How to Add WMI Interfaces to SCSIPort and Storport Miniports.

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How to Add WMI Interfaces to SCSIPort and Storport Miniports

OutlineOutlineWhat is Windows Management Instrumentation?

Model for system management and specifying management data

Why is WMI great for MiniPorts?Standardized interfaces for MiniPortsAccessible through COMSecurity

How does it work?Interfaces are specified in a MOFProvider implements and registers interfaces with WMI serviceClients use COM to enumerate instances

Great, but how do I go about it?Define the interfaces (ie writing the MOF file)Using scsiwmi.lib (scsiport/storport version of wmilib.lib)Calling the interfaces from user mode

Advanced topicsSupporting standard interfaces (HBA API, iSCSI)Handling the WMI IRP yourself

Web Links and Questions

What is Windows Management Instrumentation ?What is Windows Management Instrumentation ?

A model for system management and specifying management data

Providers implement one or more instances of management objects

Management objects have properties and or methods

Why is WMI Great for MiniPorts ?Why is WMI Great for MiniPorts ?

Standardized interfaces for MiniPortsStandard providers for HBA API, iSCSI etc.

Generic tools can be written for standardized interfaces

Parameter checking is straight forward

Accessible through COMScriptable through VBS

Remote able

Security Default ACL’s are secure (Windows XP and later, ACL’s should reset for Windows 2000)

How Does It Work?How Does It Work?

Interfaces and data classes are specified in a MOF

Provider implements and registers interfaces with WMI service

Clients (applications) use COM to enumerate instances

WMI Diagram WMI Diagram

ScsiPort / Storport

WMI Service



WmiProvHbaApi iScsi

Device Class Driver



Provided by:Provided by:





Great, But How Do I Go About It?Great, But How Do I Go About It?

Define the interfaces (i.e., writing the MOF file)Define the data type classes (i.e., structs)

Define Query, Method and Event classes

Generate the guids and the header

Use scsiwmi.lib (scsiport/storport version of wmilib.lib)Initializing scsiwmi

Registering the interfaces/classes

Implementing the queries

Implementing the methods

Handling events

Call the interfaces from user modeWbemtest.exe (demo)

VBS example (the gotcha with dim, the clone stuff)

C/C++ example

Wmimofchk.exe generated html (demo)

Great, But How Do I Go About It? (con’t)Great, But How Do I Go About It? (con’t)

Define the interfaces (i.e., writing the MOF file)Define the data type classes (i.e., structs)

Define Query, Method and Event classes

Generate the guids and the header

Define The Interfaces (Data Type)Define The Interfaces (Data Type)

// A simple data class (expwmi.mof)



class ExampleMiniport_DataType


[WmiDataId(1)] sint32 Id;

[WmiDataId(2)] uint64 u64;


WmiDataId(3)] string name;


Define The Interfaces (Query Interface)Define The Interfaces (Query Interface)

[WMI, Dynamic, Description(“The first data blob for this instance"), Provider("WmiProv"), guid("{5e973a98-8edc-4856-acb1-b9345f084340}")]class ExampleMiniport_Query{ [key] // providers always need these 3 fields string InstanceName; boolean Active;

[WmiDataId(1)] uint32 Count; [WmiDataId(2)] ExampleMiniport_DataType Data;};

Define The Interfaces (Method Interface)Define The Interfaces (Method Interface)

[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), guid("{7c01153f-58bb-4c56-bc9c-7f3153130f73}")]class ExampleMiniport_Method{ [key] string InstanceName; boolean Active;

[Implemented, WmiMethodId(1)] void GetCount( [out] uint32 Count );

Define The Interfaces (Method, con’t)Define The Interfaces (Method, con’t)

[Implemented, WmiMethodId(2)] void GetOneThing( [in] uint32 Id, [out] uint32 Status, [out] ExampleMiniport_DataType Data );

[Implemented, WmiMethodId(3)] void GetManyThing( [in] uint32 InCount, // num asked for [out] uint32 Status, [out] uint32 OutCount, [out, WmiSizeIs("OutCount")]

ExampleMiniport_DataType Data[ ] );

Define The Interfaces (Method, con’t)Define The Interfaces (Method, con’t)

[Implemented, WmiMethodId(4)]

void PutOneThing(

[in] ExampleMiniport_DataType Data,

[out] uint32 Status



Define The Interfaces (Event Data)Define The Interfaces (Event Data)

[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), guid("{26d51a2b-b7d8-42df-bb53-33b730ccee18}")]class ExampleMiniport_Event : WmiEvent{ [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;

[WmiDataId(1)] uint32 EventType; [WmiDataId(2)] uint32 Id;};

Define The Interfaces (Event Method)Define The Interfaces (Event Method)

[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), guid("{2729cdcf-0bff-4218-9312-c5e0532d4a43}")]class ExampleMiniport_EventMethod{ [key] string InstanceName; boolean Active;

[Implemented, WmiMethodId(1) ] void Monitor( [in] uint32 Id, [out] uint32 Status );};

Define The Interfaces (GUIDS and Headers)Define The Interfaces (GUIDS and Headers)

For GUIDS use uuidgen.exe Available in SDK or Visual Studio

Generate resource binary using mofcomp.exeAvailable in DDK (also on system)

*.bmf used in resource file and to generate header

Generate the header file using wmimofck.exeAvailable in DDK

Example:mofcomp /b:expwmi.bmf expwmi.mof

wmimofck -hexpwmi.h -m -u expwmi.bmf

Great, But How Do I Go About It? (con’t)Great, But How Do I Go About It? (con’t)

Use scsiwmi.lib (scsiport/storport version of wmilib.lib)

