How to Be A Social Media God: A Guide for Scientists

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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GodHow to

be aSocial Media

Craig R. McClain @DrCraigMc






Deep Sea News

Deep SeaNews

DSN#deepsn @deepseanews

1/3 of women aged 18-34 check Facebook when they first wake up !...even before going to the bathroom

If Facebook were a country it would be the third most populated in the world ahead of the United States

In Billions !China 1.35 India 1.21 Facebook 1.06 U.S. 0.31 !

All media is now social media

Technology is shifting the power away from

editors, the publishers, the establishment, the

media elite.

Now it's the people who are in control.

-Rupert Murdoch

So What Do I Do Online?

Social media is a tool like a microscope. It can be used well and badly.

It can be used to do a lot of different things -Jon Eisen





*James Brown has nothing to do with this. I simply have always wanted to put a photo of James Brown dancing in a presentation. I also want to make sure you are still awake.

What is your online mission?

Personal? Outreach? Science?Consume, Share, Filter, Generate?

Assignment 1: Generate A List of

What You Plan to Accomplish with Social Media



Tweet It

12 General Rules of Online Engagement

If I Google YouWhat Would I Find?

1.You’re on online whether you want to be or not.

2.If you’re not curating your identity someone else is.

3.Make sure you create your content.

If I Google You, What Would I Find?

1. Make It Easy to Find the YOU You Want to be Found

A Personal Website. Your Home on the Web

Easy and free ways to get personal webpage Wordpress, Blogspot, Google, Snap Pages, Joomla, Weekly, Wix

2. The Internet is Big and Scary ...Find a Village

3. Thyself

4. Find Your Niche and Story

5. Know Thy Information

6. You are not winning anybody over by being an @$$

7a. Remember internet is full of people who like to argue 7b. Not everyone is your friend.

7c. Know when and when not engage. 7d. Take it lightly.

8. Don’t Step On the Commons

Let Your Audience Know When You Are Passing Information Along and When You Are Generating It

9. You Have 10 Seconds and/or 10 Words

!•At  the  average  length  spent  on  the  website  in  2013  was  54  seconds    

•87.8%  of  visitors  only  read  a  single  post.      

•Only  12%  of  page  views  were  by  returning  visitors.    

•More  than  50%  of  readers  never  commented  and  near  25%  only  commented  one  or  twice  

•When  surveyed  readers  were  asked  why  they  did  not  comment,  “the  reader  did  not  feel  qualified  

(28.6%),  the  reader  had  nothing  to  add  (25.7%),  or  the  reader  did  not  generally  comment  on  blogs  


•This  suggests  that  social  media  engagement  through  blogs  may  be  short,  superficial,  and  single  serving.  

Deep Sea News

Deep SeaNews


Memes Are Your Friends10. Memes are your friends

11. Manage Your Streams


12. There is no substitute for the real world


•you probably already do it

•can ask questions of colleagues

•can push science to it

Crowd Sourcing Science

Nerd of Trust

•Eavesdropping:  follow  informaRve  people  to  get  informaRon  and  learn  

•Dialogue:  exchange,  discuss,  and  debate  informaRon  (Asking  specific  quesRons?)  

•Broadcast:  used  by  news  organizaRons  and  businesses  to  inform  audience  about  news  or  products/services,  outreach  

•Data  collecRon:  e.g  fishermen  using  TwiYer  to  monitor  fish  populaRons.  

•Impromptu  journalism:  e.g.  landing  on  Hudson  river,  Mumbai  aYacks,  Iran  post-­‐elecRon  protests  

•MindcasRng:    following  a  single  story  or  topic,  with  links,  for  a  period  of  Rme,  e.g.  like  my  ongoing  coverage  of  the  #oilspill

“To  do  science,  you  have  to  know  what’s  going  on  in  science.  I  found  Twi9er…most  useful  for  becoming  informed  of  what  other  people  are  doing  in  science.  By  sharing  comments,  links,  informaAon,  and  notes  about  new  scienAfic  developments  with  trusted  sources  I  am  be9er  able  to  keep  up  with  the  vast  amount  of  informaAon  in  my  fields  of  interest.  Social  networks  enable  real-­‐Ame  highlighAng  and  ranking  and  tracking  of  what’s  going  on  in  the  world  of  science.”    -­‐Jon  Eisen

Twitter is the equivalent of drinking out of firehose

Anatomy of a Tweet

@users DM Direct Message

RT retweets MT modified tweet

#hashtags #FF Follow Fridays


Steps for Building traffic

Time Engagement Creation Profile Content

Should I Blog?

Unless the first thing and last thing you think about every day is

writing, then don’t blog

starting a blog is easy...

...keeping it updated is not

Deep Sea News

1. Be Strategic. Be Deliberate.

Mission Statement: !Demystifying and humanizing science in an open conversation that instills passion, awe, and responsibility for the oceans.

1.Direct from the bench and the trench. 2.Saying things others do not. 3.Reverently irreverent. 4.Promoting ocean literacy. 5.Perspective through a plurality of voices. 6.Awareness through scrutiny, not negativity. 7.Expanding the culture of ocean science. 8.Call to Action

2. Branding...Branding...Branding...

Ángel Guerraa, Ángel F. Gonzáleza, Santiago Pascuala, and Earl G. Daweb (2011). The giant squid Architeuthis: An emblematic invertebrate that can represent concern for the conservation of marine biodiversity Biological Conservation, 144 (7), 1989-1998 :10.1016/j.biocon.2011.04.021

3. Find Your Niche & Story

Reverently irreverent. We will be true to who we are in real life, leveraging humor to keep the science dialogue informal and accessible.

“This "oh-so-hip" presentation of a very interesting phenomenon is regrettable. I stopped reading halway [sic] through it as I couldn't take any more. Just present the science. Tarting it up for people to read is pointless. Such readers have no value. Too bad, I would have liked to learn the real scinece [sic] presented here.”

4. Get Yourself A Super Team

5. Embrace the World Around You

6. Network + Good Story = Viral

7. Stop Taking Refuge In Our Irrelevance 

588,737 Current Population of Miami: 413,892

Deep Sea News

Producing something popular on the internet is as much about passion as it is about good content. With passion and the right writing style, you can make any type of science cool.

8. The deficit model is dead

Stop shouting the same information more and more loudly

9. Stop Treating Outreach & Research as Separate Entities. !

We Need a New Formula

What if we started to create differently? New graduate training, courses, lab cultures, and departments

ResearchOutreach ResearchOutreach #sizingoceangiants

Other Social Media Forms

More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month !

Over 4 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube !

72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute

Video is a large time investment to do well, but the payoff can be huge

A George Washington University and Cision survey in 2009 also reported that 89% of journalists use blogs and 65% use social networks to research stories (Cision, 2009). !A recent survey of journalists in the UK, France, and Germany showed that 60% use Wikipedia for fact checking articles (Dugan, 2010).

Now Go Out There And Get Social!


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