how to enjoy your eco-life with fijian coconut oil

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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a PPT document especially made for the Embassy Project PORT. 25. Jul. 2014


大使館プロジェクト フィジー大使館 勉強会

a little work shop of Coconut Oil

自己紹介原 由祐子 (はらゆうこ)• 1973年生まれ 福岡県久留米市出身東京女子大学、ロンドン大学LSE(社会科学哲学MSc)中小企業規制緩和コンサル、上海メディアグループ日本支社国立情報学研究所研究員(情報哲学)

• 2009年 12月 (株 )REBULA設立南太平洋のハーバルメディシン(民族薬学)を基盤にフィジー等外国企業と商品企画・開発・製造・輸入・販売行う。


「 ORGANIC HUMANESS」というキーワードを掲げ、自然とそれを長年かけて活かしてきた人間の英知という新信頼基準を表現すべく商品開発を行っている。

why Fiji? and how?

• a mission to find SOMETHING?!

• get to know PEOPLE


• create my own INFLUSTRUCTURE


• something UNIQUE

COCONUT, the economy

Coconut / Palm …same? Support a third of whole population and economy

Strong immune system and reproduction under salty soil, strong ultra violet


milk, oil, cream

sugar( flower)nectar( trunk)desiccated powder( husk)

Variety of Coconut, Let’s Check Inside

Thought to come from Indo-Malay origin

HUSK, Kernel, Shell, Water

Dwarf, TallPNG, French Polynesia, Cameroon, SamoaFiji (top row, 2nd from the far right),, and others

“TREE of LIFE”  the authentic Ecology

nothing to waste

Smash and skin Hit fiber to untangle Untangled and,,

Spin the fiber into yarn Weave cords Weave leaves to make mats

Shells can be transformed to daily cups


【 South Pacific】SkincareHaircare

Oinment, Food4500years ago

【 India/ Malaysia】Ayurveda

Medical use,pulling

< 5000years ago>

【 South America】Skincare

Preventive medicine16th century

【 Central America】

Medicine for cardio16th century

【 South East Asia】【Middle East,

Africa】Medical use



3000years ago


KokodaMarinated salad with

walu(fish) and coconut milk

Coconut water bottle

LovoSteamed vege and meat with hot


Furniture made of coconut wood


Medium Chain Fat Acid↓

Digested directly before storing fat

90% satulated fat acid↓


Melting point25℃

transparentSolid white

Susceptible toOxygen, Heat, Ultra violet, Water, Metal

Easily digested with enzyme from saliva and directly, transform into KETON body which quickly helps

low insulin, diabetes, dementia and other noncommunicable diseases. low Glycemic Index, helps stable blood sugar level

Rancid ?COCONUT, the hardest to be oxidised

Edible Fat  Iodine Value

Coconut 7-11

Olive  80-90

Rapeseed 95-106

Sesami   103-116

Corn 111-131

Butter (animal fat) 26-38

Lard (animal fat) 4- 8

The fewer the IV, the slower the fat oxidisesCoconut is highly anti-oxidant

Oils  Iodine Value

Coconut 7-11

Shea   59

Jojoba 80-85

Cameria   83- 90

Almond 95-103

Rosehip 183

Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage 2001、 and other sources

Edible Fats Skin Care Oil



< RBD Oil>Copra

Heated with steamRefine, Breached and


< Virgin Coconut Oil>Raw meat

DME、 Fermentation、Centrifugal seperation 

< Crude Oil>Copraheated with steam

Variety of UsageExtraction Distinction Usage

VCOVirgin Coconut Oil

Raw material, unheated, transparent, aroma, anti-viral, medium chain fat acid (MCFA), light texture

For raw consumtionas food for Diet, Diabetes, DimentiaFor skin care, facial, hair, body, animals

RBDRefined, BleachedAnd Deodorized Oil

Dried meat (Copra), heated up higher than 100c, yellowish transparent, no aroma

Processed for cosmetics and food commercial products,For cooking

Pure Crude Oil Dried meat (Copra), heated up higher than 100c, dark orange and smoky, with aroma

For industorial use, soaps, detergent and other washing agent

POINTQ. If the material is RAW or DRIED?

Q.If it is extracted with heat or without?  Q. If the texture of oil is light or heavy?

Q. If you need aroma or not?

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil?Certificate? Why we care?

Virgin Coconut OilVCO

Extra Virgin Coconut OilEVCO

Olive oil : clear grading valuation based on the rancidity of oil Coconut oil: the only grade is VCO which is extracted from the raw meat

by unheated process.

Organic Certificate NO Certificate


? ORA coconut tree harvests 50-80 fruit per year without fertilizer

Island countries usually do not have the authority of certification body. very costly to invite to examine

How to Use Coconut OilLet’s Try Together


Try at Home♫  RECIPE 1

< ingredient>VCO 15mlKomatsuna 1bunchPinapple or Mango or Peach 100gBanana  1/2Lime or Lemon Juice  1/2Water  200mlDried fruit( fig, prune & etc)  3a pinch of salt

Coconut Green Smoothie

< preparation method>mix all the ingredients in a blenderand serve.

< ingredient>VCO 30mlraw cacao powder  30ghoney  15mlwaxed paper

raw chcocolate bar

< preparation method>1.melt coconut oil2.mix all the ingredients well3. place a piece of waxed paper4. place 2 on 35. place 4 into a freezer6. cut into your favorite size before serving

Try at Home♫  RECIPE  2

LET’S TRY VCO for Your Daily Care

Hand Treatment with Coconut Oil

Handmade Toothpaste with Coconut Oil

【 Ingredients】VCO 20mlyour favorite aroma essential oil 1drop

【method】warm the oil on your palm and gentlymassage into the part you feel pain, dryness and fatigue.

【 Ingredients】VCO  15mlbaking soda 15gyour favorite mint essential oil(food grade) 5-6 drops

【method】mix all the ingredients.

Traditional Herbal Medicine in FIJI

herbal healer volunteerSuva 2009

Voivoihand woven

with pandanus

Fijian Way of Eco Life Style

a life style with nature

Nature  ×  Knowledge

think, why coconut is still belovedwhy people don’t forget


handed down over generations

Plants( Nature)Recipe( Knowledge)

and down again to descendants

getting to know Coconut Oil,we might think,,

not only thescientific data

butfollow your


a simple life life style based

on Nature

respectIndigenous Knowledge

try to discover&

developyour own solution

Thank You for Listeningand Joining Us


Enjoy Your own unique life style through