Hoole Roundabout March 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    March 2013 Issue 58

    www.hooleroundabout.com Tel 01244 350398

    Inside this month: Hoole midwies award, Homelessness hostel, Crimefle,

    Thought or the Month, Money Magnet, fnancial column and whats on.

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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 3


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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Publisher Talkabut Publishig Ltd

    Contributors Ady Glver, Jaet Heath

    Print EWS

    Sales Lye Bradley & Hayley Ryder

    Production J White

    & Distribution

    Contact Talkabut Publishig

    2nd Floor Richmond Place125 - 127 BoughtonChester CH3 5BHif@talkabutpublishig.c.uk

    Tel. 01244 350398

    07801 506538

    Circulation 5,500

    All material is copyright and should not be reproduced without the permission of the Publishers. All details

    are correct to the best of our knowledge. The Publishers do not endorse or recommend any of the entries or

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    regardless of how caused.

    CONGRATULATIONS to Hoolemidwife Lauren Irving who has wonan award for her services to newmums.

    You can read more about Laurenssuccess in this issue. There isalso news of the controversialhomelessness hostel, a care

    company which has risen from theashes of the Chester EnterpriseCentre, Hoole Rangers, Thoughtfor the Week with Andy Glover andJonathan Seddons nancial column.

    We hope you enjoy the magazineand dont forget to say you saw theadvert in Hoole Roundabout.

    The Talkabout Team 32

    You can now fnd us

    on acebook or all the

    latest updates in Hoole

    6 16

    T advertse,

    cntact Hale

    n 01244 350398



  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 5



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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    6 Tel 01244 350398 www.hooleroundabout.com



    Plans prepared forLocal Authority






    contact :

    Malcolm Quick

    tel: 01244 335971

    for experienced friendly


    CRIMEFILEAmonG the cries reprted i the

    Hle area last th were:

    l Lghtft Street / Phllp Street

    - At least eight vehicles were targeted

    ad all received scratches t the

    bdywrk areas. These ffeces see

    t ccur durig the eveig/veright

    perids ad are withut tive.

    l Brk Lane Thieves etered theback garde ad frced etry t shed

    befre stealig a white Sctt utai


    lPoLICE are searchig fr uggers

    wh pushed their victi t the grud

    the Greeway befre stealig his wallet.

    The 30-year-ld a was walkig alg

    the track ear Brk Lae he was

    attacked by two men who then ed inthe directi f Erie Rad.

    Det Cst mark Hughes, f Chester

    CID, said: The victi suffered a serius

    ijury t his had ad required hspital


    The uggig tk place 30th

    Jauary. The ffeders were wearig

    black clthig, e with a black cap ad

    the ther had his face cvered with a


    Care company rises rom the ashesA CARE cpay that was burt t the grud at the Eterprise Cetre Hle Bridge

    ver tw years ag has retured t its rts i Chester.

    Bluebird Care was in its infancy when it settled into an ofce at the Enterprise Centre in

    Hle i may 2010. The cpay prvides hecare fr bth private ad scial services,

    alg with supprt fr adults ad childre with learig disabilities.

    But just seve ths after Si Rbis set up the busiess, he saw his hard eared

    efforts burned to a cinder when the centre went up in ames.

    Si said: I was devastated I culdt believe hw quickly a busiess culd be ruied.

    Id put everythig it it just t see it destryed.

    He rented ofces in Ellesmere Port to help get back on his feet and two years later has

    w ved back t Hle with preises at Egert Huse, Hle Rad.

    maager Lrraie Kigha said Beig back i Chester w akes it cplete.

    Hspce cffee rnng

    THE Hle Supprt Grup fr the Hspice

    f the Gd Shepherd is hldig a SprigCffee mrig at All Saits Church Cetre,

    Hle Rad, Saturday 16th march,

    10a-12. Tickets 2.00 icludig Tea/

    Cffee ad biscuits available fr Ala

    niclls at the church Sudays r the

    dr r eail: Hlehgs@htail.c.uk

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 7

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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    8 Tel 01244 350398 www.hooleroundabout.com

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    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 9

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    Cloudy2Clear Windows

    Service With A Smile!Its been a crazyfew months forCloudy2ClearWindows. Thecompany whichspecialises in repairingwindows which aresteamed up, brokenor damaged byreplacing the panes not the frames hasgrown rapidly ashomeowners take

    advantage of theirservices.

