How IT Can Drive Fast, Successful Business Innovation

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Recently, major IT trends and transformations have made it a lot easier for organizations to turn enterprise information into real business advantage.

Cloud, mobility, and big data have rewritten the rulebook, and reshaped the way that companies develop strategies, make decisions, and execute day-to-day tasks. Taking control of these trends—and, moreover, embracing them—is essential for businesses looking to increase efficiency, boost flexibility, and keep up with agile new competitors.

At the same time, many organizations are facing two pressing IT challenges: the need to support business innovation, and the need to cut complexity and cost.

How IT Can Drive Fast, Successful Business Innovation With Hardware and Software Engineered Together

1Integrated IT Solutions Support Business Priorities, Gatepoint Research, 2014


In fact, a recent survey by Gatepoint Research

shows responders overwhelmingly prefer an

integrated, single-sourced stack that has been

engineered and certified together (57 percent)

over disparate, best-of-breed hardware/

software components (10 percent).1


With multiple vendors and solutions contributing to an already complex environment, Boston Medical

Center needed to find a simple way to consolidate IT and focus on improving patient care.

The Oracle Database Appliance engineered system helped Boston Medical Center:

+ Reduce TCO and improve the performance of its legacy environment

+ Cut annual storage and engineering resources costs

+ Accelerate runtime reporting performance by up to 50 percent

Boston Medical Center


Technology-enabled innovation is now a major driver of competitive advantage. Yet IT staff are spending more and more of their time trying to keep up with the changing needs of every department. More than ever before, choosing the right IT systems is now one of the most important strategy decisions any business has to make.

As organizations work to remain competitive, they must also strive to keep IT simple. Constantly adding new

services and capabilities can contribute to growing IT complexity, in turn reducing the efficiency of critical business processes. To prevent this inefficiency, and make the best use of limited time and resources, the most successful organizations are turning to integrated hardware and software systems that have been tested and engineered together—to deliver optimum performance, often on a smaller footprint.

In today’s highly contested global markets, innovation has climbed to the top of many organizations’ agendas. But, for those still relying on poorly integrated, legacy IT infrastructures, it’s proving to be a major challenge. To get ahead, a company must be able to innovate at speed and respond to changing customer demands quickly—capabilities that rely on highly integrated and optimized IT.

Innovation today requires a data-driven approach.Stakeholders and decision-makers need immediate access to detailed information and analytics if they are to make the fastest, most well-informed decisions possible. They also need that information to be accurate. According to Gatepoint Research study results, 67 percent of responders believe better access to real-time, business-critical data would help them meet their evolving business needs.2

2Integrated IT Solutions Support Business Priorities, Gatepoint Research, 2014


By empowering everybody with an IT infrastructure that supports the timely delivery of data insights and enables the detailed modeling of innovative projects, businesses can increase success rates, get to market faster, and identify new opportunities for growth.

ANALYST INSIGHT According to IDC’s recent “Converged and Integrated Systems Market and Future Outlook Report”, integrated systems can help achieve a 30 percent reduction in response time for big queries and data extracts.

Oracle has taken this even further, delivering the highest levels of integration to help organizations operate at speeds that were previously unimagined.

With data volumes increasing and new capabilities constantly being added, many businesses are now having to provision extra capacity, and are taking measures to control and reduce IT complexity.

The impact of increasing IT complexity stretches far beyond manageability. Systems are the backbone

of an organization, and if they become slow, inefficient, and inconvenient to use, so do the day-to-day activities of everybody in the company—from managers to customer-service agents.

This can have a dramatic impact across the enterprise, including:

IT executives with constrained capital

budgets are looking to integrated

systems to reduce data-center costs.

Investing in a smarter, more efficient infrastructure is the first step toward lower-cost, higher-value IT. When organizations recognize just how much maintenance and management tasks are currently costing their IT department, they begin to understand exactly how integrated systems can cut TCO so significantly.

A loss of business agility and a significant increase in time to market

Missed opportunities, with no support for new initiatives such as mobility and BYOD

Reduced customer satisfaction and poor customer experiences as a result of inefficient and slow processes

Stagnation, with current platforms and technology unable to support innovation

Lower employee productivity—as they cannot access the IT resources and data they need, when they need them most

Hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted—on continued investment in, and labor costs associated with, the inefficient infrastructure


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Systems and software that have been not only pre-integrated, but also engineered to work together can help organizations save a huge amount of time, cost, and effort. When components work together seamlessly, crucial resources can be freed up for use on projects that drive the business forward and add value.

Backed up by the speed and agility offered by integrated systems, organizations can adopt a true culture of immediacy and flexibility—one that strives to tackle issues faster, accelerate growth, and simply do more.

Oracle is the only systems vendor that engineers, implements, and maintains the entire technology stack, delivering true end-to-end integration among all components of a sophisticated, modern data center.

No other vendor offers the breadth of portfolio or trusted track record that Oracle does, helping customers achieve cost savings, simplify deployments and ongoing management, and innovate with ease and confidence.

Learn more

Visit our website or download our comprehensive engineered systems e-guide today to find out what Oracle’s engineered systems could help your organization achieve. You can call on 1-800-633-0738, or chat with one of our engineered systems experts live through your browser.


Universiteit Twente needed to replace an aging IT infrastructure

in order to deliver efficient processes, provide convenient

access to student services, and eliminate unplanned downtime.

By deploying five Oracle Database Appliance units,

the university was able to:

+ Eliminate interruptions to critical administrative functions

+ Run without downtime for more than a year

+ Optimize database performance

Universiteit Twente