Homophobic Lingo - Be the Change Consulting...Homophobic Lingo Homophobia is a term that is used by...

Post on 27-Dec-2019

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B u i l d i n g i n t e n t i o n a l Co m m u n i t i e s © 2 0 1 3 B e t h e C h a n g e Co n s u lt i n gh o m o p h o B i C l i n g o

Homophobic Lingo Homophobia is a term that is used by people who want to make members of the gay and lesbian community feel excluded or less important than other people. People who use homophobic terms may not fear or hate gay and lesbian people, but their actions make some people feel excluded.

In this research project, you will talk to five people to better understand how homophobia affects your community.

For the following questions, tally “Yes” answers by marking a line (“ ”) in the appropriate box. If you have four “Yes” tally marks and need to add a fifth, use a diagonal (“ “).

1. Have you heard any of the following terms or phrases used before?

2. How included do you think gay or lesbian people would feel in our community?

term or phrase

Where hoW often

in Class at lunChtime on the playground daily Weekly monthly

“that’s so gay”





Very inCluded kind of inCluded not inCluded