console opening designed bythe “auto” manufacturer for theinstallation of such equipment;

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“Bodily injury”:

1. To an “employee” of the insured arising outof and in the course of employment by theinsured; or

2. To the spouse, child, parent, brother or sisterof that “employee” as a consequence ofsubparagraph 1. above.

This exclusion applies:

1. Whether the insured may be liable as anemployer or in any other capacity; and

2. To any obligation to share damages with orrepay someone else who must pay damagesbecause of injury.

This exclusion does not apply to liabilityassumed by the insured under an “insuredcontract.”


“Property damage” to:

1. Property owned or being transported by, orrented or loaned to the insured; or

2. Property in the care, custody or control of theinsured.


“Bodily injury”:

1. To any insured other than a homeowner or amember of the homeowner’s family residingin the homeowner’s unit;

2. To any homeowner or a member of thehomeowner’s family residing in the unit forinjuries occurring on that portion of thepremises which is owned or maintainedsolely by the homeowner;

3. To a person hired to do work for or on behalfof any insured or a tenant of any insured;

4. To a person injured on that part of propertyyou own or rent that the person normallyoccupies;

5. To a person while taking part in athletics;6. To a person, whether or not an “employee” of

any insured, if benefits for the “bodily injury”are payable or must be provided under aworkers’ compensation or disability benefits

law or a similar law;7. Included within the “products-completed

operations hazard”; or8. Due to “war” or any act or condition incident

to “war.”


No person or organization is an insured with respectto the conduct of any current or past partnership orjoint venture that is not shown as a Named Insured inthe “Declarations.”


With respect to VII.A.”BODILY INJURY” AND“PROPERTY DAMAGE,” VII.B.”PERSONALINJURY” AND “ADVERTISING INJURY” andVIII.GENERAL LIABILITY MEDICALPAYMENTS SECTION each of the following isan insured:1. You.2. Your directors and “officers,” but only with

respect to their duties as such.3. Your legal representative, if you cease to

exist as a legal entity, but only with respect totheir duties as such. That representative willhave all your rights and duties underGENERAL LIABILITY.

4. Any person, other than your “employee,” orany organizationwhile acting as your realestate manager.

5. Your individual homeowners, but only forliability arising out of the ownership,maintenance or repair of that portion of thepremises which is not reserved for thathomeowner’s exclusive use or occupancy.

However, the insurance afforded with respect tothe developer in the developer’s capacity as ahomeowner does not apply to liability for acts oromissions as a developer.6. Your “employees,” other than your directors

and “officers,” but only for acts within thescope of their employment by you or whileperforming duties related to the conduct ofyour business. However, none of these“employees” is an insured for:

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a. “Bodily injury” or “personal injury” toyou or to a “coemployee” while in thecourse of their employment, or the spouse,child, parent, brother or sister of that“coemployee” as a consequence of such“bodily injury” or “personal injury,” or forany obligation to share damages with orrepay someone else who must paydamages because of injury; or

b. Any obligation to share damages with orrepay someone else who must paydamages because of the injury describedin a. above; or

c. “Property damage” to property:

(1) Owned, occupied or used by;

(2) Rented to, in the care, custody orcontrol of, or over which physicalcontrol is being exercised for anypurpose by:

You or any of your “employees.”

7. Any person or organization, having propertemporary custody of your property if youcease to exist as a legal entity, but only:

a. With respect to liability arising out of themaintenance or use of that property; and

b. Until your legal representative has beenappointed.

8. Any organization you newly acquire orform, other than a partnership, joint ventureor limited liability company, and over whichyou maintain ownership or majority interest,will qualify as a Named Insured if there is noother similar insurance available to thatorganization. However:

a. Coverage under this provision is affordedonly until the 90th day after you acquireor form the organization or the end of the“policy period,” whichever is earlier;

b. Coverage does not apply to “bodilyinjury” or “property damage” thatoccurred before you acquired or formedthe organization; and

c. Coverage does not apply to “personalinjury” or “advertising injury” arising outof “offense” committed before youacquired or formed the organization.

9. Any person, is an insured while driving“mobile equipment” along a public highwaywith your permission. Any other person or

organization responsible for the conduct ofsuch person is also an insured, but only withrespect to liability arising out of the operationof the equipment, and only if no otherinsurance of any kind is available to thatperson or organization for this liability.

However, no person or organization is aninsured with respect to:

a. “Bodily injury” to a “coemployee” of theperson driving the equipment; or

b. “Property damage” to property owned by,rented to, in the charge of or occupied byyou or the employer of any person who isan insured under this provision.

10.Any person, is an insured while operatingwatercraft, that you do not own that is lessthan 50 feet long and is not being used tocarry persons or property for a charge, withyour permission.

11.Any person or organization, from whom youlease or rent equipment or personal property,other than “autos,” when you and suchperson or organization have agreed inwriting in a contract or agreement that suchperson or organization be added as anadditional insured on your policy. Suchperson or organization is an insured onlywith respect to their liability arising out of themaintenance, operation or use by you ofequipment leased or rented to you by suchperson or organization. Except for coveragefor the “products-completed operationshazard,” such person’s or organization’sstatus as an insured ends when their contractor agreement with you for such leasedequipment ends.

This insurance does not apply:

a. To any “occurrence” which takes placeafter the lease or rental period expires;

b. To “bodily injury” or “property damage”arising out of the sole negligence of suchperson or organization.



1. Each of the following is an insured:

a. You.

b. Any other person using a “hired auto”with your permission, but only while such

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“hired auto” is being used in youroperations.

c. Your directors and “officers”, for a“nonowned auto,” but only while such“nonowned auto” is being used in youroperations.

d. Your “employees,” for a “nonownedauto,” but only while such “nonownedauto” is being used in your operations.

e. Any other person or organization, butonly for their liability because of acts oromissions of an insured under a., b., c. ord. above.

2. None of the following is an insured:

a. Any person engaged in the business oftheir employer for “bodily injury” to any“coemployee” of such person injured inthe course of employment.

b. Any person while employed in orotherwise engaged in duties in connectionwith an “auto business,” other than an“auto business” you operate.

c. The owner or lessee (of whom you are asublessee) of a “hired auto” or the owner,other than your directors, “officers” or“employees,” of a “nonowned auto” orany agent or “employee” of any suchowner or lessee.


With respect to VIII. GARAGE AND PARKINGAREA LEGAL LIABILITY each of the followingis an insured:

1. You.

2. Your directors and “officers” and“employees,” but only with respect to theirduties as such.

3. Your legal representative, if you cease to existas a legal entity, but only with respect to theirduties as such. That representative will haveall your rights and duties under GENERALLIABILITY.

4. Any other person, other than your“employee,” or organization, while acting asyour real estate manager.

5. Your “employees,” other than your directorsand “officers,” but only for acts within thescope of their employment by you.


GENERAL LIABILITY coverage is subject to thefollowing conditions.

A. BANKRUPTCYBankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or ofthe insured’s estate will not relieve us of ourobligations under GENERAL LIABILITY.

B. YOUR DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF“OCCURRENCE,” “OFFENSE,” CLAIM OR“SUIT”Failure to perform these duties will impair yourrights under GENERAL LIABILITY or couldresult in the denial of coverage and defense.

1. You must see to it that we are notifiedpromptly of an “occurrence” or an “offense”which may result in a claim to which thisinsurance applies. To the extent possiblenotice should include:

a. How, when and where the “occurrence”or “offense” took place;

b. The names and addresses of any injuredpersons and witnesses; and

c. The nature and location of any injury ordamage arising out of the “occurrence” or“offense.”

2. If a claim is made or “suit” is brought againstany insured, you must:

a. Immediately record the specifics of theclaim or “suit” and the date received; and

b. Notify us as soon as practicable.

You must see to it that we receive promptwritten notice of the claim or “suit.”

3. You and any other involved insured must:

a. Immediately send us copies of anydemands, notices, summonses or legalpapers received in connection with theclaim or “suit”;

b. Authorize us to obtain records and otherinformation;

c. Cooperate with us in the investigation,settlement or defense of the claim or“suit”; and

d. Assist us, upon request, in theenforcement of any right against anyperson or organization which may beliable to the insured because of injury ordamage to which this insurance may also

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apply.4. No insureds will, except at that insured’s

own cost, voluntarily make a payment,assume any obligation, or incur any expense,other than for first aid, without our writtenconsent.

C. LEGAL ACTION AGAINST USNo person or organization has a right underGENERAL LIABILITY:1. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us

into a “suit” asking for damages from aninsured; or

2. To bring “suit” against us on GENERALLIABILITY unless all of its terms have beenfully complied with.

A person or organization may sue us to recoveron an “agreed settlement” or on a finaljudgment against an insured; but we will not beliable for damages that are not payable underthe terms of GENERAL LIABILITY or that are inexcess of the applicable limit of insurance.

D. SEPARATION OF INSUREDS - CROSSLIABILITYExcept with respect to the limit of insurance, andany rights or duties specifically assigned inGENERAL LIABILITY to the first NamedInsured, this insurance applies:1. As if each Named Insured were the only

Named Insured; and2. Separately to each insured against whom

claim is made or “suit” is brought.

E. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAWS1. When this policy is certified as proof of

financial responsibility under the provisionsof any motor vehicle financial responsibilitylaw, the insurance provided by the policy for“bodily injury” liability and “propertydamage” liability will comply with theprovisions of the law to the extent of thecoverage and limits of insurance required bythat law.

2. With respect to “mobile equipment” to whichthis insurance applies, we will provide anyliability, uninsured motorists, underinsuredmotorists, no fault or other coverage requiredby any motor vehicle law. We will providethe required limits for those coverages.


This insurance is excess over any validinsurance whether primary, excess, contingentor any other basis. However, this provision doesnot apply to any other insurance that is writtenas specific excess over this insurance.

1. This insurance is also excess over:

a. Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder’s Risk,Installation Risk or similar coverage for“your work”;

b. Coverage for “property damage” to realproperty of others rented to you ortemporarily occupied by you with thepermission of the owner, includingpermanently attached fixtures, caused bya COVERED CAUSE OF LOSS asdescribed in III. PROPERTY CAUSES OFLOSS, EXCLUSIONS ANDLIMITATIONS SECTION;

c. Insurance purchased by you to cover yourliability as a tenant for “propertydamage” to premises rented to you ortemporarily occupied by you with thepermission of the owner;

d. Insurance that is not subject to exclusionsXI.J. “AUTO” and XI.K. AIRCRAFT ANDWATERCRAFT LIABILITY of thisLiability Coverage Part, but only if theloss arises out of the maintenance or useof aircraft, “autos” or watercraft.

e. Any other primary insurance available toyou covering liability for damages risingout of any premises or operations forwhich you have been added as anadditional insured.

2. Other insurance will be deemed validregardless of:

a. Any defense asserted by any other insurerbecause of the insured’s failure to complywith the terms of that insurance; or,

b. The inability of any other insurer to paybecause of bankruptcy or insolvency.

3. With respect to IX. GENERAL LIABILITYMEDICAL PAYMENTS SECTION, thisinsurance is also excess over any otherhealth care benefits or services that aredirectly or indirectly available to theclaimant.


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excess only when such operations areconducted as a separate business operationby any person or organization not describedin XII.C. WHO IS AN INSURED - GARAGEAND PARKING AREA LEGAL LIABILITY.

