How to build sustainable business through authentic relationships

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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By Marika Arovuo

They Know themselves well Have a defined purpose Have clear understanding of their values and beliefs Dedicate their lives to pursuing those values and beliefs Are true to themselves Don’t abandon their principles even when faced with tough times or

pressure from outside

Individuality is embraced People are trustworthy Communication is transparent Has expectations and standards Understanding that flexibility is

required because bumps are expected

People FEEL that you are there to help them

It fulfils a basic human need to form deep relationships and is more rewarding

When you live by your core values your life is less stressful. There is no disconnection between what you do and say and what you feel

You will be rewarded in the long run

You will connect with people that you did not know would actually help you to bring business Tips for networking Short, memorable intro Why you are interested in their

business Exchange cards Write down some facts about them Book the next meeting if the

connection is very strong

80% of sales are made on the 5–12 contact! You rarely meet people at the exact moment when they need what you offer. To do it most effectively, create a system: Several touchpoints Train your clients to hear from you Schedule the next appointment on the

spot Keep consistent contact Invite your clients to events Create a plan and stick to it Automate it

Customer acquisition is 5–25 times more expensive than customer retention

Repeat customers spend 67% more Loyal customers are your best

salespeople If you don't keep in touch with

your customers, your competitors will!

Critical connection moments Making a query After purchase

• Ask about their experience • Listen to the feedback • Implement it • Tell them later what you have done to

improve • Ask if they would recommend you • Recommendation is 10–15 times more

effective Complaints 96% of dissatisfied customers don’t complain – but they do tell others!

YOU are your brand Credibility Promote yourself online Build relationships

• Prospects • Clients • Influencers

Professional website • Mobile friendly • Contact information • Blog • Clear value proposition • Testimonials • Lead collection with giveaway

Email marketing • Regular letters • Promote your content

Social media channel(s) • Choose based on what your target audience is using • Promote your content • Engage with prospects, clients and influencers

Video marketing • Modern way to promote • Preferred by viewers and search engines

Someone who would benefit from your services will not get treated by you

Your reputation will not grow You lose money WCS: You end up working for

someone else

Our story goes back 10 years when we were running a fashion accessory business and selling our goods online. Our team, having a combined 50 years’ experience in IT at that time and a mindset of challenging ourselves, decided to learn in-depth and design our own digital marketing strategy that helped us to succeed. It was when our fellow entrepreneurs started to ask if we could help them with their digital marketing that we found our true passion – helping other business owners succeed too!

Digital marketing has become even more complex over the past decade, with the constant appearance of new technologies, tools, applications and channels. We have responded to the challenge by continuously growing our knowledge to the highest standards and applying our intelligence to practice.

We know that small businesses might not have hefty budgets to spend on digital marketing, and that is why we customise our service offering for each of our clients. We identify the crucial actions that have the biggest immediate impact for your business, and we will work with you to design a phase-by-phase plan to continuously build your online presence.

She has a holistic approach that aligns both the business and digital marketing aspects for success. She is a vivacious extrovert who loves to build relationships and serve others, while at the same time being a technical, detail-oriented, thorough, and nose-to-the-grindstone powerhouse. She always gives 100% to her clients and aims to make their experience easy and stress-free. To provide comprehensive digital marketing services, she works with team of talented business and digital marketing strategists, web and graphic designers, web developers, SEO experts, copywriters, social media managers, photographers, and videographers. Marika's team is the complete package. Her entrepreneurial dream has come true, and she is devoted to helping you succeed!

Marika started out in an international career in IT with a large tech company over 20 years ago. Today, she has been running her businesses in three continents for the past 10 years. She created GRIT Online to provide digital marketing solutions to amazing businesses like yours. Marika is extremely passionate about forming authentic relationships that create impact and drive great success stories.

Our company name was formed around our common values that we share.

G – Growth mindset R – Responsibility I – Integrity T – Tolerance

G – Growth mindset We believe: Intelligence can be developed through effort and persistence. Challenges are our best teachers. Obstacles are meant to be overcome with persistence. Success is a result of hard work. Feedback is a tool to improve and excel. Learn from the best and find inspiration in the success of others.

R – Responsibility We take ownership of our decisions and actions. We understand that we

are only humans and we do make mistakes, but it is important to act on them with the right attitude. We believe in admitting failures and doing our best to fix it – and learn from it.

I – Integrity We always aim to do what is right, and we keep our promises. We deliver

what we commit to. T – Tolerance We believe in respecting individuals and their businesses.

To be a digital marketing company that is most admired for our growth mindset, and the way we challenge ourselves every day to provide impeccable service and great results for businesses across the world.

All great businesses started somewhere. GRIT Online believes in SMEs’ potential to change the world for the better, and is committed to helping serious business owners reach their full potential utilizing digital media. We do this by helping our clients build a professional online presence, creating a digital marketing strategy, and helping them to manage their digital channels. We take our clients’ goals seriously and work together to achieve them. We do not settle for the status quo. Our GRIT values drive us every day!