    Managing DirectorAlan Ball feels that itsall about service. Ourproduct is simple. Ifyour double glazingis misted up we canreplace the glass ata fraction of the costof a new window, inany type of frame,and with a new 5 yearguarantee. But its not

    just about saving people

    money, although thatobviously helps. Manytradespeople havestruggled since last yearand I honestly feel thatduring the good times aminority perhaps didntfocus on customercare as much as theyshould have done. Wemake sure we turn upwhen we say we will,do the job the customer

    requires and leavetheir house as clean asa whistle. I often getcomments back fromcustomers on how theyreally didnt expect thatsort of service which,in a way, is very sad forthe service industry as awhole.

    Cloudy2Clear servicethe Chester, Wirral &North Wales areas andAlan is fnding that his

    approach is a major is

    a major factor in hissuccess. The truth isthat its not just the

    personal satisfactionthat I get from doinga good job but also itmakes good businesssense.I get a huge amount ofbusiness from friendsand family of people

    Ive done work for,which just goes to showhow much a little bit ofeffort is appreciated.

    So, if your windowsare steamed up, brokenor damaged give Alan acall for a free quotationon 0800 61 21 118 andhell be happy to help!

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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 15

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    Flats prased

    THE ewly-built apartet

    blck at Bridley Place,

    i Hle Lae, has bee

    give the Chairas

    Special Award at the

    Chester Civic Trusthurs ight recetly. The

    blck was built fllwig a

    re at the old housing trust


    Wens Da event

    InTERnATIonAL Wes Day will be arked Suday

    3rd march at Hle Cuity Cetre, Westister

    Rad, with lts f fu packed evets rgaised by Chester

    Wes Aid. Ruig fr 11a-4p there will be arket

    stalls, ifrati lcal charities ad grups, wrkshps,

    entertainment, bric-a-brac, rafe, childrens activities, acrche ad the fabulus cafe! They have sig laguage

    iterpreters ad it is fully accessible. Free etry, everye

    welce! Please visit www.chesterwesaid.rg, e-ail

    chesterwesaid@al.c fr re ifrati

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    18 Tel 01244 350398 www.hooleroundabout.com

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 19

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    For further information please contact

    Jonathan on 07789 656547

    Kate on 07979 181913or the ofice on 01244 893186

    It seems ik Chia i ony ju

    bhind u and h nd o h inanciaya i aady in igh! th nd oh a ya pn any dindadin and ocu poin dpndingupon you individua cicuanc,bu h on hing w a hav incoon i h avaiabiiy o aaowanc o aving and invinghough Individua saving Accoun(IsA).

    In these austere times, tax give-aways are pretty hardto find. In an otherwise gloomy picture for Britainstaxpayers, your annual Individual Savings Accountallowance is one bright spot an increasingly valuabletax break and investment opportunity that should notbe overlooked.

    With this in mind, it is surprising to learn that,according to research by Fidelity in October last year,two-thirds of eligible UK adults are not currentlymaking use of their ISA allowance and with it thechance to save free of any further liability to personal

    income tax and completely free from capital gains tax.

    Alongside pensions, ISAs are the most tax-efficientway to save and invest for the future and shouldbe a fundamental building block towards long-term financial wellbeing. Of course, the favourabletreatment of ISAs may not be maintained andis subject to changes in legislation, but recentgovernment announcements have hinted at itsrecognition of the important part ISAs can play insolving Britains savings crisis.

    tAx relIef

    The annual ISA limit for this tax year is 11,280 and6th April the allowance will increase to 11,520 alevel which is 60% higher than the 7,200 limit of justfive years ago.

    This means a couple will be able to put away 23,040next tax year with no further tax to pay on dividendsor interest income and no capital gains tax liability atall. The important thing to remember about the taxreliefs that come with ISAs is that if you do not usethem, you lose them. If you miss the end of tax yeardeadline, thats it until next year.

    mAKe tHe mOst Of YOUr OPPOrtU

    Advertising Feature

    The value of an investment with St. Jamess Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 21

    Finance with Jonathan Seddon




    qInheritance Tax and Long TermCare Planning

    Partner Practice of St Jamess

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    which is regulated by the

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    Junior ISAs have now been with us since Autumn2011 and this is also an allowance not to beoverlooked. This limit will also increase in April from3,600 to 3,720 and is available for children underthe age of 16 to replace the now defunct Child TrustFunds.