5. When this insurance is excess:

a. We will pay only our share of the amountof any judgment or settlement thatexceeds the sum of:

(1) the total amount that all such otherinsurance would pay for the suchjudgment or settlement in the absenceof this insurance; and

(2) the total of all deductible and selfinsured amounts under all such otherinsurance.

b. We will have no obligation to defend or toprovide for any defense; and,

c. We will not pay any amount for “defensecosts” or any similar costs. This provisionapplies whether or not any otherinsurance would pay “defense costs”, orany similar costs, under anycircumstances.

EXCESS LIABILITYThe word insured means any person or organizationqualifying as such under XVII. EXCESS LIABILITYWHO IS AN INSURED SECTION.

This insurance is subject to the same terms,conditions, agreements, exclusions and definitions asthe “underlying insurance,” except with respect to anyprovisions to the contrary contained in this insurance.We will have no obligation under this insurance withrespect to any claim or “suit” that is settled withoutour consent.

XIV. EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE SECTIONA. We will pay those sums, in excess of the limits of

liability under the terms of any “underlyinginsurance,” that the insured becomes legallyobligated to pay as damages because of “bodilyinjury,” “property damage,” “personal injury” or“advertising injury” to which this insuranceapplies, provided that the “underlyinginsurance” also applies, or would apply but forthe exhaustion of its applicable limits ofinsurance.

B. This insurance applies only to “bodily injury,”“property damage,” “personal injury” or“advertising injury” caused by an “occurrence”or “offense” which occurs during the “policyperiod” in the “coverage territory” except for“bodily injury” by disease to your “employees”.With respect to your “employees,” such “bodilyinjury” must:

1. Be caused or aggravated by the conditions ofyour employment; and

2. Result from exposure to conditions with thelast day of the day of last exposure occurringduring the “policy period.”

C. No other obligation or liability to pay sums orperform acts or services is covered unlessexplicitly provided for under XV. EXCESSLIABILITY DEFENSE OF CLAIM OR “SUIT”SECTION.

XV. EXCESS LIABILITY DEFENSE OF CLAIM OR“SUIT” SECTIONA. We will have the right to participate in the

defense of claims or “suits” against the insuredseeking damages because of “bodily injury,”“property damage,” “personal injury” or“advertising injury” to which this insurance mayapply. We will have a duty to defend suchclaims or “suits” when the applicable limit of

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insurance of the “underlying insurance” hasbeen used up by payments for judgments orsettlements.

B. We may make investigation of any claim or“suit” we think appropriate.

C. When we have the duty to defend, we will payfor all “defense costs” once our duty to defendbegins.

D. If we exercise our right to defend when there isno duty, we will pay only the “defense costs” weincur.

E. If we provide a defense, we may investigate anyclaim or “suit” at our discretion. We may settlesuch claim or “suit” within the limit of insuranceavailable at the time of settlement.

F. Our payment of “defense costs” will not reducethe limits of insurance.

G. Our right or duty to defend ends when we haveused up the limit of insurance available in thepayment of judgments or settlements under XIV.EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE SECTION.


The exclusions applicable to the “underlyinginsurance” also apply to this insurance. Additionally,this insurance does not apply to:

A. MEDICAL PAYMENTSAny obligation to pay expenses under anymedical payments coverage.

B. EMPLOYMENT RELATED PRACTICES“Bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personalinjury” or “advertising injury” arising out of any:

1. Refusal to employ;2. Termination of employment;3. Coercion, demotion, evaluation,

reassignment, discipline, defamation,harassment, humiliation, discrimination orother employment related practices,policies, acts or omissions; or

4. Consequential “bodily injury,” “propertydamage,” “personal injury,” or“advertising injury” as a result ofsubparagraphs 1., 2., and 3. above.

This exclusion applies whether the insured maybe liable as an employer or in any other capacity,and to any obligation to share damages with orrepay someone else who must pay damagesbecause of the injury.

C. WORKERS COMPENSATIONAny obligation of the insured under a workerscompensation, disability benefits orunemployment compensation law or anysimilar law.

D. E.R.I.S.A.Any obligation imposed under EmployeeRetirement Income Security Act (E.R.I.S.A.) of1974 as now or hereafter amended.

E. “AUTO” FIRST PARTYAny obligation imposed under anyautomobile no-fault, personal injuryprotection, uninsured motorists, underinsuredmotorists or any similar law.

F. POLLUTION1. “Bodily injury,” “property damage,”

“personal injury,” or “advertising injury”arising out of the actual, alleged orthreatened discharge, dispersal, seepage,migration, escape of “pollutants”:

a. At or from any “premises,” site or locationwhich is or was at any time owned oroccupied by, or rented or loaned to, anyinsured. However, this subparagraph doesnot apply to:

(1) “Bodily injury” if sustained within abuilding and caused by smoke, fumes,vapor or soot from equipment used toheat that building:

(2) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”for which you may be held liable, ifyou are a contractor and the owner orlessee of such “premises,” site orlocation has been added to your policyas an additional insured with respect toyour ongoing operations performed forthe additional insured at that“premises,” site or location.

(3) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”arising out of heat, smoke or fumesfrom a “hostile fire”;

b. At or from any “premises,” site or locationwhich is or was at any time used by or forany insured or others for the handling,storage, disposal, processing or treatmentof waste;

c. Which are or were at any timetransported, handled, stored, treated,disposed of, or processed as waste by or

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for any insured or any person ororganization for whom you may be legallyresponsible; or

d. At or from any “premises,” site or locationon which any insured or any contractorsor subcontractors working directly orindirectly on any insured’s behalf areperforming operations if the “pollutants”are brought on or to the “premises,” site orlocation in connection with suchoperations by such insured, contractor orsubcontractor. However, thissubparagraph does not apply to:

(1) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”arising out of the escape of fuels,lubricants or other operating fluidswhich are needed to perform thenormal electrical, hydraulic ormechanical functions necessary for theoperation of “mobile equipment” or itsparts, if such fuels, lubricants or otheroperating fluids escape from a vehiclepart designed to hold, store or receivethem. This exception does not apply ifthe “bodily injury” or “propertydamage” arises out of the intentionaldischarge, dispersal or release of fuels,lubricants or other operating fluids, orif such fuels, lubricants or otheroperating fluids are brought on or tothe “premises,” site or location with theintent that they be discharged,dispersed or released as part of theoperations being performed by suchinsured, contractor or subcontractor;

(2) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”sustained within a building and causedby the release of gases, fumes or vaporsfrom materials brought into thatbuilding in connection with operationsbeing performed by you or on yourbehalf by a contractor or subcontractor;or

(3) “Bodily injury” or “property damage”arising out of heat, smoke or fumesfrom a “hostile fire.”

e. At or from any “premises,” site or locationon which any insured or any contractorsor subcontractors working directly orindirectly on any insured’s behalf areperforming operations if the operations

are to test for, monitor, clean up, remove,contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or inany way respond to, assess the effects of,“pollutants.”

2. Any loss, cost or expense arising out of any:

a. Request, demand, order or statutory orregulatory requirement that any insuredor others test for, monitor, clean up,remove, contain, treat, detoxify orneutralize, or in any way respond to, orassess the effects of “pollutants”; or

b. Claim or “suit” by or on behalf of agovernmental authority for damagesbecause of testing for, monitoring,cleaning up, removing, containing,treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or inany way responding to, or assessing theeffects of “pollutants.”

However, this paragraph 2. does not apply toliability for damages because of “propertydamage” that the insured would have in theabsence of such request, demand, order orstatutory or regulatory requirement, or suchclaim or “suit” by or on behalf of agovernmental authority.

G. ASBESTOS“Bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personalinjury” or “advertising injury” of any naturewhatsoever, based on, caused by, attributable to,related to, or in any manner and at any timearising out of:1. The use, installation, storage, withdrawal,

removal, encapsulation, destruction,containment, testing, distribution, ownership,sale or disposal of asbestos, asbestos dust,asbestos fibers or material containingasbestos;

2. Exposure to asbestos, asbestos dust, asbestosfibers or material containing asbestos; or

3. Any error or omission in supervision,instructions, recommendations, notices,warnings or advice given, or which shouldhave been given, in connection with asbestos,asbestos dust, asbestos fibers or materialcontaining asbestos.

H. NUCLEAR ENERGYUnder any Liability Coverage, “bodily injury” or“property damage”:1. With respect to which an insured under the

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policy is also an insured under a nuclearenergy liability policy issued by NuclearEnergy Liability Insurance Association,Mutual Atomic Energy LiabilityUnderwriters, Nuclear Energy InsuranceAssociation of Canada or any of theirsuccessors, or would be an insured under anysuch policy but for its termination uponexhaustion of its limit of liability; or

2. Resulting from the “hazardous properties” of“nuclear material” and with respect to which:a. Any person or organization is required to

maintain financial protection pursuant tothe Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any lawthat amends it; or

b. The insured is, or had this policy not beenissued would be, entitled to indemnityfrom the United States of America or anyof its agencies, under any agreemententered into by the United States ofAmerica, or any of its agencies, with anyperson or organization.

3. Resulting from the “hazardous properties” of“nuclear material” if:a. The “nuclear material” is at any “nuclear

facility” owned by, or operated by or onbehalf of an insured or has beendischarged or dispersed therefrom;

b. The “nuclear material” is contained in“spent fuel” or “waste” at any timepossessed, handled, used, processed,stored, transported or disposed of by oron behalf of an insured; or

c. The loss, including all forms of radioactivecontamination of property, arises out of“bodily injury” or “property damage”arises out of the furnishing by an insuredof services, materials, parts or equipmentin connection with the planning,construction, maintenance, operation oruse of any “nuclear facility,” but if suchfacility is located within the United Statesof America, its territories or possessions orCanada, this exclusion c. applies only to“property damage” to such “nuclearfacility” and any property thereat.

I. ROT, MOLD AND MILDEW OR OTHERFUNGI“Bodily injury,” “property damage, “ “personalinjury” or “advertising injury” based upon or

arising out of the exposure to, required removalor abatement of rot or mold or other fungi,regardless of whether such rot, mold or otherfungi, ensues from any cause or condition or, at,under or emanating from or to the “premises,”including but not limited to any such cause orcondition involving the presence, discharge orinfiltration of moisture, vapor, water or anyother liquid, or any damage related to any ofthese.


With respect to XIV. EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGESECTION, any person or organization qualifying assuch under any “underlying insurance” is an insured.


If any of the following conditions is contrary toconditions contained in the “underlying insurance”the provisions contained in this section apply.

A. APPEALSIn the event the “underlying insurer” elects notto appeal a judgment in excess of the limits ofthe “underlying insurance,” we may elect tomake such appeal. If we so elect, we shall beliable, in addition to the limit of insurance, for all“defense costs” we incur.

B. YOUR DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF“OCCURRENCE,” “OFFENSE,” CLAIM OR“SUIT”Failure to perform these duties will impair yourrights under EXCESS LIABILITY.1. You must see to it that we are notified

promptly of an “occurrence” or an “offense”which may result in a claim to which thisinsurance applies. To the extent possiblenotice should include:a. How, when and where the “occurrence”

or an “offense” took place;b. The names and addresses of any injured

persons and witnesses; andc. The nature and location of any injury or

damage arising out of the “occurrence” oran “offense.”

2. If a claim is made or “suit” is brought againstany insured, you must see to it that wereceive prompt written notice of the claim or“suit.”

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3. You and any other involved insured must:

a. Immediately send us copies of anydemands, notices, summonses or legalpapers received in connection with theclaim or “suit”;

b. Authorize us to obtain records and otherinformation;

c. Cooperate with us or the “underlyinginsurer” in the investigation, settlement ordefense of the claim or “suit”;

d. Assist us, or the “underlying insurer,”upon request, in the enforcement of anyright against any person or organizationwhich may be liable to the insuredbecause of injury or damage to which thisinsurance may also apply; and

e. Notify us immediately of any judgment orsettlement of any claim or “suit” broughtagainst any insured.

