How to Earn an Expense Paid Trip to IAI 2017 Meeting

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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How to Earn an Expense Paid Trip to the IAI

Submit an Abstract of no more than 250 words. Topics cover most forensic disciplines excluding fingerprints, digital imaging, footwear/tire track impressions, and bloodstain pattern analysis. Interesting case histories are welcomed.

Step 1Write an abstract in WORD or PDF or when using the submission form write it directly into the space provided.

Step 2

Access the International Association Website at

Step 3

Using your mouse click on the CALL FO PAPERS! Button at the right side of the page.

Step 4

Using your mouse click on the NIST Abstract button at the right side of the page.

Step 4

Fill in the fields by typing into the spaces provided. You may also type your abstract directly into the Message field.

Step 5

Using your mouse, click on the Send Email button at the bottom of the form.

The Process Once You Submit an Abstract

o Abstracts must be submitted before January 31, 2017.

o Members of the subcommittee on Forensic Laboratory Analysis will review the abstracts for content and interest.

o Two abstracts will be selected for the NIST stipend.

o The NIST stipend covers by reimbursement transportation, lodging, and registration for the annual training conference.

o Awardees will be notified via e-mail by the Chair of the subcommittee on Forensic Laboratory Analysis.

o Awardees must then submit their abstracts to the Program Chair using the IAI website by the February due date

o Awardees must then contact Susan Ballou at NIST to receive instructions on how to complete and submit the reimbursement vouchers.

That’s It!