    INVestmeNt IsA

    If you have not yet taken advantage of this allowanceit is possible to invest a total of 7,320 per childby investing either side of 6th April. As the cost ofa university education looks set to rise to around

    27,000 for a three-year course, the Junior ISA willprovide parents and grandparents with a means to helpchildren avoid starting their adult working life with adebt the size of a small mortgage.

    All of this highlights the importance of making themost of your current valuable tax break. ISAs offera tax-efficient and convenient gateway to the equitymarkets and also a useful short or medium termaccount for cash. From 6th April you can invest amaximum of 5,760 in a cash ISA half your annualallowance but in this environment of ultra-low

    interest rates it is perhaps no surprise to learn that theaverage cash ISA rate is at its lowest level since theirintroduction in April 1999.

    As a consequence of this and a greater degree ofconfidence on the part of investors, sales of InvestmentISAs are at their highest since 2001 (source:Investment Management Association).

    You can invest your full annual allowance in anInvestment ISA and many investors, prepared to acceptmore risk than the cash alternative, are recognisingthat this may be the way to take better advantageof this tax break. You can also transfer existing cashISAs into an Investment ISA, although it is importantto remember that you cannot transfer them in theopposite direction.

    We all like to think that we work hard for ourmoney and pay our taxes, but you dont owe the HMRevenue & Customs any more than you need to. Withstraightforward planning you can make sure you pay aslittle tax as you need; and making the most of your ISAallowance is a good place to start.

    To book an appointment to review yourcircumstances or to receive one of ourcomplimentary guides covering WealthManagement, Retirement Planning or Inheritance

    Tax Planning, please get in touch.

    NItIes IN tHese tAxING tImes

    The Partner Practice represents only St. Jamess Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the

    Financial Services Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Groups wealth management products and services,

    more details of which are set out on the Groups website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The `St. Jamess Place Partnership and the

    titles `Partner and `Partner Practice are marketing terms used to describe St. Jamess Place representatives.

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Mum-to-be midwie

    scoops national awardA HOOLE midwife has scooped a Royal College of Midwives national award - to add to

    her regional trophy won last year - for her work with new mums across Wirral.

    Lauren Irving - who is also expecting her rst baby in March - was awarded the

    national Johnsons Baby Mums Midwife of the Year Award in London for being an

    exceptional midwife.

    The award is given to an exceptional midwife who is voted as being a very special

    person. They possess the ability to calm the most anxious mum-to-be and provide an

    essential source of reassurance and support.

    Lauren was voted by several mums across Wirral and The Royal College of Midwives

    judging panel selected Lauren to be the national winner.Lauren works on the Wirral as a

    One to One midwife who offers

    care to mums-to-be in their own


    Lauren, 31, said: I cant believe

    Ive won this national award as

    well - Im totally overwhelmed!

    Being able to support a woman

    throughout her whole pregnancy

    helps me to build up really goodand trusting relationship and I

    love this aspect of my job.

    The award shows that many

    mums across the Wirral are

    now aware of this quality

    service which is available to

    NHS patients. Our midwives

    are nding new mums prefer

    receiving midwifery care at home

    as it really ts in with their busylifestyles.

    Joanne Parkington, Clinical

    Director for One to One

    midwives in Wirral, added: This

    is an excellent achievement by

    Lauren to win both awards. Its

    a prestigious national award

    given by The Royal College of


    Midwife Lauren Irving with her

    regional and national awards

    from the Royal College of


  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 23

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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    24 Tel 01244350398 www.hooleroundabout.com

    CoUnCIL plaers have

    deed campaigners and

    agreed t push ahead with

    a helessess hstel

    at Richd Curt, i


    Frerly sheltered husig

    accdati, the buildig

    has std epty fr the past

    three years but will w berefurbished t brig it back

    it perati.

