Horses choosing to heal humans

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Horses choosing to heal humans

Energy healing by horses

Physically and emotionally healthy horses have a higher vibrational frequency than most humans

They live in the moment, and don’t hold onto heavy emotional stories like humans do

The electromagnetic field of the human heart has the most influence over all our other functions

The electromagnetic field of a horse’s heart is 5 times stronger than a human’s heart

When we are in the EM field of the horses, blocked energy is dislodged…

…as our hearts and bodies entrain to their frequency, and lower vibrational energy begins to flow

We feel relief, a sense of well-being, and our bodies can begin to self-heal

When a herd of horses choose to heal a human, the power of their EM field increases exponentially

Through intention, and their connection to higher consciousness, horses have powerful healing capabilities

With an open gate, horses can choose to come and go…

Sometimes only one horse is ‘in contact’ (while others stand by)

Sometimes there are two …

Sometimes more join in …

Often there is a crowd

The back-up team is always nearby

They position themselves where they are most needed

Yawning, stretching, shaking, eliminating are signs that heavy energy is being released

Horses also release heavy vibrations by rolling

They decide when to come in and when to finish

Horses have so much more to offer than just entertainment …

They sit with us when we need company…

They lay down with us when we need to let go …

They hold space for us as we reflect on our lives…

They listen when we need an ear…

They see us deeply – behind the masks we wear, and accept us unconditionally

We owe it to them to give them their rightful place… in our hearts

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