C. BANKRUPTCY OF UNDERLYINGINSURERIn the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of any“underlying insurer,” the insurance afforded bythis policy shall not replace such “underlyinginsurance,” but shall apply as if the “underlyinginsurance” was valid and collectible.

D. MAINTENANCE OF “UNDERLYINGINSURANCE”:In the event of failure to comply with thiscondition, we will only be liable to the sameextent as if there had been compliance withthis condition.1. You agree to maintain all “underlying

insurance” in full force and effect during theterm of this policy, and to inform us within 30days of any replacement or renewal of that“underlying insurance” by the same oranother insurer.

Reduction or exhaustion of the “aggregatelimit” of any “underlying insurance” bypayments for judgments or settlements willnot be a failure to maintain “underlyinginsurance” in full force and effect.

2. If such “underlying insurance” is notmaintained in full force and effect, or if anylimits of insurance of an “underlying policy”are less than those stated in the Schedule of“Underlying Insurance” shown in the“Declarations,” or if “underlying insurance”

is unavailable to any insured due tobankruptcy or insolvency of the “underlyinginsurer,” or if there is any material change inthe coverages, terms and conditions underany “underlying insurance,” the insuranceafforded by this policy shall apply in thesame manner as though such “underlyingpolicies” and limits of insurance had been ineffect, so maintained and unchanged.

3. You must notify us immediately:

a. Of any changes to the “underlyinginsurance.” We may adjust our premiumaccordingly from the effective date of thechange to the “underlying insurance”; or

b. If any “underlying insurance” is canceledor not renewed and you do not replace it.

4. No statement contained in this conditionlimits our right to cancel or not renew thispolicy.

E. OTHER INSURANCEThis insurance is excess over any other valid andcollectible insurance whether primary, excess,contingent or any other basis, except such otherinsurance as is written specifically to be excessover this insurance.

The other insurance will be deemed valid andcollectible regardless of:

1. Any defense asserted by any other insurerbecause of the insured’s failure to complywith the terms of that insurance; or

2. The inability of any other insurer to pay for aloss due to bankruptcy or insolvency.

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The limits of insurance shown in the “Declarations” andthe provisions of this section determine the most we willpay for damages regardless of the number of insuredsand additional insureds; claims made or “suits”brought; or persons or organizations making claims orbringing “suit”.

A. The PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS“aggregate limit” of insurance shown in the“Declarations” is the most we will pay underVII.A. “BODILY INJURY” AND “PROPERTYDAMAGE” and XIV. EXCESS LIABILITYCOVERAGE SECTION for damages because of“bodily injury” and “property damage”included in the “products-completed operationshazard” arising from all “occurrences” duringthe “policy period.”

Each payment we make for such damagesreduces the PRODUCTS/COMPLETEDOPERATIONS “aggregate limit” of insurance bythe amount of the payment. This reduced limitwill then be the limit of insurance available forfurther damages of this type.

B. The “EMPLOYERS LIABILITY” “aggregatelimit” of insurance shown in the “Declarations”is the most we will pay under XIV. EXCESSLIABILITY COVERAGE SECTION for the sumof all damages because of “employers liability”arising out of all “occurrences” during the“policy period.”

Each payment we make for such damagesreduces the “EMPLOYERS LIABILITY”“aggregate limit” of insurance by the amount ofpayment. This reduced limit will then be thelimit of insurance available for further damagesof this type.

C. The “PERSONAL INJURY” AND“ADVERTISING INJURY” limit of insuranceshown in the “Declarations” is the most we willpay for the sum of all damages underVII.B. “PERSONAL INJURY” AND“ADVERTISING INJURY” and “personalinjury” and “advertising injury” under XIV.

EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE SECTIONbecause of all “personal injury” and all“advertising injury” sustained by any oneperson or organization arising out of any“offense.”

D. Subject to A. or B. above, whichever applies, the“BODILY INJURY” AND “PROPERTYDAMAGE” limit of insurance shown in the“Declarations” is the most we will pay for thesum of:

1. Damages under VII.A. “BODILY INJURY”AND “PROPERTY DAMAGE” and “bodilyinjury” and “property damage” underXIV. EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGESECTION; and

2. “Medical expenses” under IX. GENERALLIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTSSECTION because of all “bodily injury,”“property damage,” and “medical expenses”arising out of any one “occurrence.”

E. Subject to D. above, the “HIRED AUTO” AND“NONOWNED AUTO” limit of insuranceshown in the “Declarations” is the most we willpay for the sum of damages because of all“bodily injury” or “property damage” arisingout of any one “occurrence” covered underVII.C. “HIRED AUTO” AND “NONOWNEDAUTO.”

F. Subject to D. above, the PROPERTY DAMAGELEGAL LIABILITY - REAL PROPERTY limit ofinsurance shown in the “Declarations” is themost we will pay for “property damage” arisingout of any one “occurrence” covered underVII.D. PROPERTY DAMAGE LEGALLIABILITY - REAL PROPERTY.

G. Subject to D. above, the GARAGE ANDPARKING AREAS LEGAL LIABILITY limits ofinsurance shown in the “Declarations” is themost we will pay for “property damage”covered under VIII. GARAGE AND PARKINGAREA LEGAL LIABILITY for:

1. Comprehensive Coverage in excess of theapplicable deductible.

2. Collision Coverage in excess of the applicabledeductible.

H. Subject to D. above, the MEDICAL PAYMENTSper person limit of insurance shown in the“Declarations” is the most we will pay underIX. GENERAL LIABILITY MEDICAL

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PAYMENTS SECTION for all “medicalexpenses” because of “bodily injury” arising outof any one “occurrence” sustained by any oneperson.

The limits of insurance of this LIABILITYCOVERAGE PART apply separately to eachconsecutive annual period and to any remainingperiod of less than 12 months, starting with thebeginning of the “policy period” shown in the“Declarations,” unless the “policy period” isextended after issuance for an additional periodof less than 12 months. In that case, theadditional period will be deemed part of the lastpreceding period for purposes of determiningthe limits of insurance.


GENERAL LIABILITY and EXCESS LIABILITYcoverages are subject to the following conditions. Ifany of the following conditions are contrary toconditions contained in the “underlying insurance”the provisions contained in this section apply.

A. PREMIUM AUDIT1. We will compute all premiums for this

Liability Coverage Part in accordance withour rules and rates.

2. If the premium for this Liability CoveragePart is subject to audit, at the close of eachaudit period, we will compute the earnedpremium for that period. Audit premiumsare due and payable on notice to the firstNamed Insured. If the sum of the advanceand audit premiums paid for the “policyperiod” is greater than the earned premium,we will return the excess to the first NamedInsured.

3. The first Named Insured must keep recordsof the information we need for premiumcomputation and send us copies at suchtimes as we may request.

B. REPRESENTATIONSBy accepting this policy, you agree:

1. The statements in the “Declarations” areaccurate and complete;

2. Those statements are based uponrepresentations you made to us; and

3. We have issued this policy in reliance uponyour representations.

C. ACTS OR OMISSIONS BYHOMEOWNERSNo act or omission by any homeowner will voidthe policy or be a condition to recovery underthis policy. However, this does not apply tohomeowners acting within the scope of theirauthority on your behalf.

D. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERYAGAINST OTHERS TO US1. If the insured has rights to recover all or part

of any payment we have made under thisLiability Coverage Part, those rights aretransferred to us. The insured must donothing after loss to impair them. At ourrequest the insured will bring “suit” ortransfer those rights to us and help us enforcethem.

2. We waive any rights which this conditionmay give us against all of the following:

a. Any homeowner and residing householdmembers.

b. Your Association.

c. Members of the board of directors for actsor omissions within the scope of theirduties for you.

We reserve our right, however, to recoveragainst the developer for acts or omissions thatthe developer may be liable for in the capacity asa developer.

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Throughout this policy the words “you” and “your” refer to the Named Insured shown in the “Declarations.”“We,” “us” and “our” refer to the company providing this insurance. Words and phrases that appear inquotation marks have special meaning. Refer to XXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTION


This insurance covers all sums that the insuredbecomes legally obligated to pay for “loss” to whichthis insurance applies.


A. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCEWe will pay on behalf of the insured all “loss”such insured becomes legally obligated to payas damages because of a “wrongful act”committed in the “coverage territory.”Insurance is provided by this Directors andOfficers Liability Coverage Part for any“wrongful act” that is:

1. Committed on or after the Retroactive Date,if any, shown in the “Declarations” andbefore the expiration of the “policy period”;and

2. Reported to us in accordance withXXVI.C. REPORTING AND NOTICE; or

3. Reported to us during the ExtendedReporting Period, if exercised, in accordancewith XXV. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERSLIABILITY EXTENDED REPORTINGPERIOD SECTION.

We may investigate any “claim” or “suit” at ourdiscretion. At our option, we may consent to thedefense of any such “claim” or “suit” by theinsured. With regard to any “claim” or “suit”we allow an insured to defend, we have theright to associate with such insured’s defensecounsel and to monitor and be advised ofdefense strategies and activities and expensesincurred for defense as they are incurred.


B. DEFENSE AND PAYMENTOur rights and obligations with regard todefense and payment are as follows:

1. Pecuniary Relief - Defense and Payment

a. Even if the allegations are groundless,false or fraudulent, we will have the rightand duty to defend against any claim or“suit” seeking damages.

b. Our duty to defend against any claim or“suit” seeking damages ends when wehave used up the applicable limit ofinsurance paying “loss.”

c. In any claim or “suit” for damages, no“defense costs” may be incurred withoutour consent which will not beunreasonably withheld. We will not beliable for any “defense costs” to which wehave not consented.

d. We may settle such claim or “suit” withinthe limit of insurance available at the timeof settlement.

e. No payment for damages may be madewithout our consent which will not beunreasonably withheld. We will not beliable for any settlement for damages towhich we have not consented.

2. Nonpecuniary Relief - Defense:

a. Even if the allegations are groundless,false or fraudulent, we will have the rightand duty to defend against any claim or“suit” seeking equitable relief.

b. Our duty to defend ends when we haveused up the applicable limit of insurancein the payment of “defense costs.” Theinsured shall not unreasonably withholdconsent to any reasonable settlement offer.

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This insurance does not apply to any “claim” or “suit”:

A. PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICEArising from any circumstance if written noticeof such circumstance has been received by youunder any policy the term of which has expiredprior to or upon the inception of this policy.

B. PRIOR LITIGATIONArising out of:

1. Any litigation commencing prior to orpending as of the policy effective dateincluding, but not limited to “claims”,demands, causes of action, legal or quasi-legal proceedings, decrees or judgmentsagainst any insured of which any otherinsured had received notice or otherwise hadknowledge as of such date;

2. Any subsequent litigation arising from orbased on substantially the same matters asalleged in the pleadings of such prior orpending litigation; or

3. Any act of any insured which gave rise tosuch prior or pending litigation.

C. EMPLOYMENT RELATED PRACTICESFor any actual or alleged:

1. Refusal to employ;

2. Termination of employment; or

3. Coercion, demotion, evaluation,reassignment, discipline, defamation,harassment, humiliation, or discrimination inthe employment, or other employmentrelated practices, policies, acts or omissions.

D. DISCRIMINATIONArising out of any violation of any civil rightslaws whether federal, state, or local ordinance.This includes, but is not limited to,discrimination on account of race, religion, sex,age, familial status or handicap. This does notinclude any act of discrimination excludedunder XXII.C. EMPLOYMENT RELATEDPRACTICES.