    Cllr Jill Hulbrk said: As

    a lcal authrity we have

    a statutry ad ral duty

    t prvide key services t

    ur vulerable residets

    wh bece heless

    ad thse wh have lived

    a etreched ad fteuchalleged street lifestyle.

    I believe that ay f

    the cets received

    durig the csultati ste

    fr bservatis based

    what had bece a

    etreched street lifestyle

    fr ay f ur cliets.

    What has fr years bee

    visible i Chester city cetrehas bece the basis fr

    the belief that the sae will

    ccur at Richd Curt.

    Cllr David Rbis, said:

    It shws a cuity i

    deep axiety at the prspect

    f a hstel fr 42 peple,

    ever de befre i the

    area beig placed i their

    cuity, where their kids

    play, where they relax ad

    ideed where they live.

    Residets aturally wrry,

    wuldt yu, that this will

    seriusly ipact their quiet

    cuity. This is t

    ibyis - it is facig the

    reality f becig part f a

    labratry style experiet

    where the chaces f the

    cheical ix gig wrgare high.

    The big issue is security

    ad fear fr their failies,

    their prperty ad the caal

    side walk it tw. I have

    wrked fr ver 20 years t

    ake this peple friedly

    this prpsal will i y

    pii seriusly challege

    the use f this rute.NoT NimByS

    The Executive vted

    uaiusly t apprve

    the recedatis ad

    restate a citet t

    ivestigate hw the Cucil

    ca csult re effectively

    uder the cstraits f

    prcureet regulatis.

    They recgised thatwhilst lcal ccers

    reaied fr residets ad

    busiesses abut hw the

    ew service wuld perate

    fr Richd Curt

    there had bee ew r

    substatial evidece-based

    reass eergig fr the

    extesive csultati as t

    why the Cucil shuld tbase the ew service there.

    Executive meber fr

    Adult Scial Care ad

    Health, Cucillr Breda

    Dwdig, said: If we

    csider thse residets

    wh are heless r ay

    bece heless I freely

    adit se f the will be

    difcult but they will be a

    irity.I csiderig Richd

    Curt, I refer t the

    siilarity that I wuld draw

    with the plaig syste,

    where quite frequetly

    a uppular plaig

    applicati has valid

    reas why it ca be


    Peple t likigsethig, peple beig

    ccered abut sethig,

    is t a valid reas t

    refuse ad I apply a siilar

    test here, I recgise that

    the lcal residets dt like

    it, I recgise that yu dt

    wat the heless hub i

    yur cuity but these

    are t valid reass fr it tbe rejected.

    I a srry that yu feel

    that yu havet bee

    prperly csulted - y view

    is that the csultati has

    bee a very gd e but

    I have heard thig fr

    it that chages y view

    that we shuld lcate the

    heless hub at Richd


    Planners push on with

    homelessness hostel

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 25

    local & approachable, we are here to help

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    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 27

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    How to become aMoney MagnetLifestyle column with Hooles transformational

    coach and money magnet Marie-Claire Carlyle

    This week ive been elly luky und mney . i l ttedntng dwn evey penny tt me n well evey penny ttwent ut.

    i t ndene? N, i dnt tnk .

    You see, natural laws dictate that the more you focus on something , the more you seem to noticeit. For example, if someone points out that rich people are greedy and you focus on that ,the nexttime you see a rich person on the news you may easily nd evidence that yes , they are indeedgreedy.and the belief is strengthened. Alternatively , you may come across evidence that wealthypeople tend to be generous benefactors and you will soon start to notice evidence of how generousthey areand that belief is then reinforced. Your beliefs become like lters on your mind. Youcreate your own interpretation of reality as it appears to you, according to your own belief systems

    Now if you want to attract more money, you need to focus on attracting money! ( not on howlittle money you have!)

    This simple exercise involves you noting down how much money you attract each day. There

    is no target and no expectation (although youll notice how you start to unconsciously expect toreceive money)

    Dont worry if you cant yet see where the money is going to come from. Simply keep an openmind , follow your intuition and write down EVERY penny that you attract. For example, thisweek I found 6p in the lining of my tumble dryer. I also won 15 on the lottery. I reinvested 2and won a further 4 on the same day! I was inspired to clear out a drawer and I nd another40P in loose change. Oh and perhaps more signicantly, I attracted a number of new clients whotransferred monies to my account this week

    As well as attracting actual monies, I also started to attract savings and offers of kindness. Myenergy had now shifted and I started to be open to receiving both money and miracles. My nailtechnician gifted me three free nail repairs. Another man in the car park gave me his parkingvoucher worth 4 and a friend spontaneously bought me some owers!

