How to be a fashion expert

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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HowTo Be a

Fashion Expert

Being a fashion expert takes dignity, strength, encouragement, confidence and time.

In the long run, being a fashion expert really does pay off.

1, First and Foremost Learn About the History of Fashion!

There is no point not knowing why your clothes look like what they do and how fashion changed throughout time.

Coco Chanel changed how women dress, so it's worth renting the Lifetime movie about her.

2, Keep up on Some of the Cutes and Latest Trends!

If you're not keeping up on at least some trends, to fellow fashion experts you'll seem, well, clueless.

Read Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and Elle to hear what's in. It's important to know which trends work and which don't though,

For Example:

Skinny jeans might flatter you whereas harem pants are just plain ugly. It is important to be a trendsetter, but Anna Win tour's words are worth respecting.

4, Create a totally cool outfit that looks and feels great.

Use matching colors and patterns. When you buy your clothes make sure they fit. You don't want them too tight or too baggy.

Also make sure they feel good.

Don't buy them if they make you itchy and very uncomfortable. Make sure that you feel confident in the clothes. If all the

requirements are good then buy it!

5, Create your own fashion journal.

Cut out clothes or styles that you like and paste them into your fashion journal. Write down a couple of your favourite outfits and say how you feel in them. Draw outfits on people, for different body sizes and shapes. What suits people.

6, Add accessories.

From beads to earrings or rings to bracelets. You can add color and spunk to any outfit with accessories. Make sure that they match and they don't feel uncomfortable.

7, Search through your own closet first.

A person never knows what they truly have until they take a good look into their own closet. You may have outfits that can be totally revamped for the sake of fashion.

A good tailor would be key in this situation to have things refitted for the new style you are trying to achieve. What you are looking for could be right under your nose!

8, Invest in classics.

It's important to splurge on basics, because if you're going to wear something all the time, it better be high-quality and fit well.

A cashmere cardigan, trench coat, string of pearls, pant suit, and little black dress will take you from season to season year to year.

You could always find something very similar to it for less money, but it might tear or be itchy and uncomfortable.

9, Wear an outfit totally different than anybody else would.

Mix match patterns and colors or maybe try leggings and a long shirt. Whatever it is make sure people would want to follow that trend. But don't make them.

10, Make yourself a reputation as a trendsetter.

Shop at the local designer stores; even if you're not that rich, there must be something in there you afford (example: a pair of gloves, sunglasses). Be a devoted client to these boutiques and you will get noticed for your style.

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