How to Boost Your Inbound Marketing Strategy in an Hour or Less

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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10 Ways to Boost Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

in an hour or less!

Jasmine Henry |@inboundagent

1. Bump Up Your Blog PostingBlog Posting Frequency and Traffic are Positively Correlated

image credit: HubSpot

2. Build Out More Landing PagesCompanies who increase from 10 to 15 landing pages get 55% more leads!

image credit: HubSpot

3. Write a Guest Post

Benefits of Guest Blogging:

● Establish Expertise● Expand Your Portfolio● Develop Credibility● Improve Your Blogging

Skills● Build Relationships● Capture a Wider

Audience● Expand Subscriber-Base● Build Inbound Links!

4. Schedule Social Media

image credit: HubSpot

5. Analyze Your Inbound Marketing Analytics

image credit: HubSpot

Can't write, design and deploy a new eBook in an hour? No problem. Here are some ways to efficiently create content offers:

● Bundle existing blog content into a comprehensive content offer.

● Update an existing offer for a different buyer persona.

● Create a Powerpoint, Word or Excel Template.

● Film a Video Tutorial.

image credit: new york daily

6. Repackage an Existing Offer

People don't hate your email, they hate irrelevant email. eMarketer has found that segmenting your email list yields the following benefits:

● Better open rates for 39% of marketers

● Lower unsubscribe rates for 28% of marketers.

● Increased revenue for 24% of marketers.

image credit: dobseh

7. Segment Your Email List

By using a designated hashtag at a scheduled time, you can connect with other inbound marketers worldwide.

Network | Gain Insights | Gain Inspiration | Expand Your Social Media Reach. image credit: Business2Community

8. Participate in a #TweetChat

By profiling your ideal customer's pain points, priorities and needs, you can write more relevant content and offers.

image credit: Woodst

9. Write a Buyer Persona Profile

Ensure your blog articles are SEO-optimized to capture as much traffic from organic search as possible. 85% of first-time website visitors are referred by Google, Bing or Yahoo:

image credit: SEO PDX

10. Keyword Optimize Blog Content