    By Friday , even the sun can come out and life felt incredibly bountiful! Whatever yourcircumstances I invite you to start counting the pennies and to be delighted as you realise that youtoo are a Money Magnetyou just hadnt noticed until now!

    Please do let me know how you get on. I can be reached atmc@marieclairecarlyle.com or on 01244314605

    Marie-Claire Carlyle is bestselling author of How to become a Money Magnet

    and Money Magnet Mindset and creator of the one day Money Magnetworkshop. She is also personal coach to anyone wishing to increase their personalworth, either on a personal or fnancial level. To access her regular blogs go towww.marieclairecarlyle.com

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 29

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    Spring into actionGardeninG by Janet HeatH

    March wen bulb u te jyfulyellw dffdl mke te ppene.Smaller fowers are also worth growingu anemne blnd w yu wllee n wdlnd.

    The wild owers are white but there are alsoblue and pink varieties. Another lovely littleowering bulb is Chionodoxa which has blueor pink owers and well worth growing in pots

    or in the ground interspersed withsmaller daffodils. You will need

    well drained soil in a sunnyposition for best results.

    Shrubs start oweringwith Forsythia andthe owering currant,Ribes sanguineum.

    Another earlyowering shrub is

    the owering quince,Chaenomoles. Thesespiny shrubs do wellin mixed hedging ortrained against the wallof a house. Flowers comein many colours such as brightred, pink or cream and will

    brighten up any garden inspring.

    Jobs to do in thegarden include takingthe shears to winterowering heathers

    just after owering.Give them a trim toremove dead owersand encourage newfoliage. I also cut off thedead heads from Hydrangeasmaking sure that I only cut off

    the dead ower head and leave the

    new buds below as they will give you owersthe coming year.

    Start planting hardy vegetable seeds such asbroad beans, carrots, spinach and some saladslike rocket and hardy lettuce. If its wet and cold

    just wait a couple of weeks for the soil to warmup. Indoors or in a greenhouse it is time to sow

    brassicas such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts andalso leeks in pots ready to transplant later.

    I prepare my pots for summerin March. I have a selection

    of Hostas growing in potsand each year I remove

    the larger plants fromthe pot and cut it upinto pieces with aspade then replantinto new compost.This keeps the

    plants healthy andleaves me with spareplants to give to

    friends or clients. Anyother perennial plants in

    pots get a boost by eitherbeing re-potted into a slightly

    larger pot or I remove thetop few centimetres

    of soil and replacewith John Innes No

    3 compost. Givethem all a feed

    with a slow releasefertilizer. Thisgoes for the rest

    of the garden too. Iuse pelleted chicken

    manure and give allplants in the garden a

    feed in March.

    Janet Heath, Garden Mentor Tel 01244 318258 www.gardenmentor.co.uk

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    so f te wnte f 2013 been ne f te ldetweve d f wle, we vent een mu

    nw n cete f qute few ye, n ft t tullynwng i wte t!

    Much of this snow has been heavy, causing chaos anddisruption. I must admit to some feelings of excitement thatChester has seen some volumes of snow that in others yearsonly other parts of the UK usually get, but Im sure many of

    you are pleased and relieved we dont get snow that often here

    in Hoole!! One of the results of all this snow and ice is that we arebeing told that the gritting salt that is used on the roads to keepthem clear of snow and ice is running out! The results of this will

    be mean very dangerous driving conditions.

    Here in Cheshire we have one of the three main UK mines - theWinsford Rock Salt Mine so we should know how important saltis. Salt is a biological necessity of human life. The importanceof salt in our lives cannot be overstated. Without salt, our

    bodies cannot perform some of the vital functions like regulating blood and body uidsand maintaining nerve signals. Salt deciency leads to muscular weakness, cramps andexhaustion. Severe salt deprivation can even prove fatal.

