How to Align Your Social Media and Business Objectives

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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A simple, 5 step process to align social media and business or career objectives. A presentation for BarCamp Gold Coast VIII


Aligning our social and



5 step process

5 Steps to Alignment

1. Think of your business/career as a whole

2. Get top level buy-in for the process

3. List agreed business/career objectives

4. Brainstorm and list social media objectives

5. Match each of your top five business/career

objectives with a social media objective

5 Steps to Alignment: Step 1

Think of your

business/career as a


Tip: Think social business,

not just social media


5 Steps to Alignment: Step 2

Get top level buy-in for

the process

Tip: Even if it's only you

(but it's never only you)

5 Steps to Alignment: Step 3

List agreed



Tip: do big picture/long term

& immediate/short term


5 Steps to Alignment: Step 4

Brainstorm and list

social media objectives

Tip: use the links at the end

of this deck for ideas

5 Steps to Alignment: Step 5

Match each of your top

five business/career

objectives with a

social media objective

Tip: and agree on a date to

check continuing


5 Steps to Alignment: Summary

1. Think of your business/career as a whole

2. Get top level buy-in for the process

3. List agreed business/career objectives

4. Brainstorm and list social media objectives

5. Match each of your top five business/career

objectives with a social media objective

Image Credits + Some Links

Mermaid Beach, by Behzad K, via Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Mask: Twins (Nda), 19th-20th century, Côte d'Ivoire; Baule – Wikimedia Commons – original photo by shootingbrooklyn; CC BY-SA 2.5

Mirool_Silos, flickr , photo by Virtual Steve CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons

The Handshake of Teano, via flickr, photo by Alex Valli (liquene) CC BY 2.0

Apollo 17 the Last Moon Shot, NASA, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Brainstorming, by Agripolare, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Ducks in a Row, photo by Tomas Castelazo, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

See also blog post: How to Align Your Social Media and Business Objectives, by Des Walsh

A couple of handy checklists for creating a social media objectives list

50 Ways to use Social Media, listed by Objective – Jeremiah Owyang (2008 list but still good!)

Measurable Social Media Objectives: omillion blog

Des Walsh is a certified social media strategist, a LinkedIn specialist and business coach

Author of the recruiting industry guide LinkedIn for Recruiting

Blogger at Des Walsh dot Com, MYOB Pulse, Social Media Today, Social Business One & contributing author at Social Media Mags

Des provides a range of coaching and workshop services – see

LinkedIn profile:

All the social web links he can remember are on his Xeeme profile: