How to add MailChimp signup form to wordpress

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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How to Add MailChimpSignup Form to WordPressA guide by Makitweb

IntroductionMailChimp is one of most popular Email marketing service, it is used by many webmasters or bloggers to send an email update to their audience.

Adding signup or subscription form within website allows readers to subscribe to the Email list and get updates on website activities on regular basis.

Why?Readers only come to your website when they find relevant topics otherwise they wouldn’t come. By allowing subscription form readers may sign up to your email list.

By this way, they stay updated about your next new post and check out to your website for getting more information about it.


➔ Creating Signup form

➔ Generating API Key.

➔ Adding to Wordpress

➔ Conclusion

Creating signup form Before creating signup form, we first need a MailChimp account, if you haven’t then you can sign up for it and otherwise sign in to your MailChimp account.

Create a new List for this Click on List from Menu, it redirects you to List Page. It displays all available lists which you have created otherwise it show no lists.

For creating new List click on Create List from the Right.

Fill the information and click on Save Button

After saving you will be redirected to your newly created List page within this page Click on Sign up forms. This page contains the different type of forms. Click on Select button next to the Embedded forms.

Design your Subscription form

and Using generated HTML code in WordPress.

Generating API Key We required API Key for WordPress Plugin.

For generating API Key, Goto your

Profile and Select API Keys from Extras.

Adding to WordPress We can add Subscription form using Plugins or Without Plugin.

➔ With Plugin

➔ Without Plugin

With Plugin.

Login to your WordPress admin panel and search for MailChimp for WordPress Plugin by ibericode in Plugins Sections.. Install and Activate it.

Enter API Key which we generated


Go to Widgets where you will see a new widget added “MailChimp Sign-up Form”. Drag and Drop this widget to Sidebar.

Without Plugin.

Add Text Widget to Sidebar and paste the HTML code which we generated while creating Embedded form.

You can not only use this in Widget section you can also use it on other

parts of Page by placing HTML code there.

ConclusionAdded Signup form Widget on the Sidebar using a Plugin or Without Plugin.

Used MailChimp for WordPress Plugin which required API Key of MailChimp Account.