Initializing scsiwmi

Registering the interfaces/classes

Implementing the queries

Implementing the methods

Handling events

Use scsiwmi.libUse scsiwmi.lib

Link against scsiwmi.lib

Add WibLibContext (SCSI_WMILIB_CONTEXT) to HwDeviceExtension

Add custom data to HwDeviceExtension

In HwFindAdapter routineSet WmiDataProvider to TRUE in PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION

Initialize WibLibContext in HwDeviceExtension (See ExpWmiInitialize)

In HwStartIo routineProcess Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_WMI (see ExpWmiSrb)

Use scsiwmi.lib (HwFindAdapter)Use scsiwmi.lib (HwFindAdapter)

ULONGHwFindAdapter( IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVOID HwContext, IN PVOID BusInformation, IN PCHAR ArgumentString, IN OUT PPORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION PortConfigInfo, OUT PBOOLEAN Again


// do other stuff

PortConfigInfo->WmiDataProvider = TRUE;ExpWmiInitialize(HwDeviceExtension);


Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiInitialize)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiInitialize)//// GUIDs are from generated expwmi.h (expwmi.c)//SCSIWMIGUIDREGINFO gGuidList[ ] = { {&ExampleMiniport_Query_GUID, 4, 0}, {&ExampleMiniport_Method_GUID, 1, 0}, {&ExampleMiniport_EventMethod_GUID, 1, 0}, {&ExampleMiniport_Event_GUID, 1, WMIREG_FLAG_EVENT_ONLY_GUID}//// keep the order the same as the gGuidList (these are the GuidIndexes)


enum {

ExampleMiniport_Query_INDEX = 0,

ExampleMiniport_Method_INDEX = 1,

ExampleMiniport_EventMethod_INDEX = 2,

ExampleMiniport_Event_INDEX = 3


Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiInitialize, con’t)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiInitialize, con’t)voidExpWmiInitialize( PDEVICE_EXTENSION Extension ){ PSCSI_WMILIB_CONTEXT pWmiLibContext =


pWmiLibContext->GuidCount = ExampleMiniport_NUM_GUIDS; pWmiLibContext->GuidList = gGuidList; pWmiLibContext->QueryWmiRegInfo = ExpWmiQueryRegInfo; pWmiLibContext->QueryWmiDataBlock = ExpWmiQueryDataBlock; pWmiLibContext->SetWmiDataBlock = NULL; // not implemented pWmiLibContext->SetWmiDataItem = NULL; pWmiLibContext->ExecuteWmiMethod = ExpWmiExecuteMethod; pWmiLibContext->WmiFunctionControl = ExpWmiFunctionControl;}

Use scsiwmi.lib (HwStartIo)Use scsiwmi.lib (HwStartIo)


if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_WMI) { //

// Process the WMI request and return.//

return ExpWmiSrb( HwDeviceExtension,


}// do other stuff

Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiSrb)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiSrb)

Call ScsiPortWmiDispatchFunction with WmiLibContext

Srb->WMIFlags with SRB_WMI_FLAGS_ADAPTER_REQUEST indicates adapter is target

Call ScsiPortWmiGetReturnSize to get DataTransferLength when request completes

Call ScsiPortWmiGetReturnStatus to get status when request completes

Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiQueryRegInfo)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiQueryRegInfo)

Register the Schema

#define Exp_MofResourceName L”MofResource”

UCHARExpWmiQueryRegInfo( IN PVOID Context, IN PSCSIWMI_REQUEST_CONTEXT RequestContext, OUT PWCHAR *MofResourceName ){ *MofResourceName = Exp_MofResourceName;


Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiQueryDataBlock)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiQueryDataBlock)

Data blocks must be aligned on 8 byte boundaries InstanceLengthArray must be initialized if not NULL and SRB_STATUS_SUCCESSGuidIndex of methods should be handled for enumeration Generated header contains types, Data_SIZE definesCall ScsiPortWmiPostProcess to complete request

Complete with SRB_STATUS_OVERRUN if output buffer too small (size should be completed with required size)Failures complete with SRB_STATUS_ERROR and size of zeroSRB_STATUS_SUCCESS completes with size <= required size

Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiExecuteMethod)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiExecuteMethod)

Non-method GuidIndex should be failedIn buffer and out buffer are the same addressGenerated Header contains

Method ids PMethod_IN and PMethod_OUT typesMethod_IN_SIZE Method_OUT_SIZE defines

Call ScsiPortWmiPostProcess to complete request

Complete with SRB_STATUS_OVERRUN if output buffer too small (size should be completed with required size)Failures complete with SRB_STATUS_ERROR and size of zero (in buffer too small is a failure)SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS completes with size <= required size

Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiFunctionControl)Use scsiwmi.lib (ExpWmiFunctionControl)

Used to Enable/Disable event notfications

Should verify ScsiWmiEventControl Function

Call ScsiPortWmiPostProcess to complete request

Failures complete with SRB_STATUS_ERROR

Success complete with SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS

Call ScsiPortWmiFireAdapterEvent and/or ScsiPortWmiFireLogicalUnitEvent to send notifications

Great, But How Do I Go About It? (con’t)Great, But How Do I Go About It? (con’t)

Calling the interfaces from user modeWbemtest.exe

VBS example

C/C++ example

Wmimofchk.exe generated html

Advanced TopicsAdvanced Topics

Supporting standard interfaces (HBA API, iSCSI)

Handling the WMI IRP yourself

Additional ResourcesAdditional Resources

Search MSDN:

ScsiPortWmiPostProcess (scsiwmi.lib api)

HBA APISNIA spec also available at:

© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.