However, this exclusion does not apply to the“defense costs” provided under XXI.B.DEFENSE AND PAYMENT, 1. and 2. Yourconsent to settlement shall not be unreasonablywithheld.

E. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND E.R.I.S.A.1. Based upon any actual or alleged violation of

the responsibilities, obligations or dutiesimposed upon fiduciaries by:

a. The Employee Retirement IncomeSecurity Act, E.R.I.S.A., of 1974, PublicLaw 93-406, any amendment of it orsimilar provisions of Federal, State orlocal statutory or common law; or

b. Any “private employee benefits” or“public employee benefits.”

2. Based upon any other error or omission withregard to any “private employee benefits” or“public employee benefits.”

F. “MONEY” AND “SECURITIES”1. For profit or “loss,” or any accounting of it,

resulting from the purchase, sale ordisposition of “securities.”

2. Where all or part of such “claim” is directlyor indirectly, based on, attributable to, causedby, arising out of, resulting in or relating inany way to loss of “money” and “securities.”

G. REMUNERATION AND PERSONALPROFITSAny personal profit, remuneration or advantagegained by any insured to which they were notlegally entitled.

H. BREACH OF CONTRACTFor any breach of contract.

However, this exclusion does not apply to the“defense costs” provided underXXI.B. DEFENSE AND PAYMENT, 1. and 2.Your consent to settlement shall not beunreasonably withheld.

I. DISHONEST ACTSAny dishonest, fraudulent, criminal ormalicious act, including fines and penaltiesresulting from these acts.

J. FAILURE TO TAKE LEGAL ACTIONArising out of or related to the failure of theinsured to institute any legal action against thedeveloper or any other person for “claims”related to any damage, destruction, ordeterioration of any tangible property includingwithout limitation construction defects whetheror not as a result of faulty or incorrect design or

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architectural plans, improper soil testing,inadequate or insufficient protection from soiland/or ground water movement, soilsubsidence, or as a result of the supervision oractual construction, manufacturing or assemblyof any tangible property.

However, this exclusion does not apply to the“defense costs” provided underXXI.B. DEFENSE AND PAYMENT, 1. and 2.Your consent to settlement shall not beunreasonably withheld.

K. INJURY AND DAMAGEWhere all or part of such “claim” is directly orindirectly, based on, attributable to, caused by,arising out of, resulting in or relating in anyway to “bodily injury,” “property damage,”“personal injury” or “advertising injury.”

L. INSURANCEArising from, based upon or attributable to anyfailure or omission on the part of the insured toeffect or maintain adequate insurance of anykind.

M. ASBESTOSBased on, caused by, attributable to, related to,or in any manner and at any time arising out of:

1. The use, installation, storage, withdrawal,removal, encapsulation, destruction,containment, testing, distribution,ownership, sale or disposal of asbestos,asbestos dust, asbestos fibers or materialcontaining asbestos;

2. Exposure to asbestos, asbestos dust, asbestosfibers or material containing asbestos; or

3. Any error or omission in supervision,instructions, recommendations, notices,warnings or advice given, or which shouldhave been given, in connection withasbestos, asbestos dust, asbestos fibers ormaterial containing asbestos.

N. POLLUTION1. Based on, caused by, attributable to, related

to, or in any manner and at any time arisingout of the actual, alleged or threateneddischarge, dispersal, seepage, migration,release or escape of “pollutants.”

2. Any “loss,” cost or expense arising out ofany:

a. Request, demand or order that anyinsured or others test for, monitor, cleanup, remove, contain, treat, detoxify orneutralize, or in any way respond to, orassess the effects of “pollutants”;

b. “Claim” or “suit” by or on behalf of agovernmental authority for damagesbecause of testing for, monitoring,cleaning up, removing, containing,treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or inany way responding to, or assessing theeffects of “pollutants”; or

c. Charges of seepage, pollution orcontamination and based upon orattributable to violation or allegedviolation of any federal, state, municipalor other governmental statute, regulationor ordinance prohibiting or providing forthe control or regulation of emissions oreffluents of any kind into the atmosphereor any body of land, water, waterway orwatercourse or arising from any action orproceeding brought for enforcementpurposes by any public official, agency,commission, board or pollution controladministration pursuant to any suchstatutes, regulations or ordinances orarising from any “claims” allegingseepage, pollution or contamination basedupon common law nuisance or trespass.

O. NUCLEAR ENERGYUnder any Liability Coverage:

1. With respect to which an insured under thepolicy is also an insured under a nuclearenergy liability policy issued by NuclearEnergy Liability Insurance Association,Mutual Atomic Energy LiabilityUnderwriters, Nuclear Energy InsuranceAssociation of Canada or any of theirsuccessors, or would be an insured underany such policy but for its termination uponexhaustion of its limit of liability; or

2. Resulting from the “hazardous properties” of“nuclear material” and with respect towhich:

a. Any person or organization is required tomaintain financial protection pursuant tothe Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any lawthat amends it; or

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b. The insured is, or had this policy not beenissued would be, entitled to indemnityfrom the United States of America or anyof its agencies, under any agreemententered into by the United States ofAmerica, or any of its agencies, with anyperson or organization.

3. Resulting from the “hazardous properties” of“nuclear material” if:

a. The “nuclear material” is at any “nuclearfacility” owned by, or operated by or onbehalf of an insured or has beendischarged or dispersed therefrom;

b. The “nuclear material” is contained in“spent fuel” or “waste” at any timepossessed, handled, used, processed,stored, transported or disposed of by oron behalf of an insured; or

c. The “loss,” including all forms ofradioactive contamination of property,arising out of the furnishing by aninsured of services, materials, parts orequipment in connection with theplanning, construction, maintenance,operation or use of any “nuclear facility,”but if such facility is located within theUnited States of America, its territories orpossessions or Canada, this exclusion c.applies only to “property damage” tosuch “nuclear facility” and any propertythereat.

P. ROT, MOLD AND MILDEW OR OTHERFUNGI“Bodily injury,” “property damage, “ “personalinjury,” “advertising injury,” “loss” ornonpecuniary relief based upon or arising out ofthe exposure to, required removal or abatementof rot, mold, or mildew or other fungi,regardless of whether such rot, mold, or mildewor other fungi, ensues from any cause orcondition or, at, under or emanating from or tothe “premises,” including but not limited to anysuch cause or condition involving the presence,discharge or infiltration of moisture, vapor,water or any other liquid, or any damage relatedto any of these.


A. Each of the following is aninsured:1. You and any “subsidiary” named in the


2. Any person who has been, now is, or shallbecome a duly elected or appointed directoror trustee, a duly elected or appointedofficer, an employee, or committee member,whether or not salaried, and any of yourmembers acting at the direction of yourboard of directors on your behalf in avoluntary capacity;

3. Legal representatives or assigns of anyinsured in 1. or 2. above who is insolvent,incompetent or bankrupt.

4. Estates, heirs and legal representatives

In the event of the death, incapacity orbankruptcy of any natural person insured in2. or 3. above, any “claim” against his or herestate, heirs, legal representatives or assignsbased on actual or alleged “wrongful acts” ofsuch insureds shall be deemed to be a“claim” against such insured for thepurposes of this Directors and OfficersLiability Coverage Part.

5. Marital Estate

We shall cover “loss” arising from any“claim” made against the lawful (asdetermined by the applicable jurisdiction ofthe spouse) spouse of any natural personinsured in 2. or 3. above if such “claim”arises solely out of the spousal relationshipto the insured person. This coverage includes“claims” that seek damages recoverable frommarital community property, property jointlyheld by the insured person and spouse andproperty transferred from the insured personto spouse. However, we shall not cover any“claim” for any actual or alleged “wrongfulact” committed by the spouse, himself orherself, of any such insured person. Allprovisions of this Directors and OfficersLiability Coverage Part, including theapplication of any retention, which apply tothe insured person, also apply to the spouse.

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B. NONE OF THE FOLLOWING IS ANINSURED:1. Your builder, developer or sponsor or any

person or organization affiliated with yourbuilder, developer or sponsor in anycapacity.

2. Other than your employee, any person ororganization performing real estatemanagement duties for you.


The limits of insurance shown in the “Declarations”and the provisions of this section determine the mostwe will pay for damages regardless of the number of:

- insureds and additional insureds;

- “claims” made or “suits” brought; or

- persons or organizations making “claims” orbringing “suit.”

A. LIMITS OF INSURANCE ARE SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOWING:1. The each “policy year” limit is the most we

will pay for damages because of “loss”covered by this Coverage Part.

2. Subject to 1. above, the each “loss” limit is themost we will pay for damages because of all“loss” arising out of any one “wrongful act.”

3. The limits of this Directors and OfficersLiability Coverage Part apply separately toeach consecutive annual period and to anyremaining period of less than 12 months,starting with the beginning of the “policyperiod” shown in the “Declarations,” unlessthe “policy period” is extended after issuancefor an additional period of less than 12months. In that case, the additional periodwill be deemed part of the last precedingperiod for purposes of determining the limitof insurance.

4. The insured’s retained limit, as stated in the“Declarations,” shall be deducted from theamount of each “loss” covered by thisDirectors and Officers Liability CoveragePart. We will be liable only for damages inexcess of such retention up to the applicablelimits of insurance. We may pay any part orall of the insured’s retained limit to settle a“claim” or “suit” and you agree to promptlyreimburse us for the part of the retention paidby us.

5. All “loss” arising out of all interrelated“wrongful acts” of insureds will be deemedone “loss,” and such “loss” will be deemedto have originated in the earliest “policyyear” in which any of such “wrongful acts”is first reported to us.


We will provide an Automatic Extended ReportingPeriod as described in A. below and, if you purchase it,an Optional Extended Reporting Period Endorsementdescribed in B. in the event of any “termination ofcoverage.”

A. AUTOMATIC EXTENDED REPORTINGPERIOD1. The Automatic Extended Reporting Period

starts with the end of the “policy period”and lasts for 90 days.

2. The Automatic Extended Reporting Periodapplies only if no subsequent insurance youpurchase applies to the “claim,” or wouldapply but for the exhaustion of its limit ofinsurance.

3. The Automatic Extended Reporting Periodmay not be canceled.

4. The Automatic Extended Reporting Period isprovided without additional charge.


Reporting Period Endorsement, the OptionalExtended Reporting Period will start uponthe expiration of the Automatic ExtendedReporting Period and will last for three years.

2. The cost for the Optional ExtendedReporting Period is shown in the“Declarations.”

3. We will provide the Optional ExtendedReporting Period upon your request, unlessthe policy is canceled for nonpayment ofpremium or fraudulent activities of aninsured.

4. We will issue that Endorsement if the firstNamed Insured shown in the “Declarations”makes a written request to us for it which wereceive within 60 days after the date of“termination of coverage.”

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5. The Optional Extended Reporting PeriodEndorsement will not take effect unless theadditional premium is paid when due. If thatpremium is paid when due, theEndorsement may not be canceled.

C. EXTENDED REPORTING PERIODCONDITIONSExtended Reporting Periods are subject to thefollowing conditions:

1. A “claim” first made during the ExtendedReporting Period will be deemed to havebeen made on the last day of the “policyperiod,” provided that the “claim” is for“loss” from “wrongful acts” which tookplace before the end of the “policy period”but not before any applicable RetroactiveDate.

Extended Reporting Periods do not extendthe “policy period” or change the scope ofcoverage provided. Extended ReportingPeriods apply only to the coverageterminated or reduced.