    In ancient times, salt (or the lack of it) could drastically affect the health of entirepopulations. Trade in salt was very important, and salt was valuable enough to be used ascurrency in some areas. Such was the importance of salt that the words, war and peaceoriginate from the word for salt & bread in Ancient Hebrew and Arabic - The rst war thatmankind initiated was most probably over salt supplies.

    The Bible list over 50 references to salt, many of them a positive reference; in fact it wasJesus who called his followers the salt of the earth. Salt avours and preserves and

    can be an inuence in so many ways, as we can see on our roads and pavements at themoment. To run out of salt can have disastrous consequences. The 4 major pillars ofour society the Economy, the Family, Education and Law and Government all need to beavoured, persevered and inuenced by the salt of the earth, if we lose this saltinessthere can be terrible consequences here too as we have seen! Whether it here in Hoole oracross the country as a whole, the role of the church, and by this I mean the followers ofJesus, is to be the salt that preserves and avours our communities , so as salt we are toSeek Always Love and Truth.

    Finally may I wish all the readers of the Hoole Roundabout a very Happy Easter and

    invite you to consider coming along to one of the local Hoole churches to celebrate with usthis very special day, Easter Sunday, March 31st, youd be very welcome.

    haPPY EasTEr

    Andy Glover has lived inHoole with his wife Sue

    for 22 years. Andy beganat Hoole Baptist Church,on Westminster Road,as Youth Pastor, beforebecoming the Pastor andnow Team Leader.

    BY ThE rEV aNDY GLoVEr

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


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  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout November 2010 29Hoole Roundabout September 2009 35

    USEFUL NUMBERSAge Concern (Cheshire) . . . . . . . .01606 881 668

    Bus & Coach (Cheshire Bus If) .01244 602 666

    Chester Fire Station . . . . . . . . . . .01244 342 145Chester Zoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01244 380 280

    Cheshire West and Chester Council 0300 123 8 123

    Cheshire Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01244 350 000

    Countess of Chester Hospital . .01244 365 000

    John Lennon Airport (Liverpl) .0870 129 8484

    Manchester Airport . . . . . . . . . . . .0871 2710711

    National Rail Enquiries (If ly)0845 748 4950

    NHS Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0845 46 47

    NHS Stop Smoking Service . . . 0800 169 0 169

    Northgate Arena. . . . . . . . . . . . . .01244 380 444

    Samaritans (Chester) . . . . . . . . . .01244 377 999


    St Werburghs ad St Clubas RC Priary

    Schl, Lightft Street, HleTel:325528.


    Hle Church f Eglad Priary ad

    nursery Schl, Hle Lae, Hle.

    Tel 323890


    Steve Hwes website which icludes award

    wiig site A Virtual Strllwww.bwpics.c.uk/chester

    Cllr Bb ThpsnDeputy Liberal

    Decrat Grup


    Surgery details:

    Saturday rig

    utside the Pst

    Ofce on CedarDrive, i Hle, fr


    Saturday rig

    fr 11a-12

    outside the Bromeld

    Ars i Faulker

    Street, Hle

    n appitet ecessary

    5 Ashwood Court, HooleTel 342920

    Email robert.thompson@


    Overleigh Roundabout April 2009 35Hoole Roundabout March 2009 35

    COMMUNITY LISTINGSIf you have a regular event that you would like listing here for freethen please get in touch. 350398 / info@talkaboutpublishing.co.uk

    Cllr Alex BlackLabur:

    171 Hle Lae


    CH2 3EQ

    Phe: 01244


    Cheshre West & Chester cuncllrs fr Hle

    Newtn ward

    Cllr Tom Parry (Cservative)

    4 Bailey Bridge Clse, Chester

    mbile: 07789 615246

    Cllr Adrian Walmsley (Cservative)4 Ableside, Plas newt, Chester

    Phe: 01244 340949

    mbile: 07710 583513

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    EvEry WEdnEsday

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    sarng fro march, we willb hong a pa day on a

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    Unfortunately, due to clients cancelling their

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    Dont forget

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    10th March

  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


  • 7/29/2019 Hoole Roundabout March 2013


    Hoole Roundabout March 2013 39

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