How does your product represent particular social groups?

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Gender When looking at gender in our film, the main character feature both male and female which is good as both gender were represented. It means when attracting our target audience we know that both gender will be interested in our film. Our female character is vulnerable and this could be seen as stereotypical as woman usually always play this kind of character as our male is overpowering and is the one who kidnaps her. 

However through our camerawork a part that stands out is when roshane comes into the room and my character is scared the use of a mid shot allows the audience to see my character facial expression as well as the movement that I made to show I was scared showing that the man has the power and the woman isn't as strong. Our camerawork reflected bac to our character's it enabled us to tell a story with each shot. 

Another example of camerawork shot that stands out is a scene where my character is getting into her car this scene for me allows the audience to see how I am in control. I just got back from work. Her gender comes across as someone in power and is strong and not scared like I am in the other scene. Creating two different mindset for the audience as we see the charter as different points. I feel like both the main character fit the genre very well as typical the male is in power and the female is weak and get hurts this fits well into propps theory where the male plays the villain and the female is the princess that is in distress. But I feel like this has changed as our female is a indenpdent woman who is in charge of her work. This is different as most woman don’t usually have the top jobs of being in charge in films. An example of a film would be the perfect guy and the boy next door. It is stated that "Only 12% of all clearly identifiable protagonists were female in 2014.' And "Females comprised 29% of major characters"  

Age and mental health

Our characters also represent age and mental health. When looking at age both our characters are young adults. The scene where Michelle uses her phone shows how she is younger. This will attract our audience. The constant use of a phone brings to mind a young person. The camera shot we used was a over a shoulder view. This scene shows how she is distracted from what is happening as she didn't see Trevor in the back. But when looking at mental health it doesn't come across straight away but you can notice how Trevor is obsession with her for example when looking at the photos he has of Michelle we used a mid shot to see his face as well as what he doing to get a feel of how he feels about her. 

Ethnicity and race Both characters represent the social group of ethnicity as there are both black their reach out a different audience and not the typical thriller fans. Our main character is a male black this is good as we were able to attract not only just men but black males as well as dually white males are the target audience. However having a lead female allowed our target audience to reach a bigger audience as well as the fact she is black she is be able to relate to others. Having a lad that is black shows empowerment creates a challenge in the social stereotype as usually if the female is the lead she is white but having someone black makes the film different. But when looking at villains their as usually white so having someone black is a stereotype we changed. Having the stereotypes broken makes the film itself interesting and breaks most the codes of conventions of a typical thriller films. A film that can relate to our opening sequence is obsession as the wife who is one of the lead is black and the male is black too it attracts a wider audience, for me it matches well. However sometimes the stereotype of a villain can be that they are foreign.It states that "Black women were the least likely group to find their way behind the cameras." They also found out that "in five out of the six years studied, there were no female African American directors in charge of any of the top-grossing films. In 2008, black women directed just 1.8% of top movies."

"It found that 36.1% of Latina characters were shown in sexualized attire," however this mainly focusing about woman in film.