Hope Springs Randomly

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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Proposal of work


Ciara Scanlan ʻHope Springs Randomlyʼ Artistic concept and intentions I am interested in the possibilities of creating a ʻmonumentʼ that is relevant to people of today. People on the way to work, home to socialise, people that notice their cityscape and people that simply donʼt. I feel that we presently live in a world of two realties, that the ʻreal worldʼ and that of the virtual world. There is an app, website blog, social network for every aspect of our lives. I want to create a work that becomes a middle place between these two worlds and seeing where they could cross over and become productive forces upon each other. What if the object/public artwork could be subjective, if it had an identity individual to itself? If the Object could display the potential of latent energy, the power of the virtual click and of each individuals place in contributing to action and change. I propose a new work called ʻ Hope Springs Randomlyʼ. In this project propose to an urban public are and to link it to a rural location in the west of Ireland. I have a personal interest in private verses public property and the rights of the people to access it. In the 80ʼs my fathers land was taken off him in a compulsory order, he now runs a small farm in west limerick. The vast majority of this land has been sold to Coillte. He has agreed to hand me over some land for this project. Currently Irish forests are under threat of being sold onto private investors. I envision the following:

• A large seaside telescope free to move on its axis and point anywhere in the local surroundings. The seaside telescope is traditionally used to view the natural world from afar. They help the public gain visual access to something that is out of reach yet beautiful to look at.

• A LED Counter beside the telescope/public area. • The audience member presses a button to view inside. Viewing is free. • The image inside is not of what is surrounding you, it is a live stream of a field.

The field also has a large LED Counter device in it. The field is my families land and the tender of the field will be my father.

• The telescope omits a bluetooth signal to all that pass, inviting them to view. The work will communicate with the public, regularly updating its Facebook, twitter and live webfeed on its website.

• All views (at the physical site and online) will increase the numbers on the counter and each number represents a seed that my father will plant and tend to in the field. This will be in colaboration with Seed Savers Ireland.

• The seeds planted will (in conjunction with seed savers Ireland) consist of fast growing outdoor flowers, and trees.

• The pattern of planting each seed will be random and the identity of each seed

ciarascan@gmail.com www.ciarascanlan.com 62 Heytsbury Street, Poratbello, Dublin 8  

planted will also be randomly selected. Over a period of years the field will slowly grow and be transformed into a vast wild garden by the simple act of just looking at it. The field is where the effects of viewing prove productive.

• For those without Internet or there is a plaque on the telescope with information.

Details of technical issues

• Bluetooth setup, Website, sensor activated and live feed: For this project I would have to access the skills of a computer programmer. I have made connections and worked in the past with Data Group and Brian Salon who have expert skills in software and interactive technologies. They would help with install of Bluetooth device and data control over the long period.

• The field. Location: Glin, Co. Limerick. Installation of outdoor Led counter and linking it to daily data of view count. LED counter: http://www.vorne.com/led-displays-87ser.htm/advtimer.php

• Vandalism: The traditional seaside telescope is durable and takes into account public damage and are intended to be durable all effects.

• Install of Telescope: I have sourced from the Office of Public works the location for purchase of the seaside telescope. From Seacoast manufacturing Company and Heritage destination orgainisation in the Uk sell them: http://www.heritagedestination.com/coinoperatedtelescopes.aspx

• The telescope itself would have to be altered by an engineer to install an LCD screen inside that would link to live feed video on the field. I have spoken to engineers at Watermark Engineering at tallagh (http://www.watermarkeng.ie/) and they could alter the telescope to required needs.

• This project will be In colaboration with seed savers ireland I will source the seeds for the project.

Timeline of project Install 2011-2012:

Phase 1 (1-2 months): Order and obtain telescope, LED screens and LCD screen. Order all software, wiring and neccesary equipment. Send telescope directly to enginers to alter it with screen and bluetooth device. Trail Test technical details of the piece Phase 2 (1-3 months): Install of live stream camera and LED screen at field. Install of telescope and led screen on site. Programer to link data information betweeen sites. Phase 3 (1-2 months) Launch and publictty for the Artwork.

Visualisation  of  Artwork  ‘Hope  Springs’        


    A LED Counter beside the telescope/public area.

     The  Field:  John  Scanlan  Farm  in  West  Limerick  (The  view  from  inside  the  Telescope.  A  field  to  be  transformed  by  viewing  over  time.  )    



Led  Digital  Counter      

The  telescope.