Hope for Syria FINAL PowerPoint

Post on 25-May-2015

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SYRIA By: Alex Isaia, Erica Martin-

Hidalgo, and Maria Hernandez


IN SYRIA?• The trouble began in 2011 in the Syrian city of Deraa.

• Locals took to the streets to protest after 15 schoolchildren had been arrested - and reportedly tortured - for writing anti-government graffiti on a wall.

• The protests were peaceful to begin with, calling for the kids' release, democracy and greater freedom for people in the country.

• The government responded angrily, and on 18 March 2011, the army opened fire on protesters, killing four people.

• The following day, they shot at mourners at the victims' funerals, killing another person.

• People were shocked and angry at what had happened and soon the unrest had spread to other parts of the country.


• At first the protesters just wanted democracy and greater freedom.

• But once government forces opened fire on peaceful demonstrations, people demanded that the President, Bashar al-Assad, resign.

• President Assad refused to step down.

• As the violence worsened he offered to change some things about the way the country is run, but the protesters didn't believe him.


• There isn't a clear single group of rebels, united against President Assad.

• The opposition, who all want the president to step down, is split between groups of rebel fighters, political parties and people living in exile, who cannot return to the country.

• The Free Syrian Army is the largest group fighting military battles against the government. It's far smaller than the government's army; it's poorly equipped and most of its fighters have only had basic training.

• There are many smaller military groups all fighting against the government, but they are not under the control of the Free Syrian Army and some of them hold extreme views against western countries.

• Other opposition groups try to distance themselves from the violence. Instead they claim to offer an alternative to the current government and propose a peaceful political solution to the crisis.


• Millions of innocent civilians, in refugee camps on every Syrian border and especially inside the country, remain unprotected against freezing temperatures, food shortages, health emergencies, sexual violence, and other potentially deadly hazards.

• The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on February 22nd ordering the warring parties in Syria to stop blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid, though without the immediate prospect of punishment for those who disobey.

• The resolution, which is legally binding, addresses a conflict that has gone on for nearly three years, killing more than 100,000 people and creating more than six million refugees.

• It calls on the Syrian government to allow relief agencies to enter the country, decries the dropping of barrel bombs by government aircraft and strongly condemns terror attacks, plainly referring to some of the rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.



Before After


• Who we are: We are an organization that’s purpose is too help the millions of Syrian people who have been displaced, homes have been destroyed and people who are lacking the necessary essentials to live.

• We specialize in air dropping necessary Humanitarian aide into the most hostile areas and with the most displaced Syrians within the country.

• We also supply humanitarian aide to all of the surrounding refugee camps.


• Increase transparency to this kosher type of funding for aide.

• Establish an emotional connection to the cause to increase donor support.

• With the personal message, the donations you are giving these Syrian families is hope. Also, this message will give Syrians a new and perhaps loving view towards Americans, showing them that we do care and will help!


• $50 dollar donation: will allow thousands more to obtain humanitarian aide like water, food, clothing, medicines.

• $150 dollar donation: allows hundreds of thousands to receive humanitarian aide and through google earth you will be able to track your “hope” care package from take off to destination.

• $300 dollar donation: includes the tracking hope program and you will be able to right a personal message onto an individual care package.

“Who ever gets this, I hope you and your family stay strong. Mike smith, from Miami, Florida”