How Periscope helps build your business and brand

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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How Periscope Helps Build Your Business

and Brand

How to Utilize Periscope to Build your Business

Career professionals and business owners can use Periscope in numerous ways.

Live Question and Answer

Invite your viewers to submit questions they would like to ask a specific guest during your


Insider Videos

Give them a tour of your office space and share a product demonstration.

Hold Focus Groups

A tour or demonstration of your products and services will allow for instant feedback which

will allow you to make the appropriate changes moving forward.

Professional Guide Videos

Connect with your followers by offering ‘how to videos’ just like on YouTube. The difference and

what makes Periscope unique is that your audience can interact with you live.

Expand your Business Reach

Share the links of your upcoming broadcasts via your social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook

and Instagram with all of your followers who have a twitter account

Live Events

Show off your office, staff, and products and services for hot leads and sales.


Your live audience will appreciate being the first to know about your new products and services.

This is a great time to get more feedback in a live environment.


Live streaming is the new content king online. With the ability to stream live you allow your

prospects to learn about you and your services. Periscope allows you to gain access to more

people than ever before in a live format.

Virtual Assistants Automate Your Business

Click On The Form And Let’s Talk About: 1) Saving You Time2) Automating Your Processes3) Scaling Your Business