How to comment on a Twinspace teacher's wall

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Comments on Twinspace walls

Twinspace Tutorials

How to comment on a Twinspace teacher’s wall

The Twinspace profile is different than the one in eTwinning Live and got its own wall where other teachers participants

to projects can leave messages. Read how can leave your message to someone wall in the following step by step


Step Image Description

Step 1

Once login to Twinspace click on the “MEMBERS” main menu tab

Step 2

In the new opened page you can see all project, teachers and pupils, participants. Click on the name of a teacher to leave a message

Step 3

In the new opened page, you can see: 1.The teacher’s photo 2.The teacher’s school 3.His CV or a small description 4.The text field where you can write your message 5.Once you write your message click on the “Post” button to save the message.

Step 4

Your message appears on the teacher’s wall

Good Luck!!!

Petros Michailidis