How To Do The Impossible: Managing A Social Life Amongst Your College Papers

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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A Guide By: Rosechand Guilaume

Photograph by Liandro N. I. Siringoringo with Fujifilm X-T1 from

Tired of studying too much? Got complaints from your friends that they never see you? Feeling like you’re living under a rock (or in this case – your kosan)? ��Been there. Done that. ��Being in my last semester in College, I have been through all the ‘where have you been’, ‘we thought you were lost in a black hole’ phases, because let’s face it, drowning in your papers and essays is a normal situation when you’re in college but every once in a while you do need to swim back up to the surface. ��I personally believe that meeting with my friends and family, whether it’s a long and deep talk, or just a small chat; listening to their life updates, gossips, or even discussing about new social issues will always leave me felt recharged and motivated. ��And yes, I know that the majority of you probably feels the same, so not to worry, here are my personal guide to get the best of both worlds – between your academics and social life!�

1. Set Realistic Education Goals

This is such an important first step, and no I’m not trying to bring you down by asking you to be more ‘realistic’, but you do need to ask yourself if you actually have the time to join ANOTHER committee or organization?��What I usually do at the start of the semester, is to plan ahead the organizations and committees that I would like to join (I personally maximize 3 committees and organizations). Since not only they will take up my time, being in both a committee and organization will naturally be draining.��Being in an organization or committee is great, but for me, my academic is always number one. Hence I always limit the committees and organizations that I join so that I have time and energy for my studies�

2. Plan Your Study Time

I know all of you must be revolted by this title, but I guarantee that this plays a BIG role for you not flopping that quiz. �Being a student is a full-time job, it requires your attention everyday, so planning ahead for that mid term take home test is a logical thing to do.��Example: If you really want to go out with your friends and have a late night, but you have a quiz in a couple of days, you could:��•  Study in between classes�•  Plan to read one chapter each day�•  Bring a chapter summary everywhere�

3. List Priorities

Sometimes you just have to say, NO.��If your friends ask you to have a late night with them, but tomorrow you have a quiz that marks 50% of your grade, then d-o-n-t g-o. ��You have to know your priorities, and if you think that your quiz is much more important (and is very impactful to your grade) then learn to say No to your friends.�It is most definitely okay to not go out and choose to study instead. ��This also works for all the commitments that you’ve made to your committees and organizations, if you already agreed for the meeting everyday Wednesday, don’t bail out just because your friend asked you to lunch!�But it is sometimes okay to go out of your way for a friend in emergencies.�

4. Explore Your Options OR Reschedule

Going out and meeting with your friends should be more flexible to suit both of your schedules, it should never be a chore!��Always explore options to make it as convenient for you and your friend�•  Should you meet near the campus area?�•  Would it be easier for them to come to your house or vice versa?�•  Do you have time to visit an art gallery or only coffee?��If you weren’t able to go out, don’t forget to reschedule, and always give options on where and when to meet (because if not you may end up with some really angry and disappointed friends L)�•  If your friends asked you to a jazz show on the 5th but you have a project due,

why not ask them to catch a live musical on the 7th? Or maybe look for a jazz café nearby!�

5. Meeting Half Way

If your friend really needs you and doesn’t want to reschedule there is a new thing called: technology.�I hope you’ve heard of it before, because it is an amazing new transporter that helps you be there for your friend but still be in front of your computer to do that research paper of yours.��These are some options if your friend still insists to meet or have a talk with you:�•  Talk on the phone/ Skype/ Line Call (My Personal Favorite)�•  Study together!�

6. Know Your “Study” Style

The last but not least is to really know how you study effectively. This will help you organize your time to be more efficient. ��•  Know how and where you study most efficiently�•  Know your study pace�•  Is your studying style by writing things down? Or is it by repeating the words out

loud?��Example: �My personal study style is by writing things down in a quite place, hence I usually have a summary before I go out with friends. Or we meet up to study together at a small café where I could concentrate. ��There are some people that have a much faster study pace, where they study very efficiently the night before and gets the same result as me, these are the people I call lucky since they probably still can go out the day before the test.�

BONUS TIP: Shortcuts Have an event that you really want to go and don’t want to sacrifice for that quiz or presentation? �Don’t worry I got your back! Here are my shortcuts to be prepared for those presentations, quizzes and tests!��• – A life saver website, this website helps you to design your

presentation like it’s been carefully planned out. They have plenty of amazing layouts that are flexible and easy to use so that your powerpoints looks like you put a lot of effort in them!�

•  Take photos or save your e-books on your phone – This too helps you get the most of your time inside that uber or KRL, instead of scrolling down your timeline why not read a couple of chapters instead?�

•  Have group discussions via chat – I love having a great group discussion about the materials, this allows me to get a better understanding of the materials wherever I am!�

Thank You

Source: My personal 3.5 years experience in College