How to avoid Hearing loss & Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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How to Avoid Hearing Loss and Symptoms of

Hearing Loss

Projections for 2050 indicate that one in every four Australians will have hearing loss. Children and teens are at

risk thereto are various factors which causes hearing loss. There is not any kind of medicine or surgery to fix

hearing loss. We can not avoid those thing like injury,hereditary or age but can take steps to make

our hearing out of danger by prevention and treatments.

Whenever Possible Stay Away From Damaging

Noise and Environments.

1. Keep your window closed while you are in heavy traffic.

2. Avoid loud concerts

3. Avoid such restaurants where loud music is playing.

When You’re using Lawnmowers, Snow

Blowers and Power Tools Wear Ear

Plugs. 85 dB Sound Can Make Your

Hearing Worse

Home And Car Stereo Systems And Personal Stereo System Can

Reach Ear Damaging Level . Headphones Are More Dangerous For

Your Health . Avoid 110 Db and Above Sound Level.

Give Yourself Breaks From An

Exhausting Situation Or Environment.

Get a ear soothing effect.

Don’t Pamper Your Child With Loud Toys

It can Bring Hearing Impairment.

Get Regular Check-ups !!

Annual Hearing Assessment

is must to avoid future

damage. Paediatric hearing

test also conducted by many

audiology clinics

Signs Of Hearing Loss

● Trouble In Hearing In Noisy Situation

Especially Over Phone. You May Feel

People Are Mumbling.

● Misinterpreting Something That Is Said

● Feeling Tired After Long Conversation.

● Appearing Distracted From Social


Any change in hearing should be

examined because it isn’t always

age or noise-related

● Talk to your dear ones if you are facing hearing troubles. Without

communication you may face troubles in your relation.

● Find a support group with others with hearing loss. You can learn

strategies and coping tools to communicate better and knowing that

you are not alone.

● Educate yourself and other family members about how to avoid

hearing loss.