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CIP ICT Policy Support ProgrammeWorkprogramme 2012

(Call 6)

FP7 ICT Work Programme 2011-12(Call 9) Iacopo De Angelis


26 GENNAIO 2012*Fonte: Presentazioni elaborate da Commissione Europea per CIP ICT PSP NCP meeting 2012 (19/12/2011)

CIP ICT Policy Support ProgrammeWorkprogramme 2012

(Call 6)

Iacopo De AngelisNCP ICT - ICT PSP


*Fonte: Presentazioni elaborate da Commissione Europea per CIP ICT PSP NCP meeting 2012 (19/12/2011)


Entrepreneurship andInnovation Programme


Information CommunicationTechnologies Policy support

Programme (ICT PSP)Intelligent Energy Europe


• Better access to finance forSMEs through venture capitalinvestment & loan guaranteeinstruments

• Europe Enterprise Network• Support for eco-innovation•…

• Fostering energy efficiency &the rational use of energysources

• Promoting new & renewableenergy sources & energydiversification

• Promoting EE & new energysources in transport

~2,170 M€

~730 M€

~730 M€


ICT PSP: Objectives

• Key instrument supporting the DAE policy initiative– ICT PSP: To drive forward innovation through the wider uptake and best

use of ICTs

– Complements ICT in FP7 that aims at strengthening Europe’s leadershiprole in mastering and shaping the development of ICTs

• ICT PSP: Three inter-linked goals (legal base)– Develop the single information space

– Support innovation / wide adoption and investments in ICT

– Enable an inclusive Information Society

How to address it?The demand drive for innovation

Based on roadmap

drawn up by s

elect g


Responding to lis

t of

expected outcomes



Industrial R&DExperimentaldevelopment

Product development& commercialisation

Uptake andDeployment


ICT PSP•Demand driven•User-led•Open platforms forinnovation•EU-wide uptake•Areas of publicinterest•societal challenges


ICT PSP budget profile

• ICT PSP (~730 M€ for 2007-13), indicative profile

– not including contributions from EFTA or from other potential associated countries

– Support to the development and use of digital content in ICT PSP from 2009





ICT PSP annual work programmes:Approach and structure

• WP focused on a set of themes with ultimate socio-economic goals, to maximise impact– In areas where public support is needed– In areas where Community support is needed– Activities building on, & strengthening Member States actions– Activities stimulating new actions in public and private sector

• Themes are addressed through a set of objectives– Each objective is supported through Pilots and/or Networking actions

• Pilots (A, B), Best Practice Network and Thematic Network

• + Awareness, benchmarking, conf., Studies,…(Callfor tender…)

Instruments overview

Building on initiatives in member states / associated countries Pilots Type ABuilding on initiatives in member states / associated countries Pilots Type APilots Type A

Stimulating innovative use of ICT in public & private sector Pilots Type BStimulating innovative use of ICT in public & private sector Pilots Type BPilots Type B

Mobilisation/Exchanges between practitioners & policy makers Thematic NetworksMobilisation/Exchanges between practitioners & policy makers Thematic NetworksThematic Networks

Three complementary instruments based on combined approaches:

Implementation through Call for Applicants

One “transitory” instrument, reserved for “digital library” theme:

Combining consensus building / awareness raising / large scale implementation BPN(Best Practice Network)

Combining consensus building / awareness raising / large scale implementation BPN(Best Practice Network)

ICT PSP Call 6

Five Themes:Theme 1: ICT for smart citiesTheme 2: Digital content, open access and creativityTheme 3: ICT for health, ageing well and inclusionTheme 4: ICT for innovative government and public servicesTheme 5: Trusted eServices and other actions

Covering in total 19 Objectives

Indicative budget: 127 M€Call launch: 1 February 2012Call close: 15 May 2012

Information day in Brussels: 3 February 2012 (http://ec.europa.eu/ict_psp)

Theme 1: ICT for Smart CitiesThree objectives:

– 1.1: Smart urban digital services for energy efficiency

– 1.2: Cooperative transport systems for smart mobility

– 1.3: Open innovation for Internet-enabled services and next generation access(NGA) services in ‘smart’ cities