2. Extended Reporting Periods do not reinstateor increase the limits of Liability applicableto which this Directors and Officers LiabilityCoverage Part applies.

3. If this Directors and Officers LiabilityCoverage Part is canceled and you elect topurchase the Optional Extended ReportingPeriod Endorsement:

a. Any return premium due you for thecancellation will be credited to thepremium due for the Optional ExtendedReporting Period Endorsement; and

b. Any additional premium due us for theperiod the policy was in force must befully paid before any payments can beapplied to the premium due for theOptional Extended Reporting PeriodEndorsement.


The Directors and Officers Liability Coverage Part issubject to the following conditions:

A. LEGAL ACTION AGAINST US1. No person or organization has a right under

this Directors and Officers Liability CoveragePart:

a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring usinto a “suit” against any insured; or

b. To sue us on this Directors and OfficersLiability Coverage Part unless all of itsterms have been fully complied with.

2. A person or organization may sue us torecover on an “agreed settlement” or on afinal judgment against an insured obtainedafter an actual trial; but we will not be liablefor “loss” or “defense costs” that are notpayable under the terms of this Directors andOfficers Liability Coverage Part or that are inexcess of the applicable limit of insurance.

B. BANKRUPTCYBankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or ofthe insured’s estate will not relieve us of ourobligation under this Directors and OfficersLiability Coverage Part.

C. REPORTING AND NOTICE1. A specific “wrongful act” shall be considered

to have been first reported to us either:

a. At the time that any insured first giveswritten notice to us that a “claim” hasbeen made against the insured for such“wrongful act”; or

b. At the time that any insured first giveswritten notice to us of:

(1) The material facts or circumstancesrelating to such “wrongful act” as factsor circumstances having the potentialof giving rise to a “claim” being madeagainst the insured; or

(2) The receipt of written or oral noticefrom any party that is the intention ofsuch party to hold the insuredresponsible for such “wrongful act.”

2. The insured shall, as a condition precedent totheir rights under this policy, give to uswritten notice as soon as practicable of any“claim” made against any of them for a“wrongful act” and shall give us suchinformation and cooperation as we mayreasonably require.

D. OTHER DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF“WRONGFUL ACT,” “CLAIM”, OR “SUIT”Failure to perform these duties will impair yourrights under this Directors and Officers LiabilityCoverage Part.

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1. You must see to it that we are notified assoon as practicable of any “wrongful act”which may result in a “claim”. To the extentpossible, notice should include:

a. How, when, and where the “wrongfulact” took place;

b. The names and addresses of any personsinvolved in the “wrongful act” andwitnesses; and

c. The nature of the harm resulting from the“wrongful act.”

2. Notice of a “wrongful act” is not notice of a“claim”.

3. If a “claim” is made against or received byan insured, you must:

a. Immediately record the specifics of the“claim” and the date received; and

b. Notify us in writing as soon aspracticable.

4. You and any other involved insured must:

a. Immediately send us copies of anydemands, notices, summonses, or legalpapers received in connection with the“claim” or “suit”;

b. Authorize us to obtain records and otherinformation;

c. Cooperate with us in the investigation,settlement, or defense of the “claim” or“suit”; and

d. Assist us, upon our request, in theenforcement of any right against anyperson or organization which may beliable to the insured because of “loss” towhich this insurance may apply.

5. No insureds will, except at their own cost,voluntarily make a payment, assume anyobligation, or incur any expense without ourconsent.

E. REPRESENTATIONS AND SEVERABILITY1. In granting coverage under this Directors

and Officers Liability Coverage Part to anyone of the insureds, we have relied upon thedeclarations and statements in the writtenapplication for coverage. Declarations andstatements are the basis of coverage and willbe considered as incorporated in andconstituting part of the Directors andOfficers Liability Coverage Part.

2. The written application for coverage will beconstrued as a separate application forcoverage by each of the insureds. Withrespect to the declarations and statementscontained in such written application forcoverage, no statement in the application orknowledge possessed by any insured will beimputed to any other insured for thepurpose of determining the availability ofcoverage with respect to “claims” madeagainst the insured whether or not yourAssociation grants indemnification.

3. Except with respect to the limit of insurance,and any rights or duties specifically assignedto the first Named Insured, this insuranceapplies:

a. As if each Named Insured were the onlyNamed Insured; and

b. Separately to each insured against whom“claim” is made or “suit” is brought.

F. OTHER INSURANCEThis insurance is excess of any retained limitshown in the “Declarations” and any othervalid and collectible insurance whether primary,excess, contingent or any other basis, exceptsuch other insurance as is written specifically tobe excess over this insurance.

The other insurance will be deemed valid andcollectible regardless of:

1. Any defense asserted by any other insurerbecause of the insured’s failure to complywith the terms of that insurance; or,

2. The inability of any other insurer to paybecause bankruptcy or insolvency.

G. NEWLY CREATED OR ACQUIRED“SUBSIDIARIES”1. If any “subsidiary,” created or acquired by

the Named Insured after the inception of thisDirectors and Officers Liability CoveragePart, qualifies as a not-for-profit organizationunder the provision of Internal RevenueCode and would have been included as aninsured under XXIII. DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS LIABILITY WHO IS ANINSURED SECTION, such “subsidiary” willbe included subject to:

a. The giving of written notice of suchcreation or acquisition to us as soon as

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practical, but in no event more than 120days following such creation oracquisition; and

b. The giving of any underwritinginformation and the payment of anyadditional premium required by us.

2. If any “subsidiary” created or acquired bythe Named Insured after the inception of thispolicy, does not qualify as a not-for-profitorganization under the provisions of theInternal Revenue Code, such “subsidiary”will not be included until the insured has:

a. Given written notice of such creation oracquisition together with anyunderwriting information which may berequired; and

b. Received written approval from us andpaid any additional premium required.

H. CONSOLIDATION OR MERGERIn the event that the Named Insured acquiresby merger, or consolidates with, or is mergedinto or acquired by any other organization afterthe inception of this policy, immediate writtennotice thereof will be given to us together withsuch information as we may require. You willpay any additional premium required by us.

I. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERYIn the event of any payment under thisDirectors and Officers Liability Coverage Part,we will be subrogated to the extent of suchpayment to all the insured’s rights of recovery.In such case the insured will execute all papersrequired and will do everything necessary tosecure and preserve such right including theexecution of such documents necessary toenable us effectively to bring “suit” in the nameof the insured.

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Throughout this policy the words “you” and “your” refer to the Named Insured shown in the “Declarations.”“We,” “us” and “our” refer to the company providing this insurance. Other words and phrases that appear inquotation marks have special meaning. Refer to XXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTION.


All Coverage Parts are subject to the followingconditions.

A. CANCELLATION1. The first Named Insured shown in the

“Declarations” may cancel this policy bymailing or delivering to us advance writtennotice of cancellation.

2. We may cancel this policy by mailing ordelivering to the first Named Insuredwritten notice of cancellation at least:

a. 10 days before the effective date ofcancellation if we cancel for nonpaymentof premium; or

b. 30 days before the effective date ofcancellation if we cancel for any otherreason.

3. We will mail or deliver our notice ofcancellation to the first Named Insured’s lastmailing address known to us.

4. Notice of cancellation will state the effectivedate of cancellation. The “policy period” willend on that date.

5. If this policy is canceled, we will send thefirst Named Insured any premium refunddue.

a. If we cancel, or if cancellation is at ourrequest, the refund will be pro rata.

b. Otherwise, the refund will be 90% of prorata.

6. If notice of cancellation is mailed, proof ofmailing will be sufficient proof of notice.

B. NONRENEWAL1. The first Named Insured may nonrenew this

policy by mailing or delivering to usadvance written notice of nonrenewal.

2. We may nonrenew this policy by mailing ordelivering to the first Named Insuredwritten notice of nonrenewal at least 30 daysbefore the policy expiration date.

3. We will mail or deliver our notice of

nonrenewal to the first Named Insured’s lastmailing address known to us.

4. If notice of nonrenewal is mailed, proof ofmailing will be sufficient proof of notice.

C. CHANGESThis policy contains all the agreements betweenyou and us concerning the insurance afforded.The first Named Insured is authorized to makechanges in the terms of this policy with ourconsent. This policy’s terms can be amended orwaived only by endorsement issued by us andmade a part of this policy.

D. EXAMINATION OF YOUR BOOKS ANDRECORDSWe may examine and audit your books andrecords as they relate to this policy at any timeduring the “policy period” and up to threeyears afterward.

E. INSPECTIONS AND SURVEYS1. We have the right but are not obligated to:

a. Make inspections and surveys at anytime;

b. Give you reports on the conditions wefind; and

c. Recommend changes.

2. Any inspections, surveys, reports orrecommendations relate only to insurabilityand the premiums to be charged.

We do not:

a. Make safety inspections;

b. Undertake to perform the duty of anyperson or organization to provide for thehealth or safety of workers or the public;or

c. Warrant that conditions are safe orhealthful; or comply with laws,regulations codes or standards.

This condition applies not only to us, but also toany rating advisory, rate service or similarorganization which makes insuranceinspections, surveys, reports orrecommendations on our behalf.

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Common Policy Conditions

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F. PREMIUMSThe first Named Insured:

1. Is responsible for the payment of allpremiums; and

2. Will be the payee for any return premiums.

G. TRANSFER OF YOUR RIGHTS ANDDUTIES UNDER THIS POLICYYour rights and duties under this policy maynot be transferred without our written consent.

If you cease to exist, your rights and duties willbe transferred to your legal representative butonly while acting within the scope of duties asyour legal representative. Until your legalrepresentative is appointed, anyone havingproper temporary custody of your property willhave your rights and duties but only withrespect to that property.

H. COVERAGE UNDER TWO OR MORECOVERAGE PARTSIf a loss is covered under two or more of thispolicy’s Coverage Parts, only the Coverage Partaffording the most favorable coverage from thestandpoint of the claimant will apply.

I. NOTICE OF CLAIMThe first Named Insured is responsible to act onbehalf of all insureds with respect to the givingand receiving of notice of claim.

J. TITLES OF PARAGRAPHSThe titles of the varied paragraphs of this policyand endorsements, if any, attached to thispolicy, are inserted solely for convenience orreference and are not to be deemed in any wayto limit or affect provisions to which they relate.

K. LIBERALIZATIONIf we adopt any filed and approved revisionthat would broaden the coverage under anypart of this policy form without additionalpremium within 60 days priors prior to orduring the “policy period,” the broadenedcoverage will immediately apply to any versionof this policy issued to you.

L. VOLUNTARY PAYMENTSNo insured nor anyone acting on the behalf ofany insured may, except at their own cost,voluntarily make a payment, assume anyobligation or incur any expense, other than for

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first aid and any other expenses specificallyallowed in this policy, without our prior, writtenconsent.

Common Policy Conditions

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Throughout this policy the words “you” and “your” refer to the named insured shown in the “Declarations.”“We,” “us” and “our” refer to the company providing this insurance. Words and phrases that appear inquotation marks have special meaning.

XXVIII. DEFINITIONS SECTIONEntries in parentheses indicate Policy Coverage Partsto which defined terms apply.

1. “Advertising Injury” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means injury arising out of oneor more of the following “offenses:”

a. Oral or written publication of material thatslanders or libels a person or organization ordisparages a person’s or organization’s goods,products or services;

b. Oral or written publication of material thatviolates a person’s right of privacy;

c. Misappropriation of advertising ideas or styleof doing business; or

d. Infringement of copyright, title or slogan.

2. “Aggregate limit(s)” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means the maximum amountstated in the policy for which the insurer will beliable regardless of the number of covered claims.

