How does kerrang magazine relate to it’s target

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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  • 1. How does Kerrang magazine relate toits target audience?

2. Reader Profile Kerrang! has 29 years of heritage and is the biggest music weekly in the world. Kerrang! is actually really young with a median age of 22. Having a younger profile is a big advantage as traditionally this age group is elusive (and expensive) to reach.Kerrang! perfect for film and games, and also mobile technology and government messages. Kerrang! is the original multimedia platform boasting magazine, online, radio, TV, K! Awards, K! Tour, and K! podcasts. Kerrang! loves music, especially rock. Kerrang! is considered by its readers to be an integral part of the scene rather than just a commentator. Kerrang! readers are the heaviest music consumers purchasing over 6 albums per month on average (53% more than the national average) and 8 times more likely to spend over 200 a year on albums. The readers are also 5.5 times more likely to attend a rock gig.CirculationReadership abc1 profile Mean Age87%44,013 396,000* 52%**22**OF K! READERS BUY EVERY ISSUE** 3. MastheadThe white onThe tattered edges The cracks lookblack creates a represent the stylelike shattering glassstrongof clothes and music portraying violence.contrast. the readers enjoy. 4. Colour SchemeThe colour scheme throughout themagazine is red, black and yellow. Not onlydo they stand out well against each otherbut red could represent blood anddanger, whereas yellow warning orcaution and black something mysterious.This relates to the target audience becauseof their attitudes, clothing and music theyenjoy. 5. Main Images The photos used in the magazine are carefully selected to appeal to the target audience. The images are very posed, usually with dark colours and sometimes humorous. The images appeal to the audience because theyre bands they enjoy listening to, styled to seem dangerous or comical. 6. Language ChoicesThere is a lot of slang terms and colloquial languageused in the articles, this helps relate to the youthaudience and keeps the text light and fun to read.There are often quotes used from artists for theirfans and words like raucous and dirty are used toconvey the rock and roll theme of the magazine. 7. Features and Regulars The magazine includes things that they know the readers will be interested in like gig reviews, posters and competitions. The bands they choose to feature are genres they know the audience will enjoy listening to and reading about. Theyre a rock music magazine so they wont do a feature about Abba for example.