How To Get Hypercuration Results: Brand Case Studies

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Curation solves the most pressing content marketing problem, which is a lack of both quality (hyper-responsive, standout posts that beat EdgeRank) and quantity (daily or more frequent posts). Brands finding ways to integrate other content in their strategy are reaping the benefits and achieving overall brand voice dominance. This session presents attendees with a proven process for putting hypercuration into practice. How to get traction with curated content, and specific brand case studies demonstrating actual results are all part of the discussion. Get the real lowdown on why curation is a must-have and why your competition has more mojo with their customers using highly relevant content. Glean first-hand insights on what type of call to action work best from a curation standpoint and how to scale with a limited content budget. Learn how to maintain mindshare through consistent content creating and curation. Are you ready to see what works and why with your customers?


If you don’t base your marketing on data these days you could get fired@chasemcmichael @infinigraph

The new URL is social crazy not to enable all your media with share@chasemcmichael @infinigraph

We have MOVED from a Keyword world to an Interest Graph world @chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Content discovery is happening more in feeds over search - the power of SHARE@chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Social content is a mess it has to be organized in vertical industries @chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Consumer Actions on Content

99% don’t mention a brand but all are acting on content relevant to an industry@chasemcmichael @infinigraph

The Digital Path to Success Model

A repeatable process for optimization on:

– Research, analysis and strategy– Content planning, creation and curation– Segmentation, activation and acquisition– Campaign creation and community management

3 Steps to Research that Informs Strategy

STEP 3: SHAPE CONTENT STRATEGY FROM ANALYSIS- Brainstorming with consideration of how new data identifies opportunities aligned with goals and objectives. Begin considering content assets to support ideas and actions to follow

Optimizing on yourself is like drinking your own cool aid – look beyond your band@chasemcmichael @infinigraph

All calendars have gaps Curation is a momentum builder@chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Curation Drives Strategy

• Hypercuration™ to discover which content in your niche is working the best.

• Are you doing similar things or what can you learn from the top performers?You are what you curate choose wisely @chasemcmichael @infinigraph


It’s not about being LIKED it’s about being effective – use crowd insights @chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Insights Directs Curation

Insight: Across the Frozen Treat Category, Red Mango, Dairy Queen, Ben & Jerry's and Starfruit are the industry leaders. Why? It's all about the content.

Content Timing

Insight: Fro-yo fans are more likely engage with their favorite brands around lunch hour, and then again in the evenings, before and during dinner time. * Times in

Central Standard Time, CST

If you not timing your content by type your wasting time @chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Curating and copying what works just makes you more relevant @chasemcmichael @infinigraph

Be relevant with your audience or someone else will@chasemcmichael @infinigraph