How Consumer Technology is Changing Retail

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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We discuss the role of technology in improving the retail experience, an overview of our work with Morrisons, Consumer Technology in Retail and Embracing changes with the Electronic Order Pad


How Consumer Technology is Changing Retail

this evening…

!  Retail Improvement – the role !  Morrisons Overview !  Consumer Technology in Retail !  Embracing the change – Electronic Order Pad

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”.

- Charles Darwin

in the not too distant past…

evolving the business…

the age we now live & work in…

consumer technology’s influence on Morrisons…

maintain points of difference…

how did we use the paper order pad…

our early thoughts on mobile devices…and a COW

too small too big & heavy

finding what’s right for our colleagues…

order pad – the journey…

Build a clear business case

Setup team + process for agile delivery

Define MVP for the initiative

Iterative software development

Pilot in 1 store

Rollout to more stores…

Short-term Vs


a. Develop

c. Learn

b. Deploy

the end result…

!   halved traditional time to live

!   improved colleague engagement

!   increased savings