How to edit using premiere pro

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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How To Edit Using Premiere Pro.



Before you can start editing on premiere pro you will have to ensure your project is saved into a folder or device. If you do not do this you are at risk of loosing progress or even a complete project!Saving Projects:

Step 1: Create a folder on your memory device or preferred location and name it after you project

Step 2: Once you have created your folder, its important to organize it into categories that will make it convenient to find certain information.Create three new folders within and name:

• Footage: This is where you save your footage • Sound: this is where you save all your audio • Archive: This is where you save all your images and extra essentials

Step 3:Now that your project is saved and organised, you are ready to open up premiere, please remember the importance of stage one.

Step 4: Once premiere pro is open you will receive this menu:

Select ‘New Project’ and you will get another menu screen like menu ‘B’

Underneath the Name section, name the project as you desire (this will be the name of your complete project

Once you have done that, you will receive another menu screen like menu C, you can either press okay, or name your sequence (optional, not Necessary)

Press okay and your premier pro should be ready to use.





Step 1: As premiere only recognises certain video formats, you will need to convert your footage to the video format ‘QuickTime’. To do this

Click on the add button and select the footage folder you created on stage one, step two.

Once you have completed part A, select your videos on media encoder and change the formats to quick time and select ‘start queue’.


Step 2: once your video formats have all been converted, they will all appear in QuickTime format in your ‘footage’ folder. To add these to premiere pro, you can do it using any of these preferred methods ’A’ or ‘B’.

Go to premier pro and click ‘file’ then select ‘import and find the footage folder and select the videos.

Drag the QuickTime versions of footage onto premiere pro.



Step 1: Select the sequence you would like to add to the timeline (remember the order of the clips you have added to your timeline, will be the order your clips will be set). You can preview your footage before adding it to your timeline Note: Before you add your footage to your timeline you can preview it, by pressing the play button.

Step 2: Once you have chosen the footage you want and added it to the time line, you can now edit that footage as desired, to do this use the tool bar on the top left corner, this toolbar edit your sequence in the way it states, for example the ‘Razor Tool’ will allow you to cut your sequence in desired areas.

Step 3: Once you are able to use basic editing techniques, you can then start looking at more advanced setting such as editing transitions, video effects and Adding text.