How Can We Support the Youth Groups?2016/01/01  · R.W. Past Grand Master’s Honor Apron. This...

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How Can We Support the Youth Groups?

When dealing with the youth groups, many Masonic Lodges think that the only way to show support is to send money. As greatly appreciative as the chapters, bethels, and assemblies are for financial help, there are several other ways that a lodge can help sup-port the youth groups. This calls for more in-teraction between the youth leaders and the lodges, which is a winning proposition. One way that a lodge can support the youth groups is to visit on a regular basis. Members of DeMolay, Rainbow and Job’s Daughters appreciate having visitors, especially when they are representing the sponsoring bodies.

It shows that the lodge is taking the time to care about their specific group. The visits can be at meet-ings, installations or any activity that the youth are holding. Masonic Lodges are encouraged to take an active role with the youth activities, whether meetings or fun events. Sometimes a group will challenge a lodge to activities, such as sports outings, just to strengthen the interaction and communication between the two organizations. Another way to help support the youth groups is to refer prospects that will increase membership. Most Masons may have children or grandchildren who would be within the age range to join the organizations. Invite them to the youth events and allow them to interact with the young men and women. Encourage them to join DeMolay, Rainbow or Job’s Daughters. Youth groups are always looking for adult volunteers to take on leadership roles within the council or board. Advisors are hard to come by, but the more Masonic leaders we have working with the youth, the better our programs can run. Adult leaders help support the group, provide transportation to and from events, and help guide youth members in their journey to success. After all, one day the youth members may be members of the lodges or married to future members! Help support our groups so that they can continue to grow!

JAN.—FEB 2016

Visit the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation at

Rainbow = Service

The lessons of Rainbow include the messages presented in the 7 lectures of the bow during the Initiation Ceremony. They are: Love, Religion, Nature, Immortality, Fidelity, Patri-otism and Service. The first lesson is Love and the last is Service. A recent example of spreading love through service is Altoona Assembly No. 188. On Wednesday, November 26, 2015, the Assembly shared their love of Rainbow as they welcomed 7 new members in their latest Initiation. They have initiated 13 new members in 2015 and are planning another Initiation early in 2016. The first weekend in December the girls shared the love of service by being very busy in the community. On Wednesday, December 2nd, the girls met at the Lodge to make and decorate their float for the community parade, and also to make blankets. The following day they rode their float in the Altoona Christmas Parade. They spread lots of holiday cheer and candy. The Altoona community knows that the Rainbow Assembly is alive and well. On Saturday December 5, shoppers at the Altoona K-Mart saw members of the Assembly ringing the bell at the Red Kettle Project for the Salvation Army. Major appreciation and big smiles were shared all around as the girls covered 3 shifts of the day! Now, that equals Service! Altoona Assembly is growing PA Rainbow…Together!

The Traveling Daughters of Job

The Grand Bethel Honored Queen for PA Job’s Daughters – Miss Lydia Bland - has created a program this year to encourage the Daughters to participate and help their fellow sisters across the state. By keeping track of their travels, assisting in their own Bethels, serving others outside of Job’s Daughters, and participat-ing in fundraisers, the members are able to earn a chance for priz-es. This program is managed completely by the Daughters, giving them another opportunity to lead their state programs. During the Grand Bethel weekend in mid-November, the members

were asked to turn in their initial reporting sheet in order to win the first set of prizes. After review of those that were turned in, it was realized that we have very active young ladies in Job’s Daughters. With travels to Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and Supreme Session in Chicago, IL, the highest amount of miles traveled (a total of 4,915) was won by Yesmine Moussa of Bethel 17 in Hershey. The member with most participation points (313 points) for being active in her Bethel, and assisting others, was Sarah Shellenberger of Bethel 19 in Mechanicsburg.

