How to Earn Money Online on autopilot using Email Marketing

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Making some money online is not a tough task. But many are still struggling to earn an lucrative income from Internet. In this presentation i explain you what're the reasons that prevent you from earning some money from Internet and How to fix these problems. If you're one of those people who intend to start an online business or want to earn money on autopilot online, so this slideshow will help you out. And also if you're struggling to make money online or want to increase your revenue, i recommend you to play this Slideshare presentation and follow its all instructions correctly. Marketing automation is something that many bloggers don't know how much it is useful to ease their works. E.G: If you want to shout an email message to 1000 people with their personal details including names and phone numbers, you may probably do it manually. But how much time it takes to send out those messages? If you used an email marketing tool, you would be able to get your personal messages reached out within a few seconds. That's an advantage of Email Marketing. If you want to make an income on autopilot or want to receive a residual income, then Email Marketing would be your ultimate choice. Because John Chow has a larger email list, He earns a six figure monthly income just working 2 hours a day. As Email list is own you, you don't need to worry about financial problems. To Learn more about Email Marketing Automation, read full presentation.


How to Earn Money on Autopilot using Email Marketing

While you’re sleeping…

Hi, My Name is Chamal Priyadarshana.

I am a Blogger, a business owner and an Online Marketer.

Because I’m a Marketer, I know why many businesses and people can’t Make

enough money than they expected through Internet

There are a few reasons that prevent you from earning money online

1. You Don’t Have a steady plan.

2. You Don’t Know what you do.

3. You’re wasting your time and money for base things.

4. You’re not passionate about what you’re doing.

5. You want quick money.

6. You don’t utilize Marketing Automation.

If you don’t Have a steady plan, you’re just testing what’re out there, Not earn


Advice:- Stick into one and work on it.

I have seen many bloggers struggle to earn money from blogging. Because they don’t know what exactly they do and what they should do to

earn money.

Advice:- Learn more about your field such as identifying target marketplace, finding new ways

to earn money etc.

If you’re wasting your time and money since a few months and NOT results, so you’re

struggling to make money online.

Advice:- Get advices from professionals in your field and/or read inspirational stories. Learn how people succeeded, what problems, barriers they


If you’re Not Passionate about what’re doing right now, How would you can become rich?

Advice:- Take a few minutes and think about yourself. Talk with your ego, what you really like to do, what you can do easily etc. Then stick with

it and think what’re the ways to make money out of them.

If you want to make some money from internet, it’s good. If you want to earn Big Money quickly,

it’s too good, But making quick money is Not easy.

Advice:- If you’re a starter, target to earn your first $100 online, probably first $1, instead

earning 1 Million dollar from Internet

Do you Know How John Chow, Charlie Page and other many marketers earn six figure

monthly income from internet ?

They utilize Marketing Automation…

I Know You don’t Understand what I said…

Marketing Automation is used to earn automative income while working just a few

hours a day.

{John Chow works 2 hours/day and earn 6 figure income monthly}

The Best way to automate your online earnings…?

The Best way to automate your online earnings…?

It’s “Email Marketing”.

There are a lot myths about Email Marketing

There are a lot myths about Email Marketing

Some says…

There are a lot myths about Email Marketing

Some says…

…Email Marketing is dead.

It’s NOT true…

Email Marketing still lives…

91% of consumers use email on a daily basis. Recent studies have shown that sales from

email marketing have quadrupled since 2009.

Source: ExactTarget Custora

Some people says…,

Some people says…,

Email Marketing is only for big companies, Not for Small businesses and bloggers.

It’s False

It’s False.

More than Happy 350,000 people use GetResponse. Most of them are small businesses and webmasters.

It’s False.

More than Happy 350,000 people use GetResponse. Most of them are small businesses and webmasters.

Do you Know the ROI of Email Marketing ?

Do you Know the ROI of Email Marketing ?

It’s 4425%

What does that tell you?

What does that tell you?

You earn $44.25 for every $1 you spend for email Marketing

Source:- Experian

There were 3.6 billion email accounts in 2013.

Source:- Radicati

By 2016, the number will reach 4.3 billion.

Source:- Radicati

What do these stats tell you?

Email Marketing is the most powerful and successful way to automate your online

earnings and build any business anytime.

That’s a one reason as a blogger, I use email marketing to make visitors the coming back


That’s a one reason as a blogger, I use email marketing to make visitors the coming back



Pitch relevant products that my readers could buy.

I use some tactics to increase conversation rate.