3. “Agreed settlement” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means a settlement and releaseof liability signed by us, the insured and theclaimant or the claimant’s legal representative.

4. “Auto(s)” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY) means a landmotor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer designed fortravel on public roads, including any attachedmachinery or equipment. But auto does notinclude “mobile equipment.”

5. “Auto business” (LIABILITY) means the businessor occupation of selling, repairing, servicing,storing or parking of “autos.”

6. “Auto equipment” (LIABILITY) means anyequipment used in connection with the “auto” inor on the “auto” including audio, visual, andinformational transmitting, receiving andreproducing equipment such as:

a. Tape decks, disc players or other sound andpicture reproducing equipment,

b. Sound transmitting and receiving equipmentdesigned for use as a citizens’ band radio, two-way mobile radio or telephone or scanningmonitor receiver, including its antennas andother accessories,

c. Electronic data processing equipment andfacsimile and document transmitting andreceiving equipment.

7. “Banking premises” (PROPERTY) means a bank,savings institution or similar depository.

8. “Bodily injury” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means:

a. Injury to the body, sickness or disease,disability or shock, mental anguish, humiliationor mental injury sustained by any person,including death resulting from any of these atany time.

b. Injury resulting from assault and battery solelyfrom the use of reasonable force whencommitted by you or at your direction for thepurpose of protecting persons or property.

c. Bodily injury includes damages claimed by anyperson or organization for care, loss of serviceor death resulting at any time from the “bodilyinjury.”

But “bodily injury” does not mean “bodily injury”arising out of any “offense.”

9. “By-product material” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means the meaning given to it inthe Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in anyamendatory law.

10. “Claim” (DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS) means:

A written demand, sent by a person ororganization, demanding either damages or theperformance of a specific act, or both.

11. “Collapse” (PROPERTY) means an abrupt fallingdown, caving in or flattening of a building,structure or of any part of a building or structurewith the result that the building, structure or thecollapsed part of either cannot be occupied for itsintended purpose. However:

a. A building, structure or any part of either thatis in danger of falling down or caving in is notconsidered to be in a state of collapse. Thisprovision applies even if the building has been:

(1)Declared by civil authority or by a persontechnically qualified to do so to be in animminent state of collapse;

(2) Condemned for occupancy for its intendedpurpose; or,

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(3)Ordered evacuated in anticipation ofimminent collapse.

b. A part of a building or structure that isstanding is not considered to be in a state ofcollapse even if it has separated from anotherpart of the building or structure.

c. None of the following is considered to be in astate of “collapse” even if it shows evidence ofcracking, bulging, sagging, bending, leaning,settling, shrinkage or expansion:

(1)A building, structure or part of either that isstanding; or

(2) Personal property.

12. “Computer Fraud” (PROPERTY) means “theft” ofproperty following and directly related to the useof any computer to fraudulently cause a transfer ofthat property from inside the “premises” or“banking premises” to a person, other than a“messenger,” outside those “premises” or to aplace outside those “premises.”

With regard to “computer fraud,” occurrencemeans an:

a. Act or series of related acts involving one ormore persons; or

b. Act or event, or a series of related acts or aseries of related acts or events not involvingany person.

13. “Coverage Territory” (PROPERTY) means, unlessotherwise specified, the following:

a. The United States of America (including itsterritories and possessions);

b. Puerto Rico; and

c. Canada.

14. “Coverage Territory” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means anywhere in the world ifthe insured’s responsibility to pay damages isdetermined:

a. In a “suit” on the merits brought in a forum inthe United States of America (including itsterritories and possessions), Puerto Rico orCanada; or

b. In a settlement we agree to.

15. “Covered Employee” (PROPERTY) means:

a. Any natural person:

(1)While in your service (and for 30 days aftertermination of service);

(2)Whom you compensate directly by salary,wages or commissions; and

(3)Whom you have the right to direct andcontrol while performing services for you.

b. Any natural person employed by anemployment contractor while that person issubject to your direction and control andperforming services for you. However, anysuch person is excluded while having care andcustody of property outside the “premises.”

c. Any natural person who is a duly elected orappointed director, trustee, officer, committeevolunteer or member, whether salaried or not,and any other person acting on behalf or at thedirection of an officer or board of directors ofyour Association with the exception of thedeveloper when acting in a capacity as thedeveloper.

But covered employee does not include:

a. Other than your employee any person or anyorganization while acting as your real estatemanager.

b. Any employee immediately upon discovery by:

(1) You; or

(2)Any of your officers and directors not incollusion with the employee, director, officeror board member;

of any dishonest act committed by thatemployee, officer or board member whetherbefore or after being hired or appointed by you.

16. “Covered Employee” (DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means:

a. Any natural person:

(1)While in your service (and for 30 days aftertermination of service);

(2)Whom you compensate directly by salary,wages or commissions; and

(3)Whom you have the right to direct andcontrol while performing services for you.

b. Any natural person employed by anemployment contractor while that person issubject to your direction and control andperforming services for you. However, anysuch person is excluded while having care andcustody of property outside the “premises.”

c. Other than your employee, any person or anyorganization while acting as your real estatemanager.

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17. “Covered Instrument(s)” (PROPERTY) meanschecks, drafts, promissory notes, or similar writtenpromises, orders or directions to pay a sum certainin “money” and written instruments required inconjunction with any credit, debit or charge cardissued to you or any employee for businesspurposes that are:

a. Made or drawn by or drawn upon you;

b. Made or drawn by one acting as your agent;

or that are purported to have been so made ordrawn.

18. “Covered Property” (PROPERTY) means propertydescribed in I. PROPERTY DIRECT COVERAGESSECTION for which a limit of insurance is shownin the “Declarations.”

19. “Declarations” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY,DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS) means anydeclarations comprising part of the policy.

20. “Defense costs” (LIABILITY) means:

a. All expenses we incur;

b. The cost of bonds to appeal a judgment oraward in any “suit” we defend;

c. The cost of bail bonds required because ofaccidents or traffic law violations arising out ofthe use of any vehicle to which “bodily injury”liability coverage under this insurance applies.We do not have to furnish these bonds;

d. The cost of bonds to release attachments, butonly for bond amounts within the limit ofinsurance available under XIX. LIABILITYLIMITS OF INSURANCE SECTION. We do nothave to furnish these bonds;

e. Reasonable expenses incurred by the insured atour request to assist us in the investigation ordefense of the claim or “suit,” including actualloss of earnings up to $250 a day because oftime off from work.

If we defend an insured against a “suit” and anindemnitee of the insured is also named as a partyto the “suit,” we will defend that indemnitee if allof the following conditions are met:

a. The “suit” against the indemnitee seeksdamages for which the insured has assumedthe liability of the indemnitee in a contract oragreement that is an “insured contract”;

b. This insurance applies to such liability assumedby the insured;

c. The obligation to defend, or the cost of thedefense of, that indemnitee, has also beenassumed by the insured in the same “insuredcontract”;

d. The allegations in the “suit” and theinformation we know about the “occurrence”are such that no conflict appears to existbetween the interests of the insured and theinterests of the indemnitee;

e. The indemnitee and the insured ask us toconduct and control the defense of thatindemnitee against such “suit” and agree thatwe can assign the same counsel to defend theinsured and the indemnitee; and

f. The indemnitee:

(1)Agrees in writing to:

(a) Cooperate with us in the investigation,settlement or defense of the “suit”;

(b) Immediately send us copies of anydemands, notices, summonses or legalpapers received in connection with the“suit”;

(c) Notify any other insurer whose coverageis available to the indemnitee; and

(d)Cooperate with us with respect tocoordinating other applicable insuranceavailable to the indemnitee; and

(2) Provide us with written authorization to:

(a) Obtain records and other informationrelated to the “suit”; and

(b)Conduct and control the defense of theindemnitee in such “suit.”

So long as the above conditions are met, attorneysfees incurred by us in the defense of thatindemnitee, necessary litigation expenses incurredby us and necessary litigation expenses incurred bythe indemnitee at our request will be paid.Notwithstanding the provisions of 2. of XI.D.CERTAIN CONTRACTS, such payments will notbe deemed to be damages for “bodily injury” and“property damage” and will not reduce the limitsof insurance.

Our obligation to defend an insured’s indemniteeand to pay for attorneys fees and necessarylitigation expenses ends when:

a. We have used up the applicable limit ofinsurance in the payment of judgments orsettlements; or

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b. The conditions set forth above, or the terms ofthe agreement described in paragraphs f.(1)and f.(2) above, are no longer met.

21. “Defense costs” (DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS)means:

a. Costs, charges and expenses (other than regularor overtime wages, salaries or fees of yourtrustees, directors, officers or employees)incurred at our request or with our writtenconsent in the defense of legal actions,“claims”, or proceedings and appeals therefromand the cost of appeal, attachment or similarbonds. We do not have to furnish these bonds.

b. All reasonable expenses incurred by theinsured at our request to assist us in theinvestigation or defense of the “claim” or “suit”including actual loss of earnings up to $250 aday, per person, because of time off from work.

c. The cost of bonds to appeal a judgment oraward in any “suit” we defend.

22. “Depositors Forgery” (PROPERTY) means lossresulting directly from forgery or alteration to a“covered instrument” including the use of facsimilesignatures. It includes any reasonable legalexpenses that you incur and pay if you are sued forrefusing to pay any “covered instrument” on thebasis that it has been forged or altered and youhave our written consent to defend against the suitinvolving “depositors forgery.”

There is no coverage for loss caused by legalproceedings including judgments, settlements andany related expenses.

With regard to “depositors forgery,” occurrencemeans all loss caused by any person or in whichthat person is involved, whether the loss involvesone or more instruments.

23. “Employees” also “Coemployees” (PROPERTY,LIABILITY) includes a “leased worker.”“Employee” does not include a “temporaryworker.”

24. “Employee Dishonesty” (PROPERTY) means onlydishonest or criminal acts committed by a “coveredemployee,” whether identified or not, acting aloneor in collusion with other persons, with themanifest intent to:

a. Cause you to sustain loss; and also

b. Obtain financial benefit (other than salaries,commissions, fees, bonuses, promotions,

awards, profit sharing, pensions or otheremployee benefits earned in the normal courseof employment) for:

(1) The “covered employee”; or

(2)Any person or organization intended by the“covered employee” to receive that benefit.

With regard to “employee dishonesty,” occurrencemeans all loss caused by each “covered employee,”whether the result of a single act or series of acts.

25. “Employers Liability” (LIABILITY) means liabilityarising out of any and all “bodily injury” byaccident or “bodily injury” by disease to youremployees. “Bodily injury” includes resultingdeath.

a. The “bodily injury” must arise out of and in thecourse of the injured employee’s employmentby you.

b. “Bodily injury” by disease must be caused oraggravated by the conditions of youremployment. The employee’s last day of lastexposure to the conditions causing oraggravating such “bodily injury” by diseasemust occur during the “policy period.”

26. “Fine Arts” (PROPERTY) means paintings,etchings, pictures, sculptures, tapestries, art glasswindows and other bona fide works of art of rarity,historical value or artistic merit. Fine arts alsoincludes “furs” and “jewelry.”

27. “Flood” (PROPERTY) means:

a. A general and temporary condition of partial orcomplete inundation of two or more acres ofnormally dry land area or of two or moreproperties (at least one of which is yourproperty) from:

(1)Overflow of inland or tidal waters;

(2)Unusual and rapid accumulation or run offof surface waters from any source;

(3) “Mudflow.”

b. Collapse or subsidence of land along the shoreof a lake or similar body of water as a result oferosion or undermining caused by waves orcurrents of water exceeding anticipated cyclicallevels that result in a flood as defined in a.immediately above.

