How to Get Rid Of Squirrels in the Attic

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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How to Get Rid of Squirrels in

the Attic

Squirrels can be a big mess in your attic. The

first signs of their invasion are sounds of

jumping above the ceiling, chirping, scratching

and lot of other pesky noises that rob you of

your peace. It is a common belief that squirrels

only live on trees but they never really said no

to attics! When you find Squirrels taking refuge

in your home, don’t panic and take help of

experts of Squirrel Removal in Atlanta. They

suggest various ways of removing these

annoying critters from your attic.

Start locating the entry

and exit routes of

squirrels and then place

the trap to catch them.

You can place the

squirrel cage near these

holes to trap the

animals. However, make

sure that cage has been

mounted properly

against each entry point.

The squirrels are most

active during the day

and night so this is the

best to set your traps.

Repeat this procedure

until all the squirrels

have been evicted.

Start locating the

entry and exit routes

of squirrels and then

place the trap to catch

them. You can place

the squirrel cage near

these holes to trap the

animals. However,

make sure that cage

has been mounted

properly against each

entry point. The

squirrels are most

active during the day

and night so this is the

best to set your traps.

Repeat this procedure

until all the squirrels

have been evicted.

Remember to seek help from pest control professionals if the situation is too

overwhelming for you to handle. For more details please visit at:

You can use ammonia

rags and combination of

lights and sound to get rid

of squirrels in attic. The

nauseating smell of

ammonia will drive them

out of the house. Using

light and sound at the

entry and exit point of

attic can drive these

rodents crazy. Another

option to keep the

squirrels at bay and do so

for a long time is by using

one way door traps.

Specialists for Squirrel

Removal Atlanta suggest

that this is the most

humane of all options. All

you do is install a one way

door at the entry points.

This door allows the

animals to safely exit but

there is no way for them

to find their way back in,

at least from the same exit

points. This is one of the

best options to safely

remove all the animals

from your attic without

hurting them in the

process. If you have many

holes in the house don’t

buy dozen traps. Instead

buy one and seal the other