I use some tactics to increase conversation rate.


• Send coupon codes

• Send Event based products

• Use Video Marketing

The Subscriber value per month in my lists is averagely $1.

The Subscriber value per month in my lists is averagely $1.

That means if I have 100 subscriber list(tech niche), I could earn at least $100 per month.

(You Know some Affiliate programs give more than $100/product)

More subscribers you have, more money you earn…

More subscribers you have, more money you earn…

“…Money is in the List…”

How can you earn money from Email Marketing?

You have to use an Email Marketing tool

You have to use an email Marketing tool




You have to use an email Marketing tool




These are the best email marketing services that provide high quality service with 24/7 free


If you want to Test Aweber Email marketing service, you can Sign up Aweber just for $1.

Click Here to Sign up>>

If you want to Test Aweber Email marketing service, you can Sign up Aweber just for $1.

Click Here to Sign up>>

If you’re not satisfied their service and think email marketing is not for you, you can return

your $1 back within first month.

If you want to Test Aweber Email marketing service, you can Sign up Aweber just for $1.

Click Here to Sign up>>

If you’re not satisfied their service and think email marketing is not for you, you can return

your $1 back within first month.

No Question Asked…

If you want to Test GetResponse Email marketing service, you can Sign up for GetResponse FREE.

Click Here to Create your FREE Account

If you want to Test GetResponse Email marketing service, you can Sign up for GetResponse FREE.

Click Here to Create your FREE Account

{No Credit card required}

How Can I earn automative Income from email Marketing..?

How Can I earn automative Income from email Marketing..?

You need to set up a follow-up series or email sequences to send as each time period.

How Can I earn automative Income from email Marketing..?

You need to set up a follow-up series or email sequences to send as each time period.

I prefer to use this method…

Content (Free Gift)

Content Content

Pitch Content Content

Pitch Content Content

Pitch Content Content

I also prefer to send these follow-up messages after 2-3 days or more…

I also prefer to send these follow-up messages after 2-3 days or more…


If you send Pitches every single day, people would either unsubscribe from your list or

NOT open your emails.

I also prefer to send these follow-up messages after 2-3 days or more…


If you send Pitches every single day, people would either unsubscribe from your list or

NOT open your emails.

They Know This is another promotion email from YOU!

Another thing, more you lately send emails to your list, they more seems to open your emails.

Another thing, more you lately send emails to your list, they more seems to open your emails.

I don’t tell you to send emails just after a month or more…

Another thing, more you lately send emails to your list, they more seems to open your emails.

I don’t tell you to send emails just after a month or more…

It’s all about building trust with your list. And Engage your subscribers with what you say.

Once you build a larger quality email list,

Once you build a larger quality email list,

You don’t need to worry about financial problems, traffic to your website and building an

online business.

If you’re still not convinced about email marketing, I suggest you to ask from professionals in your industry about,

What the most valuable asset they owe in Internet is.

If you’re still not convinced about email marketing, I suggest you to ask from professionals in your industry about,

What the most valuable asset they owe in Internet is.

I bet they would tell you…

If you’re still not convinced about email marketing, I suggest you to ask from professionals in your industry about,

What the most valuable asset they owe in Internet is.

I bet they would tell you…

It’s their email lists.

As a blogger, I know my traffic could drop down anytime.

As a blogger, I know my traffic could drop down anytime.

Also I know I can not play with Google.

As a blogger, I know my traffic could drop down anytime.

Also I know I can not play with Google.

That’s why I started building a list.

As a blogger, I know my traffic could drop down anytime.

Also I know I can not play with Google.

That’s why I started building a list.

I collected email addresses from my readers.

Now they’re my loyal readers who share my posts in social networks and comment to posts.

Now I know even Google penalized my website, ,I can still drive traffic to my website and earn

money online without worrying too much about it.

Now I know even Google penalized my website, ,I can still drive traffic to my website and earn

money online without worrying too much about it.

If you too want to build a online business which makes money for you on autopilot, Then you

have to Build a list.

Now I know even Google penalized my website, ,I can still drive traffic to my website and earn

money online without worrying too much about it.

If you too want to build a online business which makes money for you on autopilot, Then you

have to Build a list.

The best way to build a list is…

Thank You!

If you decided to build an email list, then go ahead to GetResponse and create your FREE account.

You can find more Email Marketing tutorials from Pro Blog Tricks. While you can follow me on below social networks to receive latest trends and updates on Email Marketing.