How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time “Twitter Power” 20 Sept 2010 Norikhti Faqriah bt...

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How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time

“Twitter Power”20 Sept 2010

Norikhti Faqriah bt Azime (2008319497)

Nur Jihan Mohd Fadzil (2009425582)

Profiles of the Book

• Written by Joel Comm and Ken Burge• Published by Wiley, 2009• 14 chapters with 245 pages• New York Times Bestselling Author

Profiles of Authors

Joel Comm•An American author and Internet marketer•One of the world’s leading experts on strategies for making money online•Online demand speaker at conference on Internet marketing and business•In 2007, he was the host and Executive Producer ofThe Next Internet Millionaire, an online reality show. •In 2008, his company, Infomedia, produced an iPhone application: iFart.

Ken Burge•Eight-year veteran of Microsoft•Joel Comm’s business partner and President of InfoMedia, Inc•An online entrepreneur and technology executive with a deep understanding of marketing, emerging technologies, and entrepreneurship.

Other books by Joel Comm

2006 2009

Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Social Media Landscape

About Twitter

Twitter was founded by programmers Evan Williams , Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone in July 2006.

It was used by the company’s employees as a fun form of internal communication

The service was launched officially in Oct 2006, picked up a South by Southwest Web (SXSW) Award in March 2007, and by April was a separate entity headed by Dorsey

There are two things that distinguish Twitter Simplicity- let anyone tweet no longer than 140 characters Critical mass- broadcast the tweets to mobile telephone of the

followers In Aug 2008, 63% of the account holders are male, and at that

time 57% of its U.S visitors are Californian By Oct 2008, it was reported that TwitDir has 3,262,795 followers 60% of its web traffic comes from outside the U.S i.e. Japan,

Spain and U.K Mostly are in the range of 35 to 44 years old; which shows that

Twitter is not just used by young people as an alternative to SMS

Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Social Media Landscape (cont’d)

Impact to:Communities- connections between the people

who participate.Business and marketing

Build deeper relationship with partners, clients and other entrepreneurs

Promote products, build a brand , generate interest in one’s company and keep people updated regularly i.e. entertained, informed and engaged.

Easy way to find new users and customers As a result, it can lead to brand loyalty and commitment

that sales professionals have been dreaming about since the first days of direct marketing.

“Someone who uses social media successfully doesn’t just create content, but he also create conversations. Those conversations then create communities.”

Chapter 2: What is Twitter and Why It is So Powerful?

Twitter is so far the most powerful microblogging service currently available

A combination of Web-based updates and mobile information; hence makes it possible for mobile users to send updates and reading tweets from others.

Tweets can describe what people is doing now and also include opinions, announcements and conversations.

Immediate feedback: Twitter will pass the “tweets” to all the followers by broadcasting further SMS

to people who have chosen to receive their updates on their mobiles. One of ways of asking for help To broadcast breaking news i.e. Mumbai attack in 2008

Instant access to smart people 24/7

Stuffed with people who have great information about particular subjects and are willing to share it.

Chapter 4: Building a Following on Twitter

Good content on Twitter needs to be entertaining, informative and valuable.

7 killer strategies to reaching critical mass on Twitter Look for people you already know Tweet your blog Pay your followers Respond to requests Mobile your social network Put your Twitter name in your signatures Run a contest

To build followers and keep them engaged, you have to produce good content i.e. entertaining, informative and valuable.

Chapter 5: The Art of the Tweet

“There’s only one condition …you must give them something in return”

Two types of tweets: Broadcasts ( To convey information to the followers

and share it across) Link tweets Entertainment tweets Picture tweets

Conversations ( To spark discussions based on questions and replies)

Classic tweets Mission accomplished tweets Question tweets

Tips Do not spam as spammers would not survive long in Twitter

and they do not build followers Do not use SMS-style abbreviations Tweet short and concise messages

Chapter 7: Leveraging Twitter for Team Communication

Now readers and followers of my tweets able to see what I’m doing and thinking through the day.

Twitter for Virtual Team Leaders: Adding link or reply others tweet.

Act like a reminder and let everyone knows who is the writer.

Tossing out random thoughts might have the same effects with followers too.

Sending out tweets, updates and invite followers to check out new release.

Even non business tweets can have strong business effects.

Building a team with Twitter. Help scattered team member to understand they work

together virtually.

Chapter 8: Using Twitter to Help Build Your Brand

“If you want people to know and remember your business… you have to continue interacting with buyers.

Twitter as valuable branding tool: Create your own story with for their specific market from My

Twitter page. Able to create variation of general theme used in the industry

related. Portraying your brand with your profile and people to

remember you.

Tweet Style: What to say When you’re Building a Brand to create Value. Friendly tweets from a real person. To build brands will fall to categories of company news.

Customer support, feedback and special offer. Corporate brand help companies to stand out, win trust and

turn customer into a community.

Chapter 9: Leveraging the Power of Twitter to Drive Behavior in Your Followers

“ You can certainly create tweets that drive your followers to take the steps that you want them to take.”

Promoting a Blogs on Twitter. Provide alternative space to get closer to their readers. Introducing blogs posts able to find followers reading it. Regular updates, informative and entertaining tweets.

Twitter as a resource for Post Ideas. Able to ask followers what sort of posts they would like to see

on your blogs. You are likely to get swamped with ideas. Good ideas of followers preferences and open to write to any

of the ideas.

Tracking Results and Testing Strategies. Record tweet in your journal and count the replies. Note who replied and track how often the post mentioned. Track how often the post mentioned and “re-tweeted”. Add up the numbers of new followers.

Chapter 10: Beyond Third-Party Tools You will want to know

Twitter allows programmers to write applications that anyone can use and that extend the power of the service.

TweetLater – set up auto follows. Twitteriffic – Shows tweets from followers and let you tweet

back. Twhirl – send and receive tweets from attractive instant

message – style client. Twitterfeed – adding type of content to your timeline. Twist – Keep track popularity Twellow – likely twitter yahoo… TweetBeep – alerts of a keywords used. TwitterCounter – number of followers. TweetDeck – to group tweets and followers according to

subject. TwitThis – send URL with a brief description to their Twitter

followers. – shortens URL and unique twitter tool.

Chapter 12: Play Nice, Legal Considerations

It is important to be aware of legal issues surrounding Twitter.

DefamationDamaging someone’s reputation

PrivacyDisclosing someone else’s secrets.

Interference with business relations.

Negligence Harming someone.

Contract Ending up in an enforceable agreement.

Trademark Confusing consumers about a brand.

Copyright sharing something that’s not yours.

Lessons Learnt from Twitter• It is easy to use and users can easily enjoy the benefits

from it.• Once the users know the technique, they will find it is an

addictive, fun and very attractive medium of social networking tools.

• Besides, marketers can also use Twitter as a channel to promote their products and services online, hence it reflects the revolution of e-advertising by only using “Tweets”.

• In addition, Twitter helps to explain who you are, provides the details of the products and able to create brand awareness among the followers.

• As a result, it keeps the list grows and drive the followers’ behaviors.

• Lastly, Twitter is beneficial to the users as it is equipped with source of ideas, feedbacks and updates from the expertise who joined Twitter.

Thank You