• Total indicative EU funding for Theme 1 = €27million

Smart cities = local areas that make a conscious effort touptake innovative ICT based solutions to improve conditions ofliving and working and support a more inclusive andsustainable urban environment

Objective 1.1Smart urban digital services for energy efficiency

• Several Pilots B - 8 M€

Objective:to stimulate the creation, provision and use ofinnovative digital services supporting energy-efficient, low carbon activities in an urbancontext

• Target group:publicly owned buildings and buildings in publicuse or of public interest

• One or two Pilot B for - 5 M€

• To facilitate the uptake of a set of globally prioritisedcooperative systems applications in Europe

• Pilots should lead to harmonised testing, installation,monitoring and assessment

• Applications to include vehicle-to-vehicle andvehicle-to-infrastructure communications

Objective 1.2Cooperative transport systems for smart


• Several Pilots B - 14 M€

• The aim is two-fold:

1. Facilitate the creation of efficient innovation ecosystems thatdevelop services and applications making use of informationgenerated by users (e.g. through social networks) or captured fromsensors (Internet of Things);

2. Stimulate demand for innovative services and applications based onnext generation access (NGA) networks.

Objective 1.3Open innovation for Internet-enabled services and

next generation access (NGA) services in ‘smart’ cities

• Three objectives:– 2.1: Europeana and creativity

– 2.2: Open Data and open access to content– 2.3: eLearning

• Total indicative EU funding for Theme 2:41 M€

Theme 2:Digital content, open data and creativity

Objective 2.1Europeana and creativity

Indicative total EU contribution of 24 M€Covering:• Content for Europeana: aggregation increasing quality and

content, cloud computing, interoperability(Several Best Practice Networks)

• Experimenting with the use of cultural material for creativity:creative re-use and open lab environments(Several Best Practice Networks)

• European Rights Information management:Registry of Orphan Works, Standards for better rightsinformation(two pilots B)

• Thematic Network on new business models for publishingin the digital age

Objective 2.2Open data and open access to content

Indicative total EU contribution of 12 M€Covering:

• Geographic Information: foster the wider use of spatial data,harmonised information (INSPIRE directive), innovative servicesby the private sector, at least 6 MS (one or two Pilots A)

• Open access to scientific information: experiments, newparadigms for accessing and using information (one or twoPilots B)

• Legal aspects of Public Sector Information (One TN) andstandards for open data (one TN): involving legal expert andwide range of stakeholders

• Organising competitions for using open data: based on opengovernment and publicly funded data, stimulating to startbusiness ventures (one TN)

Objective 2.3eLearning for mathematics and science

• One or two Pilots B - 5 M€

• Introduce and evaluate e-learning forscientific disciplines in primary andsecondary schools

• Forster Multi stakeholder partnerships

• Conditions: wide coverage at least 5countries

Theme 3:ICT for health, ageing well and

inclusionSeven objectives:

– 3.1: Wide deployment of integrated care services

– 3.2: Towards open and personalized solutions for active and independentliving

– 3.3: Digital capacity and skills

– 3.4: Fall prevention network for older persons

– 3.5: Large scale deployment of telehealth services for chronic conditionsmanagement

– 3.6: Adoption, taking up and testing of standards and specifications foreHealth interoperability

– 3.7: Community Building on Active and Healthy Ageing

• Total indicative EU funding for Theme 3: 24M€

• One Pilots A - 8 M€

• ICT services supporting the integration of healthcare,social care and self-care;

• Unlock new services and value chains, impact oftele-health and tele-care

• Involve wide spectrum of stakeholders and new actors(e.g. procurers, insurers)

• Deploy new care pathways and new organisational models,large scale deployment, guidelines, exploitation plan

Objective 3.1Wide deployment of integrated care services

• Several Pilots B - 5 M€• Demonstrate the socio-economic benefits of open ICT-based

service platforms for delivering of independent living servicesto older people and their formal/informal carers

• Building on interoperable and open standards, relevant set ofservices and multi-vendor solutions

• Addressing the platfoms adaptability to multiple and changinguser needs and different organisational settings

– Involve at least 5 organisations responsible for service delivery and > 5000 end-users– Ambitious exploitation plan, dissemination and communication

