How are brands using mcommerce

Post on 19-May-2015

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How brands are using mobile commerce for engaging their world


How are brands using



Scope of research

Much of the coverage of M-

Commerce features

Foursquare, Groupon and

Facebook Places. We

wanted to see what else is

happening in the space and

how brands are engaging


In this report, we define M-

Commerce into 2


o The use of a mobile

phone or tablet to

conduct financial

transactions and

payments online

o The delivery of

information to a mobile

phone or tablet that can

facilitate a purchase

5 Ways that brands are using M-Commerce

Mobile Friendly Website

Engagement & Loyalty

Product Review &


Price Comparison

Point-of-Sale Payment

Ensure a mobile friendly website

Dunkin’ Donuts created a

mobile friendly website for

consumers who access the

internet through their


It includes local information

and deals, store information,

and integration with

Facebook and Twitter

Engagement & Loyalty

Sunkist focus on building

engagement and loyalty with


An app helps users track

calories and exercise, create

a food diary, and search

nutritional facts

A mobile website provides

fruit-based recipes and

nutritional information and


Product Reviews & Purchase

Amazon’s Windowshop app

allows consumers to search

and review product prices

and features and complete


Price Comparison

Price Comparison apps like

Amazon Mobile and

PriceGrabber allow users to

search for a product across

thousands of retailers

Amazon Mobile offers the

additional feature of

searching by scanning a bar

code, taking a photo or

typing or saying the

product’s name

Point-of-Sale Payment

Point-of-Sale Payments is a

growing part of M-


The Pizza Express app

allows customers to pay for

their meal via PayPal

Square allow consumers to

set-up a virtual tab linked to

their credit card to make

purchases through their


How can brands take advantage of M-Commerce

Create great user


Create great consumer


Incentivize use

Kuliza is a social technology firm focused in

helping companies leverage social software,

community platforms, mobile and cloud

computing for improving business

performance, communication and customer


About Kuliza

Kuliza offers cloud services to

ensure a hassle free

infrastructure to sustain your

changing needs. Our focus

areas are:

Cloud consulting

Cloud h migration and


Kuliza offers solution to design,

build and distribute mobile apps

for iOS, Android and Blackberry.

Our focus areas are:

Mobile CRM

Mobile loyalty programs

Mobile Transition

Kuliza offers solutions for

designing and building social

software and community

platforms. Our focus areas


Online communities

Facebook Apps

Social Commerce

Social CRM

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