How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The main social group portrayed within my magazine is teenagers to young adults, I use images of younger people to portray artists as young adults will aspire to be them and so will be attracted to images of them and stories about them. I have also used younger artists as then my ideal readership will be attracted to read about them within the magazine as they like to know everything about them and how they live their lives. I also include competitions to suit this age range advertising a competition to win Beyoncé tickets as this represent that all teenage girls will aspire to be her and teenage boys will lust after this represents that all male teenagers will lust after Beyoncé and represents an ideal body image that people may prefer.

I have also used the Leeds festival logo as this represents the social life of most young adults and they will relate to it and therefore be interested in the magazine. This also represents and assumption that all young adults and teenagers want to go to Leeds festival and that all teenagers and young adults live the party/festival lifestyle.

Within my article I have used informal language on Alice’s behalf, this represents the type of language that young people use and how they speak to and interact with people like them and higher age and status to them. This also represents another assumption that all teenagers and young people talk informally to one another and to other people aswell.

Another group represented within my magazine is female gender, I have used images of females dressed in typical wear that most females are represented as wearing such as floaty tops and leather jackets. The women in the articles within my magazine are women who young females are represented as wanting to aspire to.

I have also used feminine colours to represent the female gender using baby blues and hot pink in both the make up on the model on the front cover of my magazine and within the colour of the text used within.