How Any Church Can Be Missional

Post on 11-May-2015

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The slides for our seminar on March 19th.


Sunday, March 24, 13

How Any Church Can Become a Missional Church:

Reaching People in a Post-Christian West Michigan

Sunday, March 24, 13

Missional: To live in such a way that God’s glory is proclaimed and people are introduced to Jesus.

Sunday, March 24, 13

e Problem

Sunday, March 24, 13

e number of adults who do not attend church has doubled since 1991.

Sunday, March 24, 13

3500 churches close their doors each year

Sunday, March 24, 13

80% of the remaining churches are plateaued or declining

Sunday, March 24, 13

“e combined impact of the Information Age, Postmodern thought, globalization, and racial ethnic pluralism that has seen the demise of the grand American story also has displaces the historic role the church played in that story”-Mike Reagle, Researcher

Sunday, March 24, 13

UK: 20 % Churched, 40 % De-churched, 40 % Unchurched

70 % of the population has no intention of attending a church ever

Sunday, March 24, 13

In America 1 out of 4 people has no connection to church

In Great Britain it is 3 out of 4

In Australia church attendance declined from 35% in 1966 to 8% in 2001

e problem is that every trend says we are moving toward being Great Britain

Sunday, March 24, 13

American Unchurched by Race:

-African Americans (25%)

-Whites (32%)

-Hispanics (34%).

-Asians (63%)

-Single adults (37%)

Sunday, March 24, 13

If the unchurched population of the United States were a nation of its own, that group would be the twelfth most populated nation on earth.

Sunday, March 24, 13


Sunday, March 24, 13

"I respect your convictions but I cannot allow you to put God's law over your country's." - a Vermont judge to a Mennonite pastor

Sunday, March 24, 13

“In Great Britain it is easier to come out as a homosexual in the workplace than it is to come out as a Christian”-Tim Chester and Steve Timmis

Sunday, March 24, 13

What doesn’t work anymore (or won’t for most of us)

Sunday, March 24, 13

Stylistic solutions

Sunday, March 24, 13

“Cool Churches”

Sunday, March 24, 13

“Church Like You’ve Never Seen it”

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

e 40/60 Factor

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

“Every current poll I’ve seen indicates the American church is in decline. Yes, the number of large churches is increasing, but overall church attendance continues to go down. e way we do church—the model of Christendom that has been followed for the past 1,700 years—is working with fewer people all the time. Most people reading this are the product of the type of church that is, as a whole, becoming less and less effective.” -Tim Stevens (Mega-Church Guru)

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

e Christian Bubble and the Culture War

Sunday, March 24, 13


Sunday, March 24, 13

A culture war mentality says that those people are the bad guys and we are the good guys.

A gospel mentality says that we are the bad guys and Jesus is THE good guy who rescues bad guys.

Sunday, March 24, 13


Or the rescue squad.

Sunday, March 24, 13

1 Peter 1:1-3, 2:9-11

Sunday, March 24, 13

To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sancti#cation of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood...

Sunday, March 24, 13

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Sunday, March 24, 13

Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the $esh, which wage war against your soul.  Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation..

Sunday, March 24, 13


Sunday, March 24, 13

What we are NOT talking about

Sunday, March 24, 13

Mobilizing people for everyday mission.

Sunday, March 24, 13

Key Components

Sunday, March 24, 13

Commitment to Local


Community on Mission

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

Neighborhood Mapping

Sunday, March 24, 13


Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

Spheres of In$uence

Sunday, March 24, 13

Sunday, March 24, 13

Missional Journaling

Sunday, March 24, 13

What are you already doing?

Sunday, March 24, 13

Missional Communities

Sunday, March 24, 13

Exponential Multiplication

Sunday, March 24, 13

Missional Leadership

Sunday, March 24, 13

Time + Intentionality = Discipleship

Sunday, March 24, 13


Sunday, March 24, 13