Objective 3.2Towards open and personalised solutions

for active and independent living

• Indicative total EU contribution of 3 M€

• Pilot B (2.5 M€) for Digital capacity and skills

building– training for health, social care and social inclusion actors in the field of active and

healthy ageing and wider digital inclusion

– ICT-based digital literacy

– main target are “social inclusion agents”

• TN – 0.5 M€ on Community Building for digitalliteracy and skills

– Connecting existing national/regional/sectoral networks relevant to address digitalliteracy and eskills amongst elderly people and their carers

Objective 3.3Digital capacity and skills

• One TN - 1 M€

• Bring together key national and/or regional actors ininnovative solutions for fall prevention and intervention

• Develop and consolidate guidelines and toolkits; Compare,share good practices; Gather evidence on socio-economicimpacts

• Strengthen dialogue between supply and demand side actors

• Establish a reliable information base on innovation in fallprevention and intervention

Objective 3.4Fall Prevention network for older persons

• One Pilot A - 5 M€

• Address care integration and personalised health care

• Implement large-scale, real-life solutions based on innovativetelehealth services, in patient-centred approach

• Telehealth for chronic disease management programme(effectiveness, cost-efficiency and transferability of theservices)

• Develop guidelines to identify profiles of patients who maybenefit from telehealth services

– Involve a wide spectrum of actors and at least three areas ofchronic conditions

– More conditions …

Objective 3.5Large scale deployment of telehealth

services for chronic conditions management

• One Thematic Network - 1 M€

• Support adoption and take-up of standards foreHealth interoperability

• Support the replication and scaling up of thedeployment of innovation services in the frame ofthe European Innovation Partnership on Activeand Healthy Ageing

– Not exceed 24 months in duration

Objective 3.6Adoption and taking up of

standards and profiles for eHealth interoperability

Objective 3.7Community Building for EIP

on Active and Healthy Ageing

• One Thematic Network - 1 M€

• Support implementation of the EIP on AHA byincreasing awareness and creating consensus forwide-scale deployment

• Create a community for developing solutions andsharing methodology/indicators, roadmaps

• Address cross-border and transferability issues

Theme 4:ICT for innovative government and public


Three objectives:– 4.1: Basic Cross Sector Services

– 4.2: Extension of the pilot eCODEX (on eJustice)

– 4.3: Extension of the pilot HeERO (on eCall)

• Total indicative EU funding for Theme 4:20 M€

Objective 4.1Basic Cross Sector Services

• One Pilot A - €12 million

• Complete the work performed by existing pilots A to develop acomprehensive, coherent and reusable set of public services building blocksbased on the outcome of the pilots, but could also included missing blocks(eID, eDelivery, Virtual Company Dossier)

• Prepare the path for the long term deployment and take-up, and work incoordination with the running pilots A

• Minimum of 6 National Administrations and 12 months piloting phase

• Dissemination, Open specifications and open source licenses, Involvementof standardisation bodies

Objective 4.2Extension of eCODEX

• Extension of the eCodex pilot A - 5 M€

• eCodex is a pilot A in eJustice, including 14 MS and Turkey

• Extension geographically and extension of scope (Mustinclude at least 5 additional MS or AS)

• Attention will be paid on cross border judicial fields of law

• Offer a complete set of services to be integrated in theeJustice Portal of the European Commission

• Extension of HeERO pilot A - 3 M€

• Acceleration of the deployment of the pan-European eCall service

• At least 5 additional MS or AS

• Assessment and test of relevant pan-European eCall standards for EUinteroperability

• Upgrade of mobile phone operators networks with the eCall flag toroute the eCall to the most appropriate local emergency responsecentre

• Building on the work of the "European eCall Implementation Platform”

Objective 4.3Extension of the pilot HeERO

Theme 5:Trusted eServices and other actions

• Three objectives:– 5.1:Cybersecurity - fighting botnets – and Community building for

information sharing and effective responses to cyber threats

– 5.2: Mobile cloud for business applications

– 5.3: Contribution of satellite systems to 100% EU broadband coverage

• Total indicative EU funding for Theme 5: 15M€

One Pilot Type B and one Thematic Network - 9 M€

For the Pilot B (8 M€)

