How to Get Started on Mobile

Post on 20-May-2015

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International Institute of Mobile Technologies @iimtca

Defining Your Mobile Project: How to get Started!

Claire Buré and Shayan MashatianMobile for Social Change, Net Change Week

MaRS, Toronto, CanadaJune 9, 2011

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

Mobility! (wireless, location-based)

Personalized device

Instant communication

Accessible technology

Connection to resources

Why Mobile?© Mobile Money for the Unbanked

Mobile Branchless Banking

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

QR Codes

Lendorff.Kaywa QR-Code enhanced space invader scarf!

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

Mobile RFID Tags

© prayitno

© Jakob Smith

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

1. Define your goals

2. Define your audience

3. Define your implementation strategy

4. Scaling for success

Defining your project

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

What are your main goals?

◦ Both overall as an organization and specifically in terms of using mobile

How will the mobile program help you to achieve those goals?

◦ Mobile program should be an integrated aspect that is complementary

◦ Break down your goals into smaller ones

How do these goals translate into a set of solutions?

Technology is a tool, not an end in itself!

Defining your goals

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

Who is your current audience? Who is your ideal audience?◦ Demographics, digital literacy level etc.

How can you reach your audience?

What does your audience need/ desire?

What message do you want to communicate, and how do you want to engage with your audience?

Defining your audience

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

What is your vision for service delivery?

◦ Make it iterative and sustainable!

Who will be responsible?

What are the metrics for success?

How will you get buy-in?

Defining your implementation strategy

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

How can you scale your project to new users/ subscribers?

Know your limits…

Scaling up successfully

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

Don’t go mobile for the sake of mobile. Have an integrated strategy that supports your objectives.

Make your content mobile-friendly

◦ Website, annual reports etc.

Start collecting mobile numbers now…

Don’t just build an app!

◦ Build something your audience needs/ desires

What can I do?

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

Consider using an existing mobile platform for your projects (Ushahidi, EpiSurveyor, RapidSMS)

Use a service (Polls Everywhere, Treesaver)

What can I do?







Culture = “How we do things around here to succeed”




“We succeed by working together”



Affiliation Order




Power Security


“We succeed by getting & keeping control”


Subjectivity Let things evolve

GrowPurpose/ faith

“We succeed by growing people Who fulfill our vision”

cc Agilitrix 2011 – based on “The Reengineering Alternative” by William Schneider

Achievement Professionalism


“We succeed by being the best”



(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

Case Study: Community Knowledge Worker (CKW) Project in Uganda

Commercial Organization

NGO Commercial Product

Open Source Product

Manager/ Base of Power

Position Function Product Manager


Leadership Style

Top-down (director)

Mentorship, team support

Product developers, Board of Directors

Coordinators, Leadership team

Ideas/ Requirements

Market potential / Product owner might answer a need or creates a need to answer it

User request or Donors / Addresses a problem or challenge

iPad, tablets (value-added)

Mobile Money (need)

Team Contribution

Employees get tasks to deliver

Participation Proprietary software (Technician of an existing software)

Open-source software (We build what we need)

Choosing a Platform

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

1. Choose a project, campaign etc. for which you would like to integrate a mobile component

2. How can you succeed? 3. Map your project

Let’s try it together…

(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies◦ Platforms, case studies & much more

IDEO Human Centred Design Toolkit


(c) International Institute of Mobile Technologies

International Institute of Mobile Technologies



Claire Buré

Shayan Mashatian

Thank you!