How Office Yes Successfully Introduced a New Category Via Twitter

Post on 12-May-2015

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Business Challenge: OfficeYes is primarily a B2B business. How do we promote and market their new B2C category of school stationery on digital platforms, with a minimal budget?


How Office Yes successfully introduced a New Category via Twitter

OfficeYes is primarily a B2B business. How do we promote and market their new B2C category of school stationery on digital platforms, with a minimal budget?

Business Challenge

Most people cherish their school days, and remember their time in school with joy and fondness. Everyone has anecdotes from school. We took this insight, and created a strategy to connect with the parents of school children in an interesting, engaging fashion.

Our insight

We invited people to tweet their favourite memory from school with the hashtag #SchoolMemory and rewarded one winner each day with exciting school goodies.

The hashtag not only took them back to their cherished days but also led them to check out Office Yes’s latest Back-to-School Range of Products.

Our solution


To build a genuine one to one relationship with our TG, we kept it to a subtle conversation about School Memories and purposely stayed away from blatant selling while reminding our followers that Office Yes had introduced a new range of products that might interest them.

Subtle selling

A number of celebrities joined in on the conversation on Twitter!

Celebrity participation

Even though the subtext of the campaign was to fetch visibility and sales of the brand’s new range of products, the #SchoolMemory hashtag was first and foremost about people revisiting their treasured moments of which the brand became a part.

Good feelings all around #SchoolMemory!

Good feelings all around #SchoolMemory!

Twitter engagement increase


250 people

redirected to website

450 Mentions in



50 new


1.6 Lakh Reach
