How Mobile Devices and Social Media have changed the way we interact

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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How Has Mobile Tech


The Way we Interact, and our Social behavior

This Limited the number of people we could communicate with on a given day

because we gave our full attention to the people we

were with, and the things we were doing

the bonds we had were more personal

If we wanted to disconnect , all we had to do was walk away

But with the advent of the mobile tech that started to


Our cell phones allowed us to stay in

touch no matter where we are, or who we are


As time went on we evolved more ways to stay in touch

we communicate faster than ever before

With this new found convenience we made more connections than ever before

How did this change the way we interact?

Disconnecting even for a little while became unacceptable

it became rude not to reply immediately

Dividing our attention

But when we gave part of our attention to


We gave our full attention to no one

Furthermore our brains can only

support about 150 relationships

As social media made our social circles bigger and bigger, we began to trade conversation for simply making a connection.

As result while we were more connected than ever before,

and at the same time we never felt more alone

35% of adults over the age of 45 are chronically


Mobile tech have had many positive and negative influences on us

How it affects you depends on how you choose to use it.

Photo Credits

All Photos were taken sourced from flickr and are licensed under the creative commons 3.0


“Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?” STEPHEN MARCHE. THE ATLANTIC. 2014

“Sorry to be rude, but my smartphone needs my attention” LEAH EICHLER. THE GLOBE AND MAIL. 2014

“I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight. On the App.” JENNA WORTHAM. NEW YOURK TIMES. 2014