How to get more scalable feedback from your new users

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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How To Get More Scalable Feedback From Your New

UsersYesInsightsWilson Peng


Power of user feedback

- Build better product roadmap

- Make better business decisions

- Increase User Retention

- Find out user’s needs

- What feature to invest time in

- Come up with new marketing strategies

- Convert more users

- Create a better user experience


Knowtify wanted to narrow down the focus of the ideal person to market their engagement platform to.

- Wanted to figure out the best features

- Best ideal customer profile

- Actionable feedback

- Needed a better product roadmap

- Decided to go with a survey

- Didn’t want to waste time

Knowtify Feedback from Survey

Using this feedback they were able to:

1. Figure out what new users hoped to do with our product

2. Who we should market or sell our solution to

3. Provide better support to new sign ups

Eventually, they would discover one of the features they spent a TON of time on did not resonate with new users at all!

The Problem

- Took up too many resources to create a survey like that

- Could’ve used a third party solution to save time and money.

- Needed integration

- Required time from Devs and UX

- Wanted an easier solution/method

1. Ask an open-ended question in your onboarding emails

This is a great way to get feedback and it requires no additional tools aside from your email marketing service. Super budget friendly. Slack bot example below:

- Straight forward responses- Potential customer- Can continue the conversation- Can ask more questions because a relationship is built

Downside- Low response rate- Nowhere to capture all the data in one place- Hard to segment

Pro-tip: To get a higher response rate, use an email address that’s from a person as opposed to a team (Lenny from YesInsights vs YesInsights Product Team).

2. Ask an open-ended question with a chat widget

If you’re using an in-app chat widget like Intercom, this is a fantastic option!

- High response because they are already using the app

- Gets their attention quicker

- Ask for feedbacks directly in the widget

- Trigger emails based on actions

- Schedule sales calls directly within the app

3. Use a one-click survey in a chat widget

A multiple choice question is a great option if you’re looking for more quantifiable feedback.

Piktochart uses YesInsights for this and gets 75% response rate on all surveys.

This is because responding to a multiple choice question takes much less cognitive effort, especially if you did your homework and wrote responses that are clear to the user (and they are in this case).

Pro tip: One-click surveys work best if it’s clear to a user which response they should choose. Often times, if there isn’t one your users will ignore it, or worse, pick one that doesn’t apply and give you faulty data. So please do your research beforehand to make sure the responses you supply make sense.

Piktochart uses the custom landing page to figure more about their user and take the comments as a way to improve their growth funnel.

4. Use a one-click survey in your onboarding emails

While in-app messages are awesome, some user leave after the first sessions so if you’re only sending in-app message, you won’t reach them. Sending an email survey puts your product back into their awareness, and if they respond, it’s a signal that they’re still engaged.

- Great for first impression

- Brings a user back through email (reminds them that you’re still here)

- Improves user onboarding

- Generates a conversation

- Creates a relationship

60%+ response from everyone that opened this email


When you collect feedback from your users consistently, you’ll know if you’re building your business in the right direction. So experiment with the methods above and find the right combination for your business.

As soon as you find a process for collecting high-quality feedback from your customers on a regular basis, make it a standard practice.


One-click and NPS SurveysActionable FeedbackTake the guesswork out of knowing what your customers want and needStarts at $20/month