How Fit is Your Data?

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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How Fit Is Your Data?A Quick Guide to Evaluating

Your Data Fitness

Businesses rely on data more than everbefore, making it even more important tokeep your systems healthy and fit.

Or you’ll be at riskwhen the go-to-personon your team wins thelottery and heads off toa tropical island.

Keys to EvaluatingYour Data Fitness





To measure your DataFitness, look at yourquality, reliability, andperformance


Reliability depends on fourfactors:

Backup: Document and test everything.Recovery: How much can you afford tolose?Availability: Are outages "okay?"Security: Crucial for every size business.

Make sure your data isavailable when you needit, even when somethinggoes wrong.

Save yourself problems later bydocumenting and testingbackups.

Don't wait for an emergency tosee if your systems work.

Control Documents:

High Availability:


What To Look For:

Documented ProcessesTested Processes

Vendor contractsScheduled outagesRecovery processes



Quality depends on threefactors:

Accuracy: Calculations produce the sameresults when different systems are used togenerate the data.Cleanliness: Consistency between internal andexternal data entry (i.e. Michigan, MI, Mich) Timeliness: How long from data entry untilaction is needed.

What To Look For:Where can you improve your data entry?How clean is your internal/external datainput?Where can those be improved?Are your MDS (Minimum Data Set) /DQS (Data Query System) systemsworking correctly?


Performance depends ontwo factors:

Network SaturationSystem Utilization

Network Saturation:

Like a traffic jam on a highway when all lanes arefilled with cars and going very slow.

Or when people are trying to leave a stadium.There might be 10 gates and 2,000 people alltrying to push through.

System Utilization:

The overall usage or health of aserver/workstation (CPU, RAM, HHD, bandwidth,users, connections, etc).

When all those items get close to 90-100%, youget network saturation.

What To Look For:How efficiently are you using yoursystems?How much space are you taking up onyour network?Response time for internal, external, andreporting users.

Evaluating these differentelements will help youdetermine your overall datafitness.

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