28. “Furs” (PROPERTY) means furs, fur garments andgarments trimmed with fur.

29. “Garage operations” (LIABILITY) means theownership, maintenance or use of locations for

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garage business and that portion of the roads orother accesses that adjoin these locations. Garageoperations includes the ownership, maintenance oruse of “autos,” “auto equipment” or “mobileequipment” left with you for service, repair,attending, storage, safekeeping or parking. Garageoperations also include all operations necessary orincidental to a garage business.

30. “Hazardous properties” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means hazardous propertiesincluding radioactive, toxic or explosive properties.

31. “Hired auto” (LIABILITY) means any “auto” youlease, hire or borrow. This does not include any“auto” you lease, hire or borrow from any of youremployees or members of their households, orfrom any director or officer of yours.

32. “Hostile fire” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY) means afire which becomes uncontrollable or breaks outfrom where it was intended to be.

33. “Impaired property” (LIABILITY) means tangibleproperty, other than “your product” or “yourwork,” that cannot be used or is less usefulbecause:

a. It incorporates “your product” or “your work”that is known or thought to be defective,deficient, inadequate or dangerous; or

b. You have failed to fulfill the terms of a contractor agreement;

if such property can be restored to use by:

a. The repair, replacement, adjustment or removalof “your product” or “your work”; or

b. Your fulfilling the terms of the “contract” or“agreement.”

34. ”Incidental medical malpractice” (LIABILITY)means “bodily injury” arising out of the renderingof or failure to render the following services:

a. Furnishing food, beverages, office space orbuilding facilities in connection with anymedical, surgical, dental, x-ray, pharmaceuticalor nursing service or treatment; or

b. The furnishing or dispensing of drugs, medical,dental or surgical supplies or appliances.

Incidental medical malpractice does not cover anyinsured engaged in the business, profession oroccupation of providing any of the servicesdescribed under a. and b. above.

35. “Insured Contract” (LIABILITY) means:

a. A lease of premises;

b. A “sidetrack agreement;”

c. An easement or license agreement inconnection with vehicle or pedestrian privaterailroad crossings at grade;

d. Any other easement agreement, except inconnection with construction or demolitionoperations on or within 50 feet of a railroad;

e. An obligation, as required by ordinance, toindemnify a municipality, except in connectionwith work for a municipality;

f. An elevator maintenance agreement;

g. That part of any contract or agreement enteredinto, as part of your operations, by you, yourdirectors, officers or employees pertaining tothe rental or lease of any “auto”; or

h. That part of any other contract or agreementpertaining to your operations, including anindemnification of a municipality in connectionwith work performed for a municipality, underwhich you assume the “tort liability” of anotherto pay damages because of “bodily injury” or“property damage” to a third person ororganization, if the contract or agreement ismade prior to the “bodily injury” or “propertydamage.”

An “insured contract” does not include that part ofany contract or agreement:

a. That indemnifies an architect, engineer orsurveyor for injury or damage arising out of:

(1) Preparing, approving or failing to prepare orapprove maps, drawings, opinions, reports,surveys, change orders, designs orspecifications; or

(2)Giving directions or instructions, or failingto give them, if that is the primary cause ofthe injury or damage;

b. Under which the insured, if an architect,engineer or surveyor, assumes liability forinjury or damage arising out of the insured’srendering or failing to render professionalservices, including those listed in a. above andsupervisory, inspection, architectural orengineering services; or

c. That indemnifies any person or organizationfor damage to premises rented to or occupiedby you caused by II.G. ORDINANCE OR LAWCOVERAGE or a COVERED CAUSE OF LOSSas described in III. PROPERTY CAUSES OFLOSS, EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS

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d. That pertains to the loan, lease or rental of an“auto” to you, your directors, officers oremployees, if the “auto” is loaned, leased orrented with a driver; or

e. That holds a person or organization engaged inthe business of transporting property by “auto”for hire harmless for your use of an “auto” overa route or territory that person or organizationis authorized to serve by public authority.

f. That provides indemnification for anyoccurrence caused by or and offense committedby any person or organization that would notbe an insured person under XII. GENERALLIABILITY – WHO IS AN INSURED andXVII. EXCESS LIABILITY – WHO IS ANINSURED.

36. “Jewelry” (PROPERTY) means jewelry, watches,watch movements, jewels, pearls, precious andsemiprecious stones, bullion, gold, silver, platinumand other precious alloys or metals. However,jewelry does not include watches costing $100 orless to replace per item.

37. “Leased workers” (LIABILITY) means a personleased to you by a labor leasing firm under anagreement between you and the labor leasing firm,to perform duties related to the conduct of yourbusiness. “Leased worker” does not include a“temporary worker.”

38. “Loading or unloading” (LIABILITY) means thehandling of property:

a. After it is moved from the place where it isaccepted for movement into or onto an aircraft,watercraft or “auto”;

b. While it is in or on an aircraft, watercraft or“auto”; or

c. While it is being moved from an aircraft,watercraft or “auto” to the place where it isfinally delivered;

But does not include the movement of property bymeans of a mechanical device, other than a handtruck, that is not attached to the aircraft, watercraftor “auto.”

39. “Loss” (DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS) means thedamages the insured is legally obligated to paybecause of judgments or settlements arising out of“claims” or “suits” alleging “wrongful acts.”“Loss” does not include “defense costs.”

40. “Media” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY) means tapes,records, discs or other sound, picture, or datastorage media designed for use with sound orpicture reproducing or data processing equipment.

41. “Medical expenses” (LIABILITY) means:

a. First aid at the time of an accident;

b. Necessary medical, surgical, x-ray and dentalservices, including prosthetic devices; and

c. Necessary ambulance, hospital, professionalnursing and funeral services.

42. “Messenger” (PROPERTY) means you or any“employee” while having care and custody of theproperty outside the “premises.”

43. “Mobile equipment” (LIABILITY) means a landvehicle (including any machinery or apparatusattached to it), whether or not it is self-propelled,which is:

a. Not subject to motor vehicle registration; or

b. Maintained for use exclusively on premisesowned by or rented to you; or

c. Designed for use principally off public roads;or

d. Designed or maintained for the sole purpose ofaffording mobility to equipment of thefollowing types which form an integral part ofor are permanently attached to such vehicle:power cranes, shovels, loaders, diggers, drills,concrete mixers, (other than the mix-in-transittype), graders, scrapers, rollers and other roadconstruction or repair equipment,air-compressors, pumps, generators, includingspraying, welding and building cleaningequipment, and geophysical exploration andwell servicing equipment.


a. Currency, coins and bank notes in current useand having a face value; and

b. Travelers checks, register checks and moneyorders held for sale to the public.

With regard to “money,” occurrence means an:

a. Act or series of related acts involving one ormore persons; or

b. Act or event, or a series of related acts or aseries of related acts or events not involving anyperson.

45. “Mudflow” (PROPERTY) means a river of liquidand flowing mud on the surface of normally dry

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land areas, as when earth is carried by a current ofwater. Other earth movements, such as landslide,slope failure, or a saturated soil mass moving byliquidity down a slope, are not mudflows.

46. “New information” (PROPERTY) meansinformation which is received by us for the firsttime from anyone.

47. “Nonowned auto” (LIABILITY) means any “auto”you do not own, lease, hire or borrow which isused in connection with your operations.

48. “Nuclear facility” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means:

a. Any “nuclear reactor”;

b. Any equipment or device designed or used for:

(1) Separating the isotopes of uranium orplutonium;

(2) Processing or utilizing “spent fuel”; or

(3)Handling, processing or packaging “waste”;

c. Any equipment or device used for theprocessing, fabricating or alloying of “specialnuclear material” if at any time the totalamount of such material in the custody of theinsured at the premises where such equipmentor device is located consists of or contains morethan 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 orany combination thereof, or more than 250grams of uranium 235;

d. Any structure, basin, excavation, premises orplace prepared or used for the storage ordisposal of “waste”; “Nuclear facility” includesthe site on which any of the foregoing islocated, all operations conducted on such siteand all premises used for such operations.

49. “Nuclear material” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means “source material,” “specialnuclear material” or “by-product material.”

50. “Nuclear reactor” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means any apparatus designed or usedto sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chainreaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionablematerial.

51. “Occurrence(s)” (LIABILITY) means an accident,including continuous or repeated exposure tosubstantially the same general harmful conditions.

52. “Offense(s)” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means, an act, utterance or publication,including the continuation or repetition of the sameact, utterance or publication.

53. “Officers” (LIABILITY) means a person holdingany of the officer positions created by your charter,constitution, bylaws or any similar governingdocument.

54. “Period of Restoration” (PROPERTY) means theperiod of time that:

a. Begins with the date of direct physical loss ordamage caused by or resulting from anyCOVERED CAUSE OF LOSS at the describedpremises; and

b. Ends on the date when the property at thedescribed premises should be repaired, rebuiltor replaced with reasonable speed and similarquality.

“Period of restoration” does not include anyincreased period required due to the enforcementof any ordinance or law that:

a. Regulates the construction, use or repair, orrequires the tearing down of any property; or

b. Requires any insured or others to test for,monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat,detoxify, or neutralize, or in any way respondto, or assess the effects of “pollutants.”

The expiration date of this policy will not shortenthe “period of restoration.”

55. “Personal Effects” (PROPERTY) means itemsusually worn or carried on the person.

56. “Personal Injury” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means injury, other than “bodilyinjury,” arising out of one or more of the following“offenses”:

a. False arrest, detention or imprisonment;

b. Malicious prosecution;

c. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entryinto, or invasion of the right of privacy of aroom, “unit,” dwelling, storage area orpremises that the person occupies by or onbehalf of its owner, landlord or lessor;

d. Oral or written publication of material thatslanders or libels a person or organization ordisparages a person’s or organization’s goods,products or services; or

e. Oral or written publication of material thatviolates a person’s right of privacy.

f. Humiliation or discrimination.

57. “Policy period” (PROPERTY) means:

Unless otherwise specified, we will cover loss or

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damage commencing during the policy periodshown in the “Declarations.”

58. “Policy Period” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS, COMMON POLICY) means the periodfrom the inception to the expiration date of thispolicy, shown in the “Declarations” or until itstermination in accordance withXXVII.A. CANCELLATION.

59. “Policy Year” (DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS)means the period of one year following theinception of this policy or any anniversary thereof,or if the time between such inception or anyanniversary and the termination of the policy isless than one year, such lesser period. With regardto XXV. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LIABILITYEXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD SECTION, ifthe Extended Reporting Period is exercised thensuch Extended Reporting Period will be part of thelast policy year and not an additional period.

60. “Pollutant(s)” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY,DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS) means any solid,liquid, gaseous, thermal or radioactive irritant orcontaminant, including asbestos, radon, smoke,vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals andwaste. Waste includes materials to be recycled,reconditioned or reclaimed.

61. “Premises” (PROPERTY) means the premisesshown in Description of Premises “Declarations.”

62. “Private Employee Benefits” (DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS LIABILITY) means:

a. Group Life Insurance;

b. Group Accident, Health, Disability and DentalInsurance;

c. Profit-Sharing Plans;

d. Pension Plans;

e. Employee Stock Subscription Plans; and

f. Employee Travel, Vacation, or Savings Plans.

63. “Products-completed operations hazard”(LIABILITY) means:

a. “Products-completed operations hazard”includes all “bodily injury” and “propertydamage” arising out of “your product” or“your work” except:

(1) Products that are still in your physicalpossession; or

(2)Work that has not yet been completed orabandoned.

