Horses by Kaya

Post on 12-May-2015

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By kaya Levey

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Riding Gear Chapter 2. Food Chapter 3. Vet Chapter4.Obstacle Course Chapter 5. Other needs Glossry


Horses are the sweetest animals on earth!!! You have to take good care of them because they are so powerful!!!

Riding gear is all the stuff you need to wear to ride a horse. You

need reins to stop a horse. You pull on the reins to stop the horse. The

reins are strapped around the mouth and ears, and you hold

them. You need to wear a helmet on your head to protect your head if you fall. If you crack your head,

that would be bad! The saddle goes on the back of the horse. You sit on the saddle to be more secure on the horse. Saddles are made of leather and they're really soft.

Riding Gear

Some horses love apples! Some horses love hay! And some horses love carrots, and every horse loves water.



Horses need a check up. A vet has to give horses a shot so the horses don't get sick! If they get really sick that would be bad.

Obstacle course

Trotting is exercise for horses. Horses need to exercise and trotting is good for horses.

Other needs

Horses need to be loved and you have to be kind to a horse.


Hiking gears, obstacle is some thing that gets in the way, a vet is someone that takes care of animals.