How to Choose Project Management Software

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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There are many different options for your project management software needs. It's a difficult problem to solve since each team has their own workflow. How do you know which tool is the best one for your team? To get you pointed in the right direction, here is a four question checklist to ensure you select the best project management software for your team. If you're looking for a new project management tool, try


How to Choose a ProjectManagement Tool

What Options Are Available To YourDevelopment Team?

Which Tool Is Right For You?There are a myriad of project management tools to help streamline your business, but how do you know which tool is the right one for your team?

Questions to AskAsk your team these four questions to ensure you select the right project management software:

1. What’s Our Budget?Before you decide anything else, it’s important to fully understand your organization’s financial limitations. When comparing your options, it might be easy to rule out certain kinds of software based on price.

Different types of software help you manage different areas of your projects. Some handle multiple areas, and some don’t. Understanding how your team communicates will help you understand what type of management you need, which in turn, will help you with the following question..

2. How Does Our Team Communicate?

3. What Are Our Company's Pain Points?What are your company’s current pain points that led you to seek management help in the first place? Ideally, the solution you choose will simplify or solve each of these problem areas.

4. What Features Does Our Company Need?Don’t forget to prioritize, whether it’s a matter of ranking different features or creating lists of pros and cons. Some of your team’s needs will significantly outweigh others, and some features offered by software aren’t actually necessary for your team at all. Take all of these factors into consideration

5. What Level of Support Will We Need to Onboard?Does the project management software offer the level of support your team needs? Which option will take the least amount of time to get started?

Take the time to sign up for free trials of the different systems you are considering and test whatworks best for your particular group.

Choosing The Right Tool

Try JixeeIf you’re looking for a project management tool, look into Jixee. It’s an agile project management platform that helps development teams communicate and collaborate more effectively