The “bodily injury” or “property damage” mustoccur away from property you own or rent, or afteryou have relinquished possession of “yourproduct” if your operation includes the selling,handling or distribution of “your product” forconsumption on property you own or rent.

b. “Your work” will be deemed completed at theearliest of the following times:

(1)When all of the work called for in yourcontract has been completed;

(2)When all of the work to be done at the sitehas been completed if your contract calls forwork at more than one site;

(3)When that part of the work done at a job sitehas been put to its intended use by anyperson or organization other than anothercontractor or subcontractor working on thesame project.

Work that may need service, maintenance,correction, repair or replacement, but which is otherwise complete, will be treated as completed.

c. This hazard does not include “bodily injury” or“property damage” arising out of:

(1) The transportation of property, unless theinjury or damage arises out of a condition inor on a vehicle created by the “loading orunloading” or it;

(2) The existence of tools, uninstalledequipment or abandoned or unusedmaterials; or

(3) Products or operations for homownerassociations and any other classification inthis coverage part or in our manual of rulesthat includes products or completedoperations.

64. “Professional service” (LIABILITY) means:

a. Legal, accounting or advertising services;

b. Preparing, approving, or failing to prepare orapprove maps, drawings, opinions, reports,surveys, change orders, designs orspecifications;

c. Supervisory, inspection or engineering services;

d. Medical, surgical, dental, x-ray or nursingservices or treatment;

e. Any health service or treatment;

f. Any cosmetic or tonsorial service or treatment;

g. Optometry or optical or hearing aid services

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including the prescribing, preparation, fitting,demonstration or distribution of ophthalmiclenses and similar products or hearing aiddevices;

h. Ear or body piercing services; and

i. Services in the practice of pharmacy.

65. “Property damage” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS) means:

a. Physical injury to tangible property, includingall resulting loss of use of that property; or

b. Loss of use of tangible property that is notphysically injured.

With regard to “property damage,” loss of use oftangible property not physically injured shall bedeemed to occur at the time of the “occurrence”that caused it.

66. “Public Employee Benefits” (DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS LIABILITY) means:

a. Worker’s Compensation;

b. Unemployment Insurance;

c. Social Security; and

d. Any other disability income program requiredor provided by statute or other law.

67. “Ratable Limit” (PROPERTY) means that portionof the replacement cost of “covered property” onwhich a premium charge is based.

68. “Securities” (PROPERTY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means negotiable and nonnegotiableinstruments or contracts representing but notincluding either “money” or other property andincludes:

a. Tokens, tickets, revenue and other stamps(whether represented by actual stamps orunused value in a meter) in current use; and

b. Evidences of debt issued in connection withcredit or charge cards, which cards are notissued by you.

With regard to “securities,” occurrence means an:

a. Act or series of related acts involving one ormore persons; or

b. Act or event, or a series of related acts or aseries of related acts or events not involvingany person.

69. “Sidetrack agreement” (LIABILITY) means anagreement between a railroad and a second partyunder which the railroad furnishes sidetrack

facilities on the latter’s premises, the second partyreleasing the railroad from liability for damages orassuming the railroad’s liability for damages toothers on account of the maintenance or operationof the sidetrack.

70. “Sinkhole collapse” (PROPERTY) means thesudden sinking or collapse of land intounderground empty spaces created by the action ofwater on limestone, dolomite or similar rockformations. It does not include:

a. The cost of filling sinkholes; or

b. Sinking or collapse of land into man-madeunderground cavities or landfill.

71. “Source material” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means the meaning given to it in theAtomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any amendatorylaw.

72. “Special nuclear material” (LIABILITY,DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS) means thedescription given to it in the Atomic Energy Act of1954 or in any amendatory law.

73. “Specified Causes of Loss” (PROPERTY) meansthe following: fire; lightning; explosion; windstormor hail; smoke; aircraft or vehicles; riot or civilcommotion; vandalism; leakage from fireextinguishing equipment; “sinkhole collapse”;“volcanic action”; falling objects; weight of snow,ice or sleet; “water damage.”

74. “Spent fuel” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means any fuel element or fuelcomponent, solid or liquid, which has been used orexposed to radiation in “nuclear reactor.”

75. “Subsidiary(ies)” (DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS)means any organization that is controlled by anyentity of yours through ownership of more than50% of the outstanding voting stock.

76. “Suit(s)” (LIABILITY) means a civil proceeding inwhich damages because of “bodily injury,”“property damage,” “personal injury” or“advertising injury” to which this insuranceapplies are alleged.

“Suit” includes:

a. An arbitration proceeding in which suchdamages are claimed and to which you mustsubmit or do submit with our consent; or

b. Any other alternative dispute resolutionproceeding in which such damages are claimedand to which you submit with our consent.

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77. “Suit(s)” (DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS) means acivil proceeding in which damages ornonpecuniary relief to which this insurance appliesare alleged.

“Suit” includes:

a. An arbitration proceeding in which suchdamages are claimed and to which you mustsubmit or do submit with our consent; or

b. Any other alternative dispute resolutionproceeding in which such damages are claimedand to which you submit with our consent.

c. A civil proceeding commenced by the service ofa complaint or similar pleading:

d. A formal administrative or regulatoryproceeding commenced by the filing of a noticeof charges, formal investigative order or similardocument.

78. “Swimming pools” (PROPERTY) meansswimming pools and the water they contain.

79. “Temporary workers” (LIABILITY) means aperson who is furnished to you to substitute for apermanent “employee” on leave or to meetseasonal or short term workload condition.

80. “Termination of coverage” (DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means any cancellation or nonrenewalof the DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS COVERAGEPART by us.

81. “Theft” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY) means any act ofstealing.

82. “Tort liability” (LIABILITY) means a liability thatwould be imposed by law in the absence of anycontract or agreement.

83. “Underlying insurance” (LIABILITY) means theliability insurance coverage provided underpolicies shown in the Schedule of “UnderlyingInsurance” contained in the “Declarations,” for thelimits and periods indicated. It includes anypolicies issued to replace those policies during theterm of this insurance that provide:

a. At least the same policy limits; and

b. Liability insurance coverage for the samehazards insured against, except those changeswe agree to in writing.

84. “Underlying insurer” (LIABILITY) means anyinsurer who issues a policy of “underlyinginsurance.”

85. “Underlying policy” (LIABILITY) means a policy

providing “underlying insurance.”

86. “Unit” (PROPERTY) means each portion of the realproperty, designed for separate ownership andoccupancy, which is enclosed by the boundariesdescribed in a. below and which contains theproperty described in b. below:

a. Boundaries:

(1) Each plane formed by the innermostsurfaces of the studs in each wall which isalso a demising wall of the building or awall between other similarly enclosedportions;

(2) Each plane formed by the innermost surfaceof each door and window and of itsrespective frames, sills and hardware allwhich connect the enclosed portion toadjacent common elements, limited commonelements or the exterior of the building; and

(3) Each plane formed by the innermost surfaceof each grill or register covering exhaustfans or ventilation ducts;

(4) Each plane formed by the surfaces of anyfurring which, with regard to each furringstrip, is that surface facing the enclosedportion, as extended around utility shaftsand columns containing pipes, ducts, wires,conduits, chutes, mechanical chases,structural elements and flues that are eithercommon element or limited commonelements; and,

(5) Each plane formed by the innermostsurfaces of the beams or joists of the ceilingsand floors of such enclosed portions whichare also ceilings and floors of the building orof other, similar enclosed portions.

b. The following property, wholly enclosed by orcontained inside the boundaries described in a.above, which is both permanently installed anddedicated to the exclusive service of theenclosed portion:

(1)All machinery, equipment, appliances,fixtures and similar property such as:

(a) kitchen equipment, exhaust fans, lightingdevices, outlets and wiring systems;

(b)plumbing fixtures, and fixtures and otherexposed parts of systems that provideheating, ventilation and air conditioning;and,

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(c) fixtures and other exposed parts ofprotective safeguards systems including,without limitation, fire, intrusion, smokeand heat protection and detectionsystems; and

(2)All walls, floors, ceilings, partitions,columns, and dividers, lath, wallboard,plasterboard, plaster, paneling, molding,tiles, wallpaper, paint, finished flooring andtheir finished surfaces; and,

(3) Pipes, ducts, wires, cables, conduits andsimilar property.

87. “Valuable papers and records” (PROPERTY)means inscribed, printed or written documents,manuscripts or records, including abstracts, books,deeds, drawings, films, maps or mortgages.

However, “valuable papers and records” does notmean records of accounts receivable, “media,”“money” or “securities,” converted data, programsor instructions used in your data processingoperations, including the materials on which thedata is recorded.

88. “Volcanic action” (PROPERTY) means:

Direct loss or damage resulting from the eruptionof a volcano when the loss or damage is caused by:

a. Airborne volcanic blast or airborne shockwaves;

b. Ash, dust or particulate matter; or

c. Lava flow.

However, “volcanic action” does not include thecost to remove ash, dust or particulate matter thatdoes not cause direct physical loss or damage to”covered property.”

89. “Volcanic Eruption” (PROPERTY) means volcaniceruption, effusion and explosion.

90. “War” (PROPERTY, LIABILITY) means war,whether or not declared, including civil war,insurrection, rebellion, or revolution.

91. “Waste” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means any waste material:

a. Containing “by-product material” other thanthe tailings or wastes produced by theextraction or concentration of uranium orthorium from any ore processed primarily forits “source material” content; and

b. Resulting from the operation by any person ororganization of any “nuclear facility” included

under the first two paragraphs of the definitionof “nuclear facility.”

92. “Water damage” (PROPERTY) means accidentaldischarge or leakage of water or steam as the directresult of the breaking or cracking of any part of asystem or appliance containing water or steam.

93. “Wrongful act(s)” (LIABILITY, DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS) means any error, misstatement ormisleading statement, act or omission, or neglector breach of duty committed, attempted, orallegedly committed or attempted, by any insuredin the discharge of duties to you, or any matterclaimed solely by reason of service in suchcapacity. All errors, statements, acts, omissions,neglects or breaches of duty or matters claimedsolely by reason of service in the discharge ofduties to you which are causally connected,whether involving one or more of the insuredsshall be deemed interrelated “wrongful acts.”

94. “Your product” (LIABILITY) means:

a. Any goods or products, other than realproperty, manufactured, sold, handled,distributed or disposed of by:

(1) You;

(2)Others trading under your name; or

(3)A person or organization whose business orassets you have acquired; and

b. Containers (other than vehicles), materials,parts or equipment furnished in connectionwith such goods or products.

“Your product” includes:

a. Warranties or representations made at any timewith respect to the fitness, quality, durability,performance or use of “your product”; and

b. The providing of or failure to provide warningsor instructions.

“Your product” does not include vending machinesor other property rented to or located for the use ofothers but not sold.

95. “Your work” (LIABILITY) means:

a. Work or operations performed by you or onyour behalf; and

b. Materials, parts or equipment furnished inconnection with such work or operations.

“Your work” includes:

a. Warranties or representations made at any timewith respect to the fitness, quality, durability,performance or use of “your work”; and

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b. The providing of or failure to provide warningsor instructions.

“Your work” will be deemed completed at theearliest of the following times:

a. When all of the work called for in your contracthas been completed;

b. When all of the work to be done at the site hasbeen completed if your contract calls for workat more than one site; or

c. When that part of the work done at a job sitehas been put to its intended use by any personor organization other than another contractoror subcontractor working on the same project.

Work that may need service, maintenance,correction, repair or replacement, but which isotherwise complete, will be treated as completed.

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