HOW TO Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter aid how to generate... · Generate an...

Post on 04-Aug-2018

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HOW TO Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter


Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter

Step 1 Select the Employee & Manager Self Service icon on the Intranet Sign in to PeopleSoft


Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter

Step 2 This opens the My Page tab in PeopleSoft.

Click on the Manager tab (see item highlighted in red) to open the Manager Dashboard

Then click Allocate Compensation on the right side of the page.


Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter

Step 3 Under My Compensation Activities, click on the Cycle Name for the merit month (Example: NON LDRMAY for a May evaluation cycle). Note: If an evaluation was not submitted on time, the merit letter CANNOT be generated until it is processed with other late merit increases. To generate merit letters for late evaluations, see the steps on slides 8 – 13 in the section titled “Reprint Merit Letters.”


Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter

Step 4 For One Employee

Select the Acknowledge check box next to the appropriate Employee ID

Click SAVE Then click Generate Merit Increase Letters

For All Employees Listed

Click on the Acknowledge All button

Click SAVE Then click Generate Merit Increase Letters

IMPORTANT: When you generate multiple letters at once (Acknowledge All), you create one PDF with all of the letters (one per page). To email them individually, you’ll need to print and scan them.


Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter

Step 5 A window indicating process started will display.

Please click OK to continue Note: Allow one to two minutes for the merit report to populate after you have acknowledged your employees.


Generate an Employee’s Merit Increase Letter

Step 6 Once generated, Merit Increase Letters will appear on your Manager tab under My Reports. The letters can be printed or emailed. Note: The five most recently generated reports will be listed and will auto-delete after 30 days.

Make sure to share the merit increase with your employee PRIOR TO the week it will appear in his/her paycheck. That way, you will share the news in advance of the system-generated notification, which is sent out the Monday the paycheck is issued.


Reprint Merit Letters

Step 1 To generate letters for closed merit cycles and late merits Navigate to: HCM > Manager Self Service > Compensation > Reprint Merit Letters

Sign in to PeopleSoft


Reprint Merit Letters

Step 2 Select the employee.

Note: If you want to reprint a letter for an indirect report, click on the (+) sign next to their leader’s name. Then select the employee.


Reprint Merit Letters

Step 3 Click on the Letter button to generate the merit letter


Reprint Merit Letters

Step 4 A window indicating that the process has started will display.

Click OK to continue Note: Allow one to two minutes for the merit report to populate.


Reprint Merit Letters

Step 5 Once generated, Merit Increase Letters will appear on your Manager tab under My Reports. The letters can be printed or emailed. Note: The five most recently generated reports will be listed and will auto-delete after 30 days.


Reprint Merit Letters

Step 6 Click on the PDF link to open the Merit Letter.