Visit the PA Rainbow website at

How To Use This Publication The Masonic Youth Minutes is published by the PA Masonic Youth Foundation to share ideas and to inspire Masonic leaders

to creatively support the Masonic Youth Groups. It is mailed to all Worshipful Masters, Lodge Secretaries, Lodge Youth Chairmen, and Masonic Youth Group Leaders. All Lodge Youth Chairmen are asked to make a 1-minute report at each

Lodge meeting, sharing at least one article of interest with the members. Permission is granted to make copies of this publi-cation and to freely distribute them to all who have an interest in the youth of Pennsylvania. The Masonic Youth Minutes is

also available online at

Scholarship Deadlines

Every July in Elizabethtown at the Masonic Conference Center—Patton Campus, the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation sponsors the LifeSkills program. Youth from lo-cal communities, school districts and Masonic Youth Groups gather together to learn lifelong lessons that will help make them a better overall person and a leader in so-ciety. The program is about teaching an adolescent how to handle themselves as a person and how to contribute back to society in a positive way. It provides activities that help youth members become better in areas such as teamwork, problem solving, leadership, trust and respect. One great example of the activities taking place is the initia-tive called “Balanced Life.” In this exercise, participants are put into large groups and must balance on a large wooden platform. This activity challenges the ability to focus and creates good communication and teamwork.

This year, the week long activities are scheduled for July 17-22, 2016. Has your lodge sponsored a par-ticipant of the LifeSkills program? If so, we thank you and hope you will again this year. If not, maybe it would like to now. To find out how you can contribute, contact us at 800-266-8424 or go onto our website at for more information about the LifeSkills program.

Visit the PA Job’s Daughters website at

LifeSkills 2016

Do you have a son, daughter or grandchild who will need help paying for their college education? Do you know a member of the Masonic Youth Family who could use some extra money towards schooling? The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation is here to help.

In November, youth representatives and adult youth leaders should have received a copy of this year’s Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide. This guide details opportunities provided to young adults through funds donated by the Masonic Organizations. This booklet provides over 60 scholarship opportunities. If you have not received a copy of this publication, find it on our website at or give us a call at 800-266-8424 to re-quest a copy. The success of our youth depends on us!

The deadline for most of these scholarships is March 15th, 2016, so don’t waste any time and get those applications in now! Help your teenager or a member of the Masonic Youth Groups have a successful future through their education. Everyone should have an opportunity to succeed, and the Masons of PA are ready to help financially, so encourage them to apply for these competitive awards.

This article should be read by the Lodge Youth Representative at the January Stated Meeting.

This article should be read by the Lodge Youth Representative at the February Stated Meeting.

Visit the PA DeMolay website at

Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award

In the late 1800’s, Daniel Carter Beard, a Master Mason from New York, founded an organization known as the “Society of the Sons of Daniel Boone.” In 1910, Daniel Beard merged this organization with another, forming the “Boy Scouts of America.” To this day, Masons across the world still show support to the Boy Scouts. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is presented to a Master Ma-son who is a registered Scouter, active within his unit. This award, established in 2001 with the backing of the Boy Scouts of America, is presented by more than 50 Grand Lodges, including a few foreign jurisdictions. This award cannot be applied for. A recipient must be nominated by a brother of the lodge, so if you know a Mason who is active with the Scouts, consider nominating him for this award. Get the full details about making a nomination at

Past Grand Master’s Honor Apron

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation is to lead the Masonic Fraternity in providing services on behalf of young people, and training

for adults who work for the betterment of youth. To accomplish this Mission, the Foundation will enhance the programs of the Masonic Youth Groups, support ini-

tiatives to keep children safe from violence, abuse and exploitation, and provide specialized education for adults who offer leadership to youth in the Commonwealth.

Contact Information:

1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022; 717-367-1536; or 800-266-8424; or

One of the many programs that PA DeMolay is promoting is the R.W. Past Grand Master’s Honor Apron. This apron is a Masonic Youth Leader Apron signed by all of the living Right Worshipful Past Grand Masters of Pennsylvania. Only one exists, and it can be yours to wear or display.

To enter the drawing to receive this apron, a Master Mason must fill out an application. This application will ask for the names of 3 young men of DeMolay age (12 to 21). This gives that Mason 1 entry for the apron, and additional entries will be given for each of those young men who become a member of DeMolay. Another way to get an entry is to become a DeMolay advisor, by signing

up with your local DeMolay Chapter. If all of those things take place, a Master Mason can be entered for the drawing a total of 5 times. The drawing will be held on June 1st, 2016 and the recipient will be con-tacted to arrange for the presentation of the apron.

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