• Address the diversity of botnet technologies; research multipleapproaches to analyse and fight them

• Identify the suitable tools to mitigate botnets, to prevent the infectionsand to identify and take down the CC Server and the Attacker

• Involve and build trust between all affected stakeholders; Address bestpractices and best available techniques & tools; Identify opportunities &barriers

For the TN (1 M€)

• An enduring network infrastructure for trusted information exchangeregarding vulnerabilities, threats and attacks

Objective 5.1Cybersecurity – fighting botnets – and Community


• One or two Pilots B - 5 M€

• Stimulate uptake of mobile cloud for key businessapplications taking into account: collaboration(employees and customers), secure data sharing, andreliability

• Characteristics:– Security, trust, compliance and authentication, as well as manageability and remote

support in business environments

– Openness and interoperability across cloud platforms and mobile platforms

– Address network aspects impacting mobile services

– 4 to 8 complementary experiments

Objective 5.2Mobile cloud for business applications

Objective 5.3Contribution of satellite systemsto 100% EU broadband coverage

• One TN - 1 M€

• Satellite Communication providing broadbandcoverage to regions of Europe (with no commercialprospect of being served with terrestrial solutions)

• Bring together national or regional authorities thathave used satellite solutions for broadband access,and analyse their experience

ICT PSP Website

• General information about the programme

• Dynamic newsroom

• Participating in ICT PSP– Information about calls (WP, infoday slides, guiding documents)

– Specific workshops and contact points for themes and objectives

– Expert registration and experts database

• Running activities and projects

• Library

• Frequently Asked Questions

• Logo (branding)


Who can participate

• The programme is open to all legal entitiesestablished in the EU Member States

• Legal entities established in ICT PSP Associatedcountries can participate and be funded in thesame way* as Member states

Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro,Norway, Serbia, Turkey

• Other countries may participate on a case-by-casebasis but do not receive any funding

* on the basis of and in accordance with the conditions laid down intheir association agreements

Funding instruments

• Pilot A: Building on existing initiatives in Memberstates/Associated countries, with interoperability of services asthe central theme

• Pilot B: Stimulating innovative use of ICT in the public orprivate sector (under realistic conditions)

• Thematic Network (TN): Mobilisation/Exchanges betweenpractitioners & policy makers

• Best practice network (BPN): Combining consensusbuilding / awareness raising / large scale implementation

– only for supporting Digital libraries (Theme 2)

Pilot APilotsType A

PilotsType A

• Focus on interoperability and building on Member States* solutions

• Member States - Lead actors (Industry key role in the Implementation)

• The outcome should be an open, common interoperable solution with results widelydisseminated and available to all Member States

Main features of Pilots Type AMain features of Pilots Type A

• Legal minimum of 6 Member States (=national administrations or competence centresacting on their behalf) participating in the consortium.

Scale and participantsScale and participants

• Duration is up to 36 months with a pilot service operating for 12 months

• The EU contribution is limited to the costs for achieving interoperability. Theindicative Community contribution available is 5-10M€ per pilot unless otherwisespecified in the Workprogramme

* or ICT PSP Associated countries

Duration and FundingDuration and Funding

Pilot BPilotsType B

PilotsType B

• The goal is to carry out a implementation of an ICT based innovative service carriedout under realistic conditions. Replication and wide validation of best practices canbe specified in objective.

• The emphasis is on fostering innovation in services; the pilot may need to take-upcompleted R&D work, may extend already tested prototype services or may combine/ integrate several partial solutions to realise a new innovative approach

Main features of Pilots Type BMain features of Pilots Type B

Pilot BPilotsType B

PilotsType B

• Legal minimum of 4 legal entities from 4 different Member States or associatedcountries.

• Consortia are expected to engage the complete service value chain, including relevantpublic authorities (sustaining partners), service providers, industrial stakeholders & users

Scale and participantsScale and participants

• Duration is typically 24-36 months with a pilot service operating for at least 6months

• The indicative Community contribution available is 2-4 M€ per pilot unless otherwisespecified in the Workprogramme

Duration and fundingDuration and funding

Thematic NetworksThematicNetworks


• The goal is to bring together relevant stakeholders, expertise and facilities toexplore new ways of implementing ICT based solutions.

• The network may initiate working groups, workshops and exchanges ofgood practices with the aim of creating the necessary conditions andconsensus on action plans, standards and specifications in view to ensurethe widest future replication and co-deployment of innovative solutions.

• The expected outcomes of Thematic Networks must be clearly defined andmeasurable, and the results shall be in the public domain.

• Proposals will be evaluated against the published evaluation criteria. One ormore proposals will be selected on quality for each Thematic Network definedin the work programme.

Main features of Thematic NetworksMain features of Thematic Networks

Thematic Networks

Coordinator Lump sum per year for coordinating the network (depending onnumber of network members)

Lump sum per year for implementing the networkOther


Legal Minimum is 7 key stakeholders (legal entities) from 7 different Member Statesor associated countries.

Scale and participantsScale and participants

• Duration between 18-36 months.

• EC contribution is 300-500 K€/network unless otherwise specified in theWorkprogramme

• Funded through lump sums according to the following scheme:

Duration and fundingDuration and funding



Lump sum per year for attending meetings and eventsALL

Best Practice Networks

• Only for the Digital Libraries theme (In particular Objective 2.1: Content forEuropeana and Experimenting with the use of cultural material for creativity)

• Promote the adoption of respective standards and specifications by combining the"consensus building and awareness raising" function of a network with large-scaleimplementation on a sufficient mass of content.

• The commission can organise “Clustering meetings" in order to achieve broadconsensus and create the conditions for the widest possible uptake of therecommendations of the BPNs.

Main features of Best Practice Network (BPN)Main features of Best Practice Network (BPN)



• Legal minimum of 7 legal entities from 7 different Member States or associatedcountries.

Scale and participantsScale and participants

• The indicative Community contribution available is 3-5 M€ per BPN unless otherwisespecified in the Workprogramme

Duration and fundingDuration and funding

Funding ratesFor Pilot Type A and B

50% funding of the sum of :– personnel costs

– subcontracting costs (if any)

– any other specific direct costs (Travel and subsistence; durable

equipment; Consumables) of implementing the pilot service

– indirect costs ("overheads"); calculated at 30% ofpersonnel costs

For Best practice Networks80% funding of direct cost only (no funding of indirect cost)

For Thematic NetworksUse of lump sums

Evaluation criteria


EPSS - Electronic Proposal Submission System• Online preparation only• Improved validation checks before submission is accepted• Submission failure rate = + 1%

Main reason; waiting till the last minute→ Technical problems→ Panic-induced errors→ Too late starting upload, run out of time

Submit early, submit often!If in trouble, call the helpdesk !


Registration soon at: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/ict_psp/events/index_en.htm

FP7 ICT Work Programme 2011-12(Call 9)

Iacopo De AngelisNCP ICT - ICT PSP


*Fonte: Presentazioni elaborate da Commissione Europea per CIP ICT PSP NCP meeting 2012 (19/12/2011)

FP7 ICT Programme Objectives

• Reinforce basic ICT technologies and infrastructures– seize new opportunities in emerging fields, build on existing

strengths, help share risks and build partnerships

• Reinforce ICT contributions to major socio-economicchallenges– health and ageing, lower-carbon economy, sustainable manufacturing

and services, learning and cultural resources

• Support to international cooperation

• Strengthen cooperation in an enlarged Europe

• Support to pre-commercial procurement

ICT in FP7 - Where do we stand?• Behind us

– ICT CfPs under WP 2007-08, WP 2009-10 and WP 2011-12• >4200 M€ of EU funding committed• >1200 projects launched or to be launched• >11700 participations• >3900 distinct organisations participating

– Calls under two Joint Technology Initiatives (Artemis andEniac) and the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL)in 2008, 2009 and 2010

• Ahead of us– ICT WP 2011-12 Calls 8 and 9

• ~1350 M€ funding

– ICT WP 2013• >1500 M€ funding

– JTIs + AAL WPs 2011, 2012, 2013 ••• 50


re &






es (F


1. Network andServiceInfrastructures

ICT for socio-economic challengesB










FP7/ICT Programme Structure

~10% ~9%

261 M€, 11%

••• 51

International cooperation, Cooperation in an enlarged Europe, Pre-commercial Procurement

