How to become an auto responder ninja

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Welcome to Fast Fan Pages!

How To Become An Auto Responder Ninja!

Coming up in today’s presentation ...

Overview of AWeber, GetResponse and Mailchimp - and how to get a high quality auto responder for FREE!

When you should use HTML forms and when you should use Javascript forms (tech-free explanation!)

The secret Ninja technique I use in my auto responders to make sales without my subscribers even realising it!

Auto Responder basics ... the things you MUST know

Why your auto responder is the single most important thing you will use on your Fan Pages.

The best and most widely used auto responders are:

# AWeber

# GetResponse [Recommended – has a free option!)

Other popular options are:

# iContact [Has a free option!]

# Mailchimp [Has a free option!]

Look! The free option iswell hidden here!

Key considerations

# Is it reliable?

# Do other marketers recommend it and like it?

# Will it grow with your business?

# Is it affordable as your list grows in size?

# Does it allow you to easily import and export your subscribers? [Crucial check!]

Javascript vs HTML forms

# Javascript is shorter code and easier to cut and paste

# Javascript is a ‘feed’ of the form code, whereas HTML is the actual form code

# Javascript won’t work with all softwares and systems ... but it works with most!

# If you make a change to a form where you have used the HTML code, you have to cut and paste the code each time for the updates to show ... Javascript updates automatically across all sites where it is used

# In summary – always use Javascript when you can ... but be aware that it doesn’t always show in the WYSIWYG view



The secret Ninja technique I use in my auto responders to make sales without my subscribers even realising it!

# This technique is really easy to implement

# When you know it, it’s so obvious! [No rocket science involved here ]

# The most valuable piece of real estate that you have with your auto responder – the ONE page that EVERYONE sees, even if they immediately unsubscribe after downloading your freebie, is your ‘Thank you for subscribing’ page

# You should customise this so that it drives traffic to your affiliate offers!

# You need to create a series of pages to use with a variety of high converting offers

# You will need to test and tweak the affiliate offers that you use ... Basically, use the ones that bring in income for you MORE and the ones that don’t – ditch them!

# Here are some of mine:

# I’ll show you how to do this using (free accounts, no tech!)

# I demonstrate this technique in detail here:

# The best converting offers I recommend to get started are:

Tim Bekker:

Lee McIntyre:

Resell Rights Weekly:

Insert your custom URL here


Look! The free option iswell hidden here!


Auto Responder basics ... the things you MUST know# You don’t have to use double opt-in ... it is better in general, but on some sites, particular those which require registration, it’s best left switched off.

# A follow-up message is part of a pre-written sequence, each email being delivered a set time after the last

# A broadcast message is a ‘one-off’ message, which you can send to just one part of your list or all of them

# People will unsubscribe ... for all sorts of reasons! Don’t take it personally, but do pay attention to see if certain things you do result in more unsubscribes

# Don’t be afraid to sell in an email ... but don’t sell all the time!

# Generally 3-4 emails per week is fine ... best thing though is to find a frequency that suits you and be consistent

# You should re-send email to ‘no opens’ and segment them ... try different email headlines each time to try and improve performance



Why your auto responder is the single most important thing you will use on your Fan Pages.

# You MUST – at the earliest opportunity – get your Facebook Fans into your auto responder

# When you have Fans in your auto responder, you control them. If Facebook ever pulls the plug on you, you can still market to your customers

# The average value of a subscriber is $1 per subscriber per month

# By capturing email addresses you can market to Fans again and again and again

# You need to follow my ‘3-Step Facebook Process’ here:

Step 1: Send people to your Fan Page

Step 2: Get them to ‘Like’ your page

Step 3: Get them into your auto responder

NOTE: If you can, make sure you always ‘Open In A New Window’ when you add an auto responder form to a Facebook Fan Page ...

More info needed?Go to:[Check out webinar replays 2 & 3]


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Where to go for help

1: The FAQ page

2: The Support Blog

3: The Helpdesk

4: Also try

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