How to Become a Sales Professional - · Developing professional salespeople is one...

Post on 27-Sep-2020

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089-4555738, 089-6034334

Development Academy sudarat.ckc

How to Become a Sales Professional

YouTube: da-academy channel


Currently, business competition is high and customers have a lot of

choices to buy goods and service. Developing professional salespeople is one of the key successes in business. Salespeople are a first customer touch point to make a great impression and represent to your brand and company image.

The program is designed for salespeople to understand essential selling skill related to their roles and responsibilities. With an active learning class, it’s the powerful way to encourage participants to learn in a supportive and enjoyable environment through various activities to develop their skill and knowledge.







Create positive attitude in sales

Create long term relationship with customers

Know how to uncover customers’ need and handling their objections.

Understand the professional selling process

Differentiate between salespeople and professional salespeople


• Sales attitude and mindset• The differentiate between salespeople and professional salespeople• 7 steps of professional selling skills

1. Preparation for success• Customers analysis• SMART objective• Creating positive first impression (Personality for brand and company image)• Tools

2. Opening and Rapport• Understand customers ‘style and behavior (DISC model)

3. Uncovering customers ‘needs• Insightful question technique

4. Product presentation (FAB technique)5. Handling customers’ objection

• Type of customers 'concern and handling techniques6. Sales closing techniques7. Post-call analysis

Ms. Sudarat ChokkijchaiSPEAKER

Educational Background

• Master of International Business, Macquarie University, Australia • Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Thailand

Certificate of Training Program

Train the Trainer, Leadership, The 7 habits, Strategic thinking, Effective business analysis, Worldwide sales force excellence, Blue ocean strategy, Effective manager, Understanding customers interpersonal styles, PRISM Brain mapping, Charismatic for your success, Social media training, Closed loop marketing, Strategies management, High performance behaviors, Customer targeting, Living the brand etc.

• Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Indochina, TRB Chemedica (Thailand) Ltd.• Product Manager, R.X. company Ltd.• Marketing and Business Development Manager, Bioclin Asia (Thailand) Ltd.• Product Specialist, Medical Scientific Liaison and Medical Representative,

GlaxoSmithKhline (Thailand) Ltd.

Work Experience