3. ComponentandSystems

4. DigitalContent andLanguages

2. CognitiveSystems andRobotics

5. ICT forHealth,Ageing,Inclusion& Gov.

625 M€, 26%

155 M€, 6%

402 M€, 17%

165 M€, 7%

260 M€, 11%

6. ICT forLower-CarbonEconomy

280 M€, 12%

7. ICT forManufac. &Enterprise

8. ICT forLearning &CulturalResources

140 M€, 6% 100 M€, 4%

Future Internet PPP

Green Car PPP

Energy Efficient Buildings PPP

Factory of the Future PPP

FI PPP Deadline: 24/10/2012

Call 8Deadline: 17/1/12

Call 9Deadline: 17/4/12

PPPs Deadline: 1/12/11

2 years


– 1.8: Use case scenarios and early trials• Working experimentation sites building upon common components and generic

enablers• Selected test applications• Validation of the openness and versatility of the Core Platform and its Software

Development Kit• Detailed plan for the large scale expansion of platform usage

– 1.9: Capacity Building and Infrastructure support• Integration of identified infrastructures satisfying the interoperability

requirements• Adaptation, upgrade and validation of the infrastructures to support usage

requirements from use cases• Pan-European federation of test and experimental infrastructures satisfying

interoperability requirements

Future Internet PPP

67.5 M€


12.5 M€

Challenge 1

2.1 Cognitive systems and robotics

– Cognition and control in complex systems• cognitive capabilities to enhance performance and manageability of

artificial systems

– Gearing up cross-fertilisation between academic andindustrial robotics

• strengthen synergies• joint industrially-relevant scenarios• shared research infrastructures• joint small- to medium scale experimentation• comparative performance evaluation

– Smarter robots through targeted competitions• reference scenarios• soliciting private sponsorships• organising and managing events

82 M€

Deadline: 17/4/12Challenge 2

Technologies for digital content andlanguages

• 4.3: Digital preservation– Ensuring reliability of retrieval and use of digital resources

across applications and platforms over time, and designdigital content natively engineered for obsolescenceavoidance

Deadline: 17/4/12

Challenge 4

30 M€

ICT for health5.2 Virtual Physiological Human

– Patient-specific predictive computer-based models andsimulation

• integrating medical, biological and environmental data

• explore the interaction and integration of environmental factors with medical& biological factors

• demonstrate for a specific clinical need (all major diseases)

– ICT tools, services and infrastructure for multi-scale modelsand larger repositories

• robustness and reproductibility

• standards for models and data, tools and repositories

• VPH Infostructure including a sustainable VPH model and data repositories

• open environments and open-source software expected

– Demonstrators and proof of concept of digitalrepresentations of health status

• integrating different patient-specific data and models of organs

• coherent representation of a "Digital Patient"

66.5 M€ Deadline: 17/4/12

Challenge 5

ICT for learning and cultural resources

• 8.2: ICT for access to cultural resources– Enhancing the meaning and experiences from digital cultural

and scientific resources

– Creating personalised and engaging digital culturalexperiences

– Platforms for building services to support use of culturalresources for research and education

– Technologies for the digitisation of cultural resources

40 M€

Challenge 8

Deadline: 17/4/12

FET Proactive and special initiative

– 9.9: Quantum ICT– 9.10: Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems– 9.11: Neuro-Bio Inspired Systems– 9.12: Coordination Call 9

22 M€

23 M€

23 M€

Deadline: 17/4/12

2.5 M€

• 10.3: International partnership building & support to dialogues

– Enable Partnership building in low and middle income countries

– Low-cost technologies, technologies promoting or enabling use of ICT, intuitiveuser interfaces and local content provisioning

– Targeted countries: Low and middle income countries including Africa

International collaborationHorizontal actions

Deadline: 17/4/12

2 M€

Thank you for your attention!

APREAgency for the Promotion of

European Researchvia Cavour, 7100184 - Roma


Tel. (+39) 06-48939993Fax. (+39) 06-48902550

Punti di ContattoICT FP7CIP ICT PSP

Iacopo De Angelisdeangelis@apre.it

Daniela Mercuriomercurio@apre.it