Honors Track: Competitive Programming & Problem Solving Effective Programming Kevin Verbeek.

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Honors Track:Competitive Programming& Problem Solving

Effective Programming

Kevin Verbeek

Track information

Coordinator: dr. Kevin Verbeek, MF 4.106,


Coaches: dr. Kevin Verbeek

ir. Arthur van Goethem, MF 4.104b,


Web page: http://www.win.tue.nl/~kverbeek/CPPS/index.html

Book: S. Halim and F. Halim

Competitive Programming 3

not mandatory


Plan a weekly meeting with your coach ASAP!


b2 1


b3 4



Honors academy schedule


PDP: Personal development plan What do you want to achieve? How do you plan to achieve it? Technical skills (programming, problem solving) Soft skills (teamwork, speaking in public, etc.)

MYOD: Managing your own development Two sessions in Q1 Will help you write PDP

Project plan Which contests to participate? What needs to be learned? How to train?

Track schedule

19 September

Eindhoven Algorithmic Programming Contest

Time to start practicing! Use our training server: compprog.win.tue.nl Make an account on TopCoder: www.topcoder.com Make an account on Codeforces: codeforces.com

Check the web page for other contests and practice opportunities



Cheatsheet Document of at most 25 pages Preferably with actual code in preferred language (C++ or Java) Common standard algorithms Algorithms you don’t know by heart Also put in helpful tips/pointers

Tips: http://www.win.tue.nl/~kverbeek/CPPS/tips.php

Start making your cheatsheet ASAP!

Effective Programming


Golden rules

Golden rules of programming

1. Think before you code

2. Always choose the simplest solution that is fast enough

3. Code carefully rather than fast

Code carefully

3. Code carefully rather than fast

Why? Easy to make mistakes when coding fast Mistakes are hard to find and take long to fix Really try to avoid making mistakes Coding carefully is actually faster in the end!

How to avoid mistakes? No matter how careful, you will make mistakes It helps to know common mistakes Helps finding, correcting, and avoiding mistakes

Common mistakes

1. Loop bounds Think carefully about all loop bounds (especially with dynamic prog.)

2. Array bounds Check if all arrays are big enough

3. Initialization Initialize all data again for every testcase (clear vectors/lists/etc.) This only gives errors for multiple testcases

4. Incorrect output format Use correct spelling, capitals and endlines

5. Wrong nesting Check whether the nesting is correct (use indentation)

6. Precision Always use doubles when you need floating point numbers For many multiplications, use log: log (a * b) = log(a) + log(b) Use the correct precision for output (setprecision)

Common mistakes

7. Overflow Check how large the numbers can get Use long long or something similar (remember for C: scanf(“%lld”))

8. Invalid expression Sqrt(-1) or log(0), etc.

9. Index offset A[i] or A[i-1]? Often important for dynamic programming

10. Rounding Read the problem carefully and round as prescribed

11. Read the complete input Sometimes the answer is clear before you’ve read the complete input Read it anyway! Output the answer only after reading complete input!

12. Boundary cases These cases often cause problems, make some testcases

13. Wrong variable / copying mistakes / etc.

Simplest solutions

2. Always choose the simplest solution that is fast enough

Why? So you can do it faster? The contest jury doesn’t care… Simpler → easier to code Really think about simplifying your code

Important aspects How to come up with the simplest solution? What is fast enough?

Simplest solution

How to come up with the simplest solution?

Using standard libraries Standard libraries are easy to use and should be correct Design your code to make use of libraries

Example: median finding Could implement linear-time median finding… Or simply sort and return middle element Or C++: nth_element

Know your libraries! C++ STL Java standard libraries

Standard Data structures

Standard data structures Linked list Priority queue Binary search tree Etc.

Data structure C++ (STL) Java

Array vector<T> ArrayList<T>

Linked list list<T> LinkedList<T>

Priority queue priority_queue<T> PriorityQueue<T>

Sets (BST) set<T> TreeSet<T>

Associative container (BST) map<T> TreeMap<T>

Union find ? (cheatsheet) ? (cheatsheet)

Standard algorithms

Standard algorithms Sorting

C++: sort (use operator overloading <) Java: Collections.sort (use Comparable interface)

Check all permutations C++: next_permutation Java: ?

Split string C++: ? Java: split function of String

There are many more! Learn as many as you can!

Fast enough

What is fast enough?

Know the asymptotic running times of standard algorithms Estimate the worst case number of steps of your program If #steps < ~10 000 000, then start implementing


You’re given a graph with n vertices and m edges

with n ≤ 103 and m ≤ 106. Can we use Dijkstra’s algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm runs in O((m+n) log n) time That is approximately 106 log 103 ≈ 107

steps in worst case So … Yes!

Estimating algorithm

But we can also do it the other way around! Given the bounds on the input What could possibly be the asymptotic running time? Which algorithms run in this time?

n ≤ 109 O(1), O(log n) or O(√n) Function, BS? n ≤ 106 O(n) or O(n log n) Greedy, sorting, BS + Greedy, D&C? n ≤ 103, W ≤ 103 O(nW) dynamic prog. with table n x W? n ≤ 102 O(n3) All-pairs shortest path, Gaussian elimination? n ≤ 16 O(2n) or O(n 2n) Brute-force on all bitstrings of length n n ≤ 8 O(n!) Brute-force on all permutations of n objects

Think about it

1. Think before you code

Why? Can think about simplest code Unforeseen changes may mess up code structure No thinking → messy code → many bugs

What to think about? Which variables / arrays / structs / classes do I use? Which data structures do I need? Which standard algorithms do I use? Which functions should I make?

The structure of the code should be in your head before you start!



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EAPC 2013 C – Cracking the Safe

EAPC